Erin Lanahan Method

Signature method to get fit from the inside out!

Be an Explorer of Your Own Life! March 17, 2010

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What’s In Your Bigger Picture!

Well it’s another week and I’m still in Colorado dealing on my mom’s health issues. We’ve been staying in Beaver Creek since Saturday, but today we are back in Denver seeing the surgeons here. I thought we might get to head back to L.A. today, but it’s looking like mom needs surgery. At this time, we are still awaiting answers as to how the next few days will unfold. However, I must say, this trip has been a real journey for me. It has been anything BUT easy, and things change every day, yet I’ve remained in a good place overall. I really believe I have kept my good health and sanity through all of the adversity because I CHOOSE to be an explorer of my own life.

Often times, we are called on a journey, it is not always the journey we expected to be embarking upon at the time. However, what I have learned more than anything over this last week and a half, is that when I am an explorer in my own life, I GET to discover the beauty with and within me at all times.

For example, yesterday I woke up completely exhausted and totally resistant to facing ANOTHER day of phone calls, research, and all the things I knew that HAD to be done before the day’s end. I felt claustrophobic, angry, frustrated, and just plain emotional. I really didn’t feel like running or doing anything for that matter, however, something in me knew that a good run would be the only thing that would truly make me feel better. I tend to forget that exercise serves a lot more than just my physical health and body. IT keeps me mentally, emotionally, and spiritually fit as well. I got myself some running shoes on Saturday and had already found a good route on a run I went on Sunday, so I really had no excuses not to go yesterday (Tuesday). Knowing this, I suited up and hit the trails!

As I started out on the running path, I  widened my gaze and took in my surroundings. It was SO BEAUTIFUL! The Rocky Mountains and snow and the rushing water in the river beside me, really helped me begin to put my life and this journey into perspective again. I decided I would be an explorer in that moment and for the rest of my run and the day. I ran and ran until I found a little side path that dead-ended at a rocky cliff that overlooked the rushing white water river. I decided to place my hands down on a couple big rocks and I just started doing push-ups and planks and core exercises. Then I stood up and did jump squats, split squats, and hamstring stretches. I even threw in a little bit of yoga and meditation. During my workout  it hit me…I have everything I need to be well, and to be happy, NO MATTER WHERE I AM OR WHAT THE CIRCUMSTANCES ARE, as long as I am WILLING to be an explorer of my own life.

Yesterday, I had many obstacles to overcome, but even so, I had a great experience and it was an amazing day. Yes, I had to pack up my moms entire apartment alone, and then clean it entirely with my brothers help. Yes, I had to call doctors and health insurance agencies. Yes, I had to talk to friends and family and tell the same details to them over and over again. However, by starting my day out with such a great run and outside exercise routine, I was able to connect with something bigger than myself and everything began to make sense and fall into place again. Being an explorer of my own life, allowed me to stay open to all that I was experiencing in each moment, and I was open enough to know that I had a choice to feel good or bad, to grow or get stuck.  Exploring myself and the world around me as I ran down the running path, allowed new ideas to enter my mind. The courage shift and to try new things began to flow from my innermost self that loves and appreciates movement and connection with nature. I was determined to feel good and to be well no matter what, and when we CHOOSE to be an explorer of our own lives, we GET to have a new experience of our circumstances and the way in which we experience the world and ourselves in it. 

Have you ever been called on a journey you didn’t expect? What happens to your habits and routines when you are faced with a list of tasks you must complete whether you like it or not or want to or not? Are you an explorer of your own life? Do you take what’s in front of you and make a conscious choice to have the best experience possible with what you have been given? I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences. Please leave them for me here on the blog. Afterall, we are all on this life journey together and can always learn from one another:) Here’s To Your Health, Wellness, and Vitality!!!

Are You Moving Against The Flow Or With It???


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