Erin Lanahan Method

Signature method to get fit from the inside out!

Crowding Out:Getting Fit The Easy Way January 20, 2011

When the clock strikes 12 am on January 1st, the majority of the world continues to party, knowing that once they wake up later that day, they will find themselves beholden to their New Year’s resolutions. This creates a pressure, one I’m sure we have all experienced, to “perform perfection.”

Do these look familiar…

Did you know that 95% of people give up on their resolutions by January 10th? As a long-time trainer and Health Coach, I have my own beliefs and philosophies about why this happens, based on my own life experiences and those of my clients.

One of the worst things we can do for ourselves is put loads of pressure and expectations on our every move. This is what tends to overwhelm us, and therefore causes us to give up before we even have a chance to honor our beginning. When we make out long lists of things we need to change, which somehow always seems to be everything LOL, we end up with feelings of confusion over where to even begin. So…we decide it’s just easier never to begin. Therefore, something I like to teach my clients to use as a super applicable method for reaching optimal health, hottness, and well-being, and something I also use daily, is a method called “Crowding Out.”

Crowding Out is exactly the opposite of dieting or going on some extreme exercise program. First of all, I am a huge fan of physical, mental, and emotional transformation. However, I believe in accomplishing transformation in a way we can maintain long-term, and therefore avoid the roller coaster of gaining and losing, gaining and losing our goals.

Instead of focusing on what things you must take away from yourself, Crowding Out focuses on what things you can give yourself. In other words, crowding out means you will begin to add in the habits and behaviors that support your overall goals, and thus allow the adding in to crowd out the habits and behaviors that do not match your goals.

So, for starters, take one unhealthy meal or snack, and replace it with a healthy one. The key here is to start small. You don’t want to feel too much pressure or else you risk “rebellion.” Make sure the first few healthy habits you add in do not feel too hard to maintain on a consistent basis. Remember, we want to create healthy habits that last. Make one realistic change per week for 12 weeks, and I guarantee you will feel much less pressured along the way, and will more than likely end up being able to maintain the new lifestyle you created for yourself.

Ok…here’s a good place to start…

If you’ve been eating something like this for lunch:

…try replacing it with something closer to this instead:

Do this for one week and see how you feel. More than likely, you will begin to feel more energy, vitality, and have a bit more of a bounce in your step, which will just make you crave more of that feeling. That’s how it works. After the first week, keep that one healthy shift you made, and then add one more.

For example, if you are doing something like this on your Saturday afternoon:

Try replacing it with something a bit closer to this instead:

If you are adding in one healthy habit a week for 12 weeks, that’s 12 more healthy things you are giving yourself in 3 months. That’s a lot! Also, it’s good to acknowledge that as a result,  you will experience many of your  unhealthy habits falling away just because there is no longer any room for them. It’s practically magic:) Keep your focus on the new things you get to GIVE yourself rather than what needs to fall away, and as you begin to feel better and look better, you will find it easier and easier to continue doing more of the things that support your overall goal.

That’s it…that’s all you have to do to experience physical and habitual transformation. Too many people get caught up in the negative aspects of reaching health, hottness, and optimal well-being, and that can be extremely counterproductive. It’s ok to have goals, and to make lists…just don’t overwhelm yourself with trying to change everything at once. Changing your body, means changing your mind and your perception about what feels good to you. It is a process, and one that can be deeply profound and beautiful if you are gentle and loving towards yourself along the way. Your journey towards living a life you love in a body you love can begin right now. All you need is the willingness to commit to one healthy addition to your life per week. Those who commit, get fit!

I encourage you to begin your first week of crowding out. What healthy habit are you going to add in first? I’m exciting to find out! Please share with me here!  Here’s to your Health, Wellness, and Vitality!


What Being Fit Means To Me December 9, 2010

What Being Fit Means To Me– I have talked about this with all of you in previous posts. It seems to be something I ponder often. I think this is because I realize on a daily basis, that being “FIT” means so much more than we give it credit for. Yes, it means the obvious, like healthy eating and exercise habits, but to me, REAL FITNESS shows up in our ability to be resilient and flexible in the face of adversity, transition, and what appears to be an impossible obstacle to overcome.

Lately I have been undergoing some major changes. Some expected, some totally unexpected, some I wanted, others I wouldn’t have even considered. I am being divinely challenged to “Clean Out” my life, in order to make room for what wants to become of me. I recently was reminded of the Vacuum Law of Prosperity, which states that “Two things cannot take up the same space, and therefore we have to let something go in order for something new to replace it.” Well, I am relieved by this knowing, otherwise I may start believing that I’m loosing everything. It certainly can appear that way at times. However, I know that Divine Intervention is up to something in my life and in the lives of all of you. It is actually exciting, almost like Christmas…I know I am receiving many gifts, but I do not know what they will be just yet. I am looking forward to opening each gift, as they arrive in all their uniqueness, right in front of my face.

Being fit is having the strength and willingness to keep a constant state of awareness. Fitness is endurance for life. It’s a consciousness, a philosophy…an attitude. It’s the way in which you get up out of bed each day and move through the moments that confront you. Being fit is definitely external, but even more than that, it is internal. How internally fit are you? Remind yourself that everything in your life is meant to be there or it wouldn’t be. Think of that trust game, you know the one where you totally relax and fall backwards, trusting the person behind you to catch you? Live this way. Breathe deeply, completely relax, surrender your will and your power, and turn it all over to something bigger and greater than you. Allow yourself to take the “fall” and watch how grace steps in to catch you.

I hope you all are making the most out of your circumstances, friends and families, and every single day. Happy Holidays my friends.

Stay tuned for my next Article…”What Are You Holding On To That Needs To Be Released?”



Watch this cool Video on The Vacuum Law of Prosperity!


Why Do You Want It? October 22, 2010

Today I had a pretty in-depth session with a client. She is struggling with a few things. Pretty much her entire life she has battled with feelings of unworthiness unless she can make a “BIG SPLASH” in her life. I think so many of us feel the same way. We are basically taught if we do not reach a certain level of society’s standards of “success” that we do not deserve to feel good about our lives or who we are. The biggest problem with this is, it keeps us from focusing on what’s really important and instead, we become totally obsessed with the things that ultimately don’t really matter.

For example, I asked this client “Do you think once you get the “perfect” job you will feel like all your problems are solved? Or is it possible that when you solve your inner conflict you’ll attract the “perfect job” for YOU? Why do you really want this particular job?” As she and I began to dig deep, she began to tell my her WHY behind this goal. She told me that what she really wants is happiness, freedom, safety, security, and good health. She just thinks she can’t have these things unless she has a certain job, makes enough money, has the right man in her life. For this client, she has measured her worth by the size of the “splash” she is making in the world. She is an AMAZING person, so this just made me very sad. She is suffering from the “When I have that…I’ll be happy” Syndrome.

This is the problem for most people, we all believe that once we have this or that, or him or her, we will finally be happy. But the truth is, just like the many people we know that have all those things and still remain empty to some degree, we are most likely NOT going to achieve the level of freedom, love, happiness, health, safety, and security, from these external sources. We may experience some temporary relief, and possibly things will get a little better, but eventually we will have to deal with our inner conflict. However, if we gain these things from a place of already feeling happy, joyous, and free, then it’s just the icing on the cake…but we need our cake in order to ice it! I believe, that if we switched our perception, changed the way we think, we would be much better off. Instead of waiting for the thing or the person or the job to be happy, why don’t we shoot for happiness and let the rest follow??? I can’t help but wonder…if we were already happy, would we feel as strongly about the need to make a “BIG SPLASH???” I’m just say’n. Your thoughts???

WHY do you want what you want? Figure out your WHY, and you’ll rediscover your WANT.

If you seek Coaching, please contact me at Here’s To You Health, Wellness, and Vitality!

Lots of Love, Light, and Gratitude,



Numbers CAN Lie May 6, 2010


I think its important to make sure people understand that being “thin” does not always mean being healthy. Our society is so HYPER-focused on skinny, and we tend to get brainwashed as a result. Eating a diet that consist of whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, veggies, and water is way more important than what a person weighs, in determining their level of health. Let’s face it…we all have different body types and genetic predispositions. We must embrace our natural shape and size and instead of focusing on the size we wear or the numbers on the scale, we must shift our focus to the nutrients we feed ourselves on a daily basis. You don’t have to let the media brain wash you into a mis-perception of what beauty is. Beauty is way more than how much a person weighs, so please keep that in  mind. We look beautiful when we feel beautiful, so just focus on feeling great. Do you listen to your body? It is talking to you all the time, telling you what it needs. As long as you pay attention and treat your body with respect, you will live a healthy existence. I am here cheering you on! Here’s To your Health, Wellness, and Vitality!


When The Going Gets Tough…Just Keep Going.” April 9, 2010

Hey there my beautiful friend. How are you feeling today? I really would like to know what’s going on with you? What’s New? What’s Good? I ask you what is new and good because it can be so easy to get too focused on what’s old and bad. We all too often get wrapped up in what isn’t going well or what doesn’t feel good, without even knowing it, so I always ask my clients what is new and good:) I know it helps me when I’m in need of a mental and emotional shift! We all have those times in our lives, when things just don’t look the way we want. Do you know what I mean? Whether it’s our job, our body, our relationships, our spiritual practice, our exercise routine, our social life, or all of the above! I find that it is so important to get use to and accept the ebb and flow that is natural and totally relevant on this journey we call life. Unfortunately, it is very tempting to entertain the idea of “giving up” when the going gets really tough on us. How many of you are going through something like this now? I just happen to be coming out of a period like this myself. A girlfriend and I were talking about it the other day and she describes these ebbs as “growing pains.” I like that because that is exactly what they are.

When life throws things in your face, that are overwhelmingly painful, or almost impossible to cope with, JUST KEEP GOING. You will move through all of it eventually. Feel the fear, the pain, the sadness, the lack of energy, and show up to your life anyway! We can’t always look and feel perfectly together, pretty, and at ease. For example, when a caterpillar becomes a butterfly, it goes into its cocoon while it transforms. If you were to peek at this creature mid way through it going from caterpillar to butterfly, I’m sure it would look pretty messy and ugly. However, as you know, the ending result is a beautiful creature with colorful wings that can fly! When the going gets tough, the caterpillar doesnt’ say “this is too hard, I’m just gonna stop my transformation and go back to being a caterpillar.”  In fact…it couldn’t go back even if it wanted too. That is the same with you and I. Once we have begun to transform, the process is in forward motion and will happen whether we like it or not. Embrace your process, and when things feel ugly and messy, just remember the butterfly. You too will become something even more beautiful than you were before. When the going gets tough, just keep going. You will be flying high before you know it!

Have you ever gone through something that just felt yucky? Do you have trouble staying in faith and trusting your growth and healing? What do you do when you are faced with challenges that make you want to run the other way or hide from the world? I’d love to hear from you. Please leave all questions and comments here for me on the blog!


Be an Explorer of Your Own Life! March 17, 2010

File:Moraine lake.jpg

What’s In Your Bigger Picture!

Well it’s another week and I’m still in Colorado dealing on my mom’s health issues. We’ve been staying in Beaver Creek since Saturday, but today we are back in Denver seeing the surgeons here. I thought we might get to head back to L.A. today, but it’s looking like mom needs surgery. At this time, we are still awaiting answers as to how the next few days will unfold. However, I must say, this trip has been a real journey for me. It has been anything BUT easy, and things change every day, yet I’ve remained in a good place overall. I really believe I have kept my good health and sanity through all of the adversity because I CHOOSE to be an explorer of my own life.

Often times, we are called on a journey, it is not always the journey we expected to be embarking upon at the time. However, what I have learned more than anything over this last week and a half, is that when I am an explorer in my own life, I GET to discover the beauty with and within me at all times.

For example, yesterday I woke up completely exhausted and totally resistant to facing ANOTHER day of phone calls, research, and all the things I knew that HAD to be done before the day’s end. I felt claustrophobic, angry, frustrated, and just plain emotional. I really didn’t feel like running or doing anything for that matter, however, something in me knew that a good run would be the only thing that would truly make me feel better. I tend to forget that exercise serves a lot more than just my physical health and body. IT keeps me mentally, emotionally, and spiritually fit as well. I got myself some running shoes on Saturday and had already found a good route on a run I went on Sunday, so I really had no excuses not to go yesterday (Tuesday). Knowing this, I suited up and hit the trails!

As I started out on the running path, I  widened my gaze and took in my surroundings. It was SO BEAUTIFUL! The Rocky Mountains and snow and the rushing water in the river beside me, really helped me begin to put my life and this journey into perspective again. I decided I would be an explorer in that moment and for the rest of my run and the day. I ran and ran until I found a little side path that dead-ended at a rocky cliff that overlooked the rushing white water river. I decided to place my hands down on a couple big rocks and I just started doing push-ups and planks and core exercises. Then I stood up and did jump squats, split squats, and hamstring stretches. I even threw in a little bit of yoga and meditation. During my workout  it hit me…I have everything I need to be well, and to be happy, NO MATTER WHERE I AM OR WHAT THE CIRCUMSTANCES ARE, as long as I am WILLING to be an explorer of my own life.

Yesterday, I had many obstacles to overcome, but even so, I had a great experience and it was an amazing day. Yes, I had to pack up my moms entire apartment alone, and then clean it entirely with my brothers help. Yes, I had to call doctors and health insurance agencies. Yes, I had to talk to friends and family and tell the same details to them over and over again. However, by starting my day out with such a great run and outside exercise routine, I was able to connect with something bigger than myself and everything began to make sense and fall into place again. Being an explorer of my own life, allowed me to stay open to all that I was experiencing in each moment, and I was open enough to know that I had a choice to feel good or bad, to grow or get stuck.  Exploring myself and the world around me as I ran down the running path, allowed new ideas to enter my mind. The courage shift and to try new things began to flow from my innermost self that loves and appreciates movement and connection with nature. I was determined to feel good and to be well no matter what, and when we CHOOSE to be an explorer of our own lives, we GET to have a new experience of our circumstances and the way in which we experience the world and ourselves in it. 

Have you ever been called on a journey you didn’t expect? What happens to your habits and routines when you are faced with a list of tasks you must complete whether you like it or not or want to or not? Are you an explorer of your own life? Do you take what’s in front of you and make a conscious choice to have the best experience possible with what you have been given? I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences. Please leave them for me here on the blog. Afterall, we are all on this life journey together and can always learn from one another:) Here’s To Your Health, Wellness, and Vitality!!!

Are You Moving Against The Flow Or With It???


“Inspiration is Within” January 22, 2010

Hey everyone. I have been thinking a lot about what keeps some people motivated, while others use anything and everything for an excuse to give up on themselves. I know that I am a person who feels and stays motivated when I feel inspired. Inspiration is when we are “In Spirit.” I stay inspired as much as I can because inspiration is the fire within me, that launches me into inspired action. When I feel aligned with the universe and my highest purpose, I am literally PULLED into action. How do I stay inspired???

I use many methods to keep me inspired. Some of which include meditation, Agape, reading books that educate me and put life into perspective for me, continuing my education in the things I’m most passionate about, surrounding myself with the people, places, and things that serve me in the highest and most beautiful way, and eating really clean so that I stay clear and alive and energized. Inspiration is there for all of us, waiting to be tapped in to. It just takes a little effort on our parts to connect with what lies within us all. If you want to get up every day and fall in love with yourself and your life, then get aligned, and tap into that inspiration that is inside of you.

How might you find ways to feel inspired? What methods do you use now? Do you feel inspired or are you struggling to find motivation that pulls you forward in your life? Please share! Leave all your questions and comments here for me on the blog! I love hearing from all of you! Here’s To Your Health, Wellness, and Vitality!!!


Holistic Thursday- “The Observer Self” November 12, 2009

Heron by ajagendorf25

Be the Observer Self

Woooooo Hooooo, Today was an intense day for me! It was one of those days where I felt like I was being tempted into battle with my own head. Have you ever experienced what I am talking about, you know, all that chatter in your head telling you a million different things that have one intention…to make you feel like crap? Yes, I admit it…I still have to work hard at feeling and thus radiating joy some days. Days like today are a constant struggle to shift my thoughts, remind myself to be gentle and loving towards myself and others, and to not entertain, or give power to, the thoughts that do not serve my highest good. Even when I know what I need to do, it can feel so bad to feel so much resistance toward doing the best thing for myself, which is not feeding into the lies and b.s. in my head.

Our ego voice can speak so loudly sometimes. It is important that we recognize the difference between it and our true selves. Our most authentic self is one that only loves all people and things unconditionally. My highest self intends peace and happiness for me, so anything that causes chaos, stress, and pain is not coming from a good place. Therefore, as we begin to hear these chattering voices tell us very discouraging things, it is up to us to have a default mode of shifting into our observer self, so we can just observe what is happening without getting caught up in it.

Today I realized that my default mode is still somewhat in victim mode, or in other words, “poor me” mode 🙂 It was not easy to accept, however, at least I am aware now. By tonight, I can feel grateful that all the yuck of today actually created a lot of awareness for me. Now that I see I am still defaulting into old habits that do not serve me, I can work on changing them. Once I really got the hang of this today, I remembered everything I know about the observer self and ego self relationship. I simply observed my ego trying with all its mite to take me down, ruin my day, and send me home all beat up. Instead of allowing it to or trying to fight back, I just softly said, “Thank you for your advice. I know you are just trying to help me, however I do not need your help. You can take a seat. I got this covered today.” At first I had to say it over and over, but overall, I won. I got through this day with integrity, I had some good laughs with a good friend, and actually had an enjoyable day.

Next time you are all up in your head, beating yourself up for something, or listening to the voices calling you bad, not good enough, stupid, whatever…take a pause. Take a few deep breaths, and then simply and calmly tell that voice and its negativity, that you acknowledge it, but do not need its help. See what happens. Be the observer self! Let me know your thoughts and questions! Leave them here for me on the blog. Here’s To Your Health!!!

Check out this link as well as the one above (click on Be the observer self), for some cool insight into what the Observer self is vs. the Ego self, and how to become more of the observer. Cheers!


Holistic Thursday- “Vacation Energy All Year Long” October 7, 2009

Hey everyone, I’d like to introduce a special guest today, Jan Elpers. Jan is a friend and colleague of mine and I’ve asked her to share with us some of her insight based on the experiences she has had in her career and personal life.  Jan has a Master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology and is a Certified Massage Therapist and Health Coach.  She does a variety of therapeutic treatments for body and mind.  For over 20 years she has assisted people toward having greater health and well being.  Her specialties include Aromatherapy, Detox Body Wraps, Reflexology, Spiritual Counseling, and Coaching people on their journey to achieving their highest health. I feel she is an inspiration to us all and has something to offer that everyone can benefit from. Please read below! Here’s To Your Health!!!


By: Jan Elpers, M.A.

Ever notice how great people look in their vacation photos?  They seem so relaxed and tan with generous smiles. They look younger, happier and healthier.  Why?  One reason is the power of relaxation, laughter and FUN!  I know many stories of good things happening to people upon returning because of that “vacation magic” at work. 

Many years ago I went to Mexico with a girlfriend for vacation.  This was after a challenging couple of years completing my master’s degree while working full-time.  In that time I was longing for a nice relationship, but didn’t have much time to date and not many offers were coming my way anyway.  So off we went to Puerto Vallarta to enjoy the things we love. After all, I love the ocean, sun, sights, water skiing, dancing, music & great meals. What could be better.  After just one week I returned tanned, relaxed, happy and more connected to my true self and my femininity.  I was just beaming with happiness!  I got asked out 4 times that week!  My sense of fun and playfulness was infectious.

I’ve seen this renewal in many others as well.  My sister returned from a Florida vacation looking absolutely beautiful and rejuvenated, as did other friends.  I think a huge percentage of Facebook “personal profile photos” must be a vacation pic, mine included.

Let’s face it, most of us feel good on vacation.  We’re doing things we love (hopefully), playing, nurturing ourselves with lots of FUN, exercise, and hopefully some lovin’ too.  And it looks good on us!

So why not cultivate that vacation energy all year long?  I know – we work, have obligations, chores, kids, deadlines, goals, homework and more.  Keeping on top of our busy lives can be challenging in itself – and I’m suggesting vacation energy?  It can be easier than you think.

What is it about a vacation that encourages our creativity, refuels our energy, and nurtures our spirit.  Is it being in nature?  Seeing interesting or historical sites?  Eating at wonderful restaurants? Experiencing a great concert or show?  Dancing with abandon?  Those all sound good to me.  So why not try to import some nurturing fun into our daily lives?

Just pick 1 or 2 or 3 activities and see if you can fit them into your week or day off.  Pick something that is appropriate to the season and your budget.  Be creative.  Find ways to vacate & rejuvenate.

For example, I just LOVE the sun and water.  When I was back from my vacation this summer I didn’t have time to take a whole day to swim and lay by the pool with a good book, but I did have time to go to my local pool for an hour and a half to swim laps and rest in the sun a bit.  I chose this instead of going to the gym.  I got my exercise in and tuned up my fading tan.  I got a little of that vacation glow.

I believe that when you really tune in to your Self, choose what nurtures you on a basic self level, and do that as a conscious reward, the payoff will be huge.  When we listen inside and come up with a creative solution to nurturing ourselves, it can bring greater happiness and health.  I find I am more willing to work and be productive when I’m listening to my-Self and taking care of me.  By filling up my own tank with a few rewarding activities, specifically chosen for me on a particular day, its value is priceless.  A well
chosen hour and a half can go a long way in energizing ourselves. Moments on track can be more valuable that a double espresso or a handful of vitamins to perk us up.

What we want and crave will change from day-to-day.  Next week I might
want to see a chick flick with my Mom & sister, or maybe go to a rock concert with my sweetie.  So here’s to continuing that vacation energy all year long!

In good health,
Jan Elpers,  M.A.

(310) 850-7366


Holistic Thursday- “Kundalini Yoga” October 1, 2009

Ahhhh, it’s 11:05 pm on Wednesday night and I feel amazing. I just got home from a kundalini yoga class I took at Golden Bridge. Dr Gurudev Neil taught this evening. He is so healing and he focuses the class mostly on shifting our limiting thinking, healing wounded places in the body where we store emotional pain, and releasing resentments and ill feelings toward ourselves and others. I really needed his help tonight because I have definitely been letting go of a lot lately. So thanks to you Gurudev! I am honored and grateful!  

So many of us walk around with pent up emotions or thoughts that rush through our minds a million miles an hour that do not serve us. These feelings and thoughts do not go away on their own. It takes conscious effort to shift our thoughts and energetically clear our emotional karma, if we desire all the happiness we deserve and are entitled to. For me, there are lots of different ways for me to shift my thoughts. When I have a negative thought, I either immediately think of something that creates positive emotions, or I say an affirmation. Another thing I can do is GET OUT OF MY OWN HEAD and call someone else to see how they are doing. Being of service is such a great way to shift from a negative place to a positive place.

When I am full of painful emotions like fear, anxiety, anger, resentment, and loneliness or sadness, which can be kicked up by running into an old fling, going through a break-up, fighting with someone I love, etc, there are a few things I can do for this as well. In order to help me feel through them fully, in order to process them so I can move on in my life without the weight of such things holding me back, I find that meditation helps a lot. This gives me an opportunity to be still and silent, and to go into my body to be alone with my feelings. When you bring attention to something, and once it’s acknowledged…it goes away and you are left with only space, light, peace, and pure joy. Also, yoga of all types, especially kundalini yoga, helps me with both shifting my thoughts and clearing unhealthy emotions.

I can definitely feel all the released feelings floating around in my body ready to be flushed right now from class tonight. I’ll be drinking lots of water tonight and tomorrow to flush the toxicity out of me. I feel great, tired, a bit sick in the tummy from all the intensity, and ready for bed. I hope you all have a great weekend. I am turning 30 Friday!!! Yay! Here’s to OUR Health 🙂 Night!