Erin Lanahan Method

Signature method to get fit from the inside out!

Girls (and guys) Just Wanna Have Fun! December 1, 2011

Aint that the truth!!! We all just wanna have fun! Am I right?

What if having fun WAS the goal for every day?

What if I told you that nothing else matters but how much fun you are actually having playing this game we call LIFE? I mean they even made a game about it just as a subliminal reminder not to take ourselves or this experience too seriously!

But seriously, I am not saying to be “irresponsible,” however I AM saying to treat all of it like a game. In the Board Game Of Life, you pick an SUV, hop in, and enjoy the ride. You can choose marriage, babies, college, a great career, a big house full of kids, a gigantic salary, and you can potentially get rich or end up bankrupt. You can choose revenge, chance, you can retire in style, and make millions if you want to. There are NO LIMITATIONS. So why wouldn’t you live life to the fullest right? Regardless of the outcomes along the way, do you find yourself actually believing at any point that the game is real?? I think not.

If you could go to work each day, engage with your friends and family, and make choices in each moment, based on the fact that you are just playing a game and it is meant to bring you great fun and joy…how might that affect the way you see and do things?

Having fun yet??

Perhaps you think I’m crazy? If so, that’s ok because I sure am having fun with this 🙂

Really though, what if you could make each move in life, with the same ease and non-attachment that you use while playing the board game? It’s fun to strategize right? It’ exciting to take risks. It’s an adrenaline rush to win a lot of money, loose it, and then win it again. Why?? Because you KNOW that none of it can hurt you. You KNOW that the pink, green, blue, and yellow money is fake, and not really your SOURCE of abundance right? It’s just there to PLAY with. Nothing that happens can actually have a real negative effect on who and what you truly are.

This is the SAME in real life.

We have all just forgotten that we are playing a game.

Not just any game though…an AMAZING game filled with so many options and opportunities to experience ups and downs, and to hop on extreme rides every single day! Have fun with it!

When you aren’t having fun, you are probably feeling discomfort of some sort, just like we do in  a game when we are being a poor sport.

You know those people who take game playing, winning, and loosing so seriously they miss the entire point of the game (which is to have fun by the way)? Don’t be like them!

Just like you would laugh at them and tell them to “chill out, it’s just a game,” do that to yourself every time you catch yourself feeling less than your infinite, unlimited, and abundant self!! Remember, if you are feeling discomfort, it’s only because you are forgetting that you are playing a game that is meant to be FUN. Snap out of it! Wake up!

If  you’d like to know more about how to have more fun playing the game of Life, then I trust you and I can have some real fun together. I am offering a special coaching program for the first 5 people who contact me about this. 6 weeks of one-on-one phone coaching, 3 videos offering  different FUN workouts, and 30 of my top tips for living a life filled with MORE FUN! All for $500.00!

If you feel pulled to connect more deeply with me about coaching together, please send me an email at  introducing yourself. Tell me one thing you would do if you could do anything you wanted, and I will email you the details about how to proceed.

Are you ready to play the game??

Let’s Go!

Enjoying Life,



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