Erin Lanahan Method

Signature method to get fit from the inside out!

What IF!!! Fear Is Not An Option April 22, 2011

“We Are Only As Free As The Fears We Release”
-Erin Lanahan
Over the last couple days, I have been confronted with a pretty big decision for my life. For those of you who do not know this already, my mother is Australian, which makes me half Australian, and thus I am a dual citizen, one of the United States of American and one of Australia.

My mother’s family remained in Australia after she married my American father and left to come raise her children here in the U.S. All I ever knew of my Australian heritage growing up, was that I had far off relatives, that I may or may not ever come to know.

I cannot begin to explain to you how this feels, to know you are a part of something that you do not feel a part of.

I am realizing, that I have been longing to know this part of myself more than I was ever conscious of until now.

Over the last 7 years, my cousin Donna, has come to visit us here in Los Angeles several times. It’s always a very healing experience for us all, and by healing I do not necessarily mean easy. Her second visit, which was in May of 2009, felt like a disaster to us at first. All of a sudden we found ourselves confronted, looking into the big fat mirrors we were for one another, that painfully revealed to us, where we each stood in our own lives. It was not a pretty sight.  We all were a mess, and we feared for ourselves and each other.  Each of us were being run by our own addictions and emotional baggage, that had yet been resolved within us.

Family plays a major role in the way we see ourselves. Intimate relationships in our lives act like big mirrors, and those relationships reflect back to us, our inner demons and fears, inner beauty, inner wounds and traumas, and our inner strengths and hopes.

These are the people that we have the potential to become our best selves with, if we are willing to do the work, and if we are willing to decide that fear is NOT an option.

I have always wondered about Australia. I have always wanted to feel a connection to it, but there was so much inside of me that I had to work through, before I could release the past enough to make room for a new perspective.

After my cousin’s trip in 2009, we ALL began to “do the work.” We all began to heal.

We confronted our demons, addictions, emotional baggage, fears, wounds, and embraced our hopes, dreams, strengths, passions, and commitment to staying connected and becoming our best selves.

Donna returned to Los Angeles in March of 2011, and she left yesterday, April 21, 2011. I am dedicating this article to her, because she has helped me reconnect to my roots. Our relationship has shown me even more about who I am and what I am capable of. She has inspired me to recommit to the choice that fear is NOT an option. Our trip together, as a family, this time was incredible in ways that words will never be able to justify.

Thank you Donna…I love you.

So I am left here in Los Angeles, confronted with that big decision I told you about as I began this article. Is it time for me to depart the U.S. for a while and come to know Australia? Is it time for me to wake up from fear, completely, so that I may know life in a different way? Is it time to let go of what I fear I’ll leave behind, and instead focus on what I will always carry with me no matter where I am? Is it finally my time, to become a citizen of the world?

Many fears come up when faced with a decision like this. What if I leave and everything here that I’ve worked so hard to build is lost forever? What if my soul mate is here and I miss out on the opportunity to be with him? What if I miss out on having a family of my own? What if I won’t be as successful there as I could be here? What if I am making a mistake?

As these questions make themselves known, I consciously recognize that they are not me. Fear is not my truth, and it is but a program that was downloaded long ago.

I am waking up from fear. It is NOT an option, and I am stepping into the reality that we are all children of the Universe.

The world is our home, our family,  and I am ready to take the next step in my life towards expanding upon that which I already know, to embrace the unknown. This awareness is transforming What If?  into WHAT IF!!!

WHAT IF!!! there is man in Australia, that I connect with beyond my wildest dreams. WHAT IF!!! I feel more at home there than I do here in the U.S.? WHAT IF!!! this opens my valve in a way that helps me receive the level of freedom I long for to be a citizen of the world? WHAT IF!!! I find a piece of myself in my history there, that I may have never come to know if I stayed here? WHAT IF!!!

Are you confronting any big decisions, or even small decisions, that are bringing up questions, doubts, and fear in you? We all experience this, but the important part is that we recognize it, bring consciousness and light to it, and then align with the truth. What is your truth?

WHAT IF!!! fear is not an option? 🙂

My truth, is that I will never miss out on anything if I align with my Soul instead of fear. My truth is that I am FREE to make decisions because they feel good, and I don’t need to worry about the rest…because fear is NOT an option. My truth reminds me, that I am always being taken care of, that all my dreams can come true no matter where I am, and that all I have to do is follow my heart and remain authentic in my life. That’s my truth.

Please share your truth, your questions, comments, and experiences with me here. I love hearing from you and connecting with you as we travel this road together.

Thank you.




Get HOT For Summer! $225 OFF. April 14, 2011

Get HOT For Summer! $225 OFF. Offer ends 30 April 2011

Hey guys…Hot Summer offer for all Tiny Buddha members, followers, and fans! If you aren’t one now, you can become one here.

NEW L.A. CLIENTS ONLY: Get $225 OFF your first month of Personal Training!

NEW U.S. CLIENTS: Get $100 off your first month of Health and Nutrition Coaching! Reach Optimal Health, Energy, and Overall Well-Being.

Get Happy, Healthy, and Hot now!

Be quick, limited offer ends April 30th. Contact me today!

Erin Lanahan

Thank You!

Yes…this is me, and this offer is for YOU:)



Healthy, Happy, HOT: In That Order April 7, 2011

Here’s just a little something I shot for you after having a killer workout at UCLA stadiums and track. Have you ever noticed that some people just glow, almost as if they are so beautiful on the inside, that it makes them look better on the outside? You know that person who is so healthy and so happy, full of so much joy and light, they just light up every room they enter? This is because true HOTness, is an inside job. Just because someone is HOT, doesn’t mean they are Healthy and Happy, and most likely they do not glow like someone who is healthy and happy. Healthy, happy energy is just infectious and contagious!

When we are healthy, we feel more happy, and when we are healthy and happy…we just look and feel HOT!

Your thoughts?

Take a look…

Here’s To Your 3 H’s…in that order:)

xo Erin


Part 4- Tools For The UNmotivated: Follow It Through

Alright you guys. Here is Part 4! This is the final tool out of the 4-part video I promised you I would deliver. Once again, I cannot say this enough, that these are truly some of the best tools one can possibly have when staying on a path that leads to Optimal health, happiness, and hotness. I’m just say’n. The rest is in your hands!


If you are local, and want to get that rock’n body you dream about, contact me at to find out all the training and coaching opportunities with me that are currently available for you. We can create a program especially for your needs, that is based on achieving more energy, vitality, strength, satisfaction and joy in your life, and overall hotness 😉

Also, if you are NOT local, I am also available for telephone coaching where we focus for 1 hour a week on shifting your bad habits, patterns, and empowering you to make the choices and changes necessary to give you more energy, health, happiness, and hotness!

Ok, here’s Part 4. Take a look…

Cheering For You,



Where There Is Temptation, There Is Opportunity To Conquer

We all come face to face with Temptation at least once a day. However, I’m gonna guess that most of us come face to face with it multiple times a day and sometimes multiple times in an hour, depending on what we are currently going through in our lives.

As a Health Coach, and Trainer, and someone who not only practices living a life with optimal health and well-being, but who teaches her clients to do the same…I KNOW temptation well! Temptation is actually not the monster you may have thought it was up to this point.

In fact, where there is temptation, there is opportunity. Opportunity to align with your highest good, opportunity to conquer what’s in the way of creating the life your heart desires, opportunity to say no to what you don’t want in order to create space for what you DO want, and opportunity to choose what kind of person you want to be and what kind of body and life you want to create! YES…Temptation brings Opportunity.

Every time we face temptation, and we make a conscious choice to align with the Soul, which is the decision that serves our highest good and therefore everyone else’s, WE GAIN MORE AUTHENTIC POWER. We will feel energized, full of light, super happy and joyful, blissful, creative, in love with everything, and absolutely fulfilled. On the flip side, when we do not align with soul, and choose something else…we will lose authentic power and begin to feel weaker, more tired, and less capable.

What do you do in the face of temptation? When you are tempted to choose fear and doubt, to call a certain someone you know isn’t good for you, to eat a poor quality meal, or engage in an activity that will ultimately leave you worse off than you are to begin with, you are actually RECEIVING the opportunity to declare something different for yourself and your life. You are at a crossroads, and you GET to choose. The choices we make are the way in which we converse with the Universe. What we choose to align with tells the Universe our level of willingness to do our part. Therefore, we either give it permission to help us, or we block it from helping us, and create more mess for ourselves in the future.

Having this knowledge helps me many times throughout each day. Instead of reaching out to “that guy” …I don’t. Instead of eating a pizza, I choose something more healthy. When I run into temptation, which is my opportunity to speak to the Universe through my choices, I now KNOW how important it is that I be very clear that I WANT a life full of beautiful relationships with people who love me, support me, respect me, and want to be involved with me. Through my choices, I tell the Universe that I want a lean, sexy, beautiful, healthy, vibrant body, smile, and energy. I tell the Universe that I AM willing to do whatever it takes to be the best version of myself, and to therefore contribute to a happier and healthier world just by shining my own light.

How clear are you being with the Universe? Are your choices in alignment with what you are wanting it to help you with? You have got to do your part. Are you willing???

I would love to hear from you!




Part 3- Tools For The UNmotivated: Just Begin April 4, 2011

Are you enjoying this 4 part video so far? These are some of the most effective tools for getting yourself to maintain a consistent healthy lifestyle. We all go through periods of feeling UNmotivated. Here is how I navigate myself, and my clients, through those inevitable phases in life.

Love, Your Favorite Trainer,

Erin 😉