Erin Lanahan Method

Signature method to get fit from the inside out!

Matters Of The Heart November 30, 2011

No matter where I go, what I do, or who I am with, it always comes down to one thing. Is my heart happy??

I have been a seeker on a journey, an explorer sailing the wild seas within myself, and a warrior of the daily battles that tend to happen inside my head. I may not KNOW much, but I do know that at the end of the day, nothing matters but love. Nothing matters but acceptance. Nothing matters but the Spirit. There is no greater Source than the one within us.

So why can it feel so hard? To be happy that is. Why do so many of us struggle to “find” it? Can it really be found? Perhaps not. Perhaps happiness is like all matters of the heart. It simply exists all the time, and it is always available to those who choose it.

How do we choose it you say?

We choose it over and over again, every time anything but love or but happiness is lurking in the background, and we choose it and we choose it, no matter what, until it becomes our default mode.

Tonight I am thinking of old friends, old lovers, old memories, old ways of life, and really feeling so much I haven’t felt in a long time, but I am ok. I miss pieces of them, but I am still ok. I am always ok if I choose to be. 

As I look ahead I stop myself, and I come back to this moment. I do what matters to my heart. I engage in matters of the heart, and I speak up about how I feel and share it with you. This is how I choose my happiness. This is how I choose love.  Thank you for being here with me.

I love you,



What Is Abundance? November 12, 2011

I am writing to you from this window, and feeling abundantly abundant 🙂

We hear of this word ABUNDANCE all the time. It is something we say we want, and something many of us chase and chase, but somehow always feel as though it eludes us.

I am finding that abundance is not something we can capture or achieve, but rather something we receive when we are open, willing, and present in the moment.

Abundance is a feeling within, an inside job, and not a result of any external triumph. Even when we have opened up to receive the always present and available abundance within, external triumphs become less important and we remain aware that they are only the physical manifestation of our inner state of consciousness.

I don’t know about you, but I have won things, been the best, been placed front and center, gotten what I wanted on the outside, and had my life “appear” to be perfect in other people’s eyes.

What those people didn’t know, was how much lack and limitation I was feeling on the inside.

Those short-term achievements made me feel good for a little while, but they always wore off. Do you know what I mean?

If we depend on money, cars, houses, status, property, our looks, etc, to feel ok, then we are in for a pretty hard fall or sharp wake up call. It’s the same as a drug addict depending on cocaine to function and feel ok in the world. What begins to happen is the effects he or she once got from the drugs, diminish, and then they must begin to consume more. The drug addict will consume and consume, only to begin to feel emptier and emptier, and less and less. What once made he or she feel good, will stop working. This is my point about depending on “stuff” for our energy, life force, and abundance. This is what I mean about abundance being an inside job.

Abundance for me, and I will speak for myself, come from things like walking through an organic garden and witnessing the very food I eat growing all around me from the earth. I see that the plants just grow and grow, and there will always be enough.

Abundance comes from the days I sit at the beach and 3 dolphins swim right up to where we are swimming at the seashore to remind me that life is everywhere and that nature supports me. I feel abundant when a koala climbs up and down trees right before my very eyes, thus bringing me pure and utter joy, and therefore completely shifting my day.

Abundance for me, is a result of gratitude for every single day I get another chance at loving myself and others and the opportunities it brings to share even more of my gifts. 

Abundance is how I feel in this moment, as I write this to you, staring out the window at the ocean. This place I am in, at this table, on this chair, in front of this window,  is a vision I had just a couple of months ago. Abundance is the feeling I get on days like today when I find myself living my visions, and becoming aware of myself here, at my computer, doing what I love with a beautiful and inspiring view, just like the vision I had, without ever knowing until this very moment that I was on my way here the whole time. I am reminded once again, of the power we each have when we set our intentions and then let them free to unfold naturally.

Abundance is the feeling I get when I look around at the relationships in my life and feel in awe of the level of respect and support that flows freely between my loved ones and myself.

Abundance is what I experience when I let go and let God, and trust that all my needs will be met, only to go to sleep that night having had all my needs met and more!

Abundance for me, is the feeling I have when I KNOW I can walk away from the things and people who I love but do not serve my highest good, and trust that both of us will be guided to the best life for each of us as a result of my courage to stand up for myself and what matters most in my heart.

Abundance is a feeling, not trophy or a million dollars, unless these things are an extension and an expanded expression of what’s going on inside of you.

What IS going on inside of you? If it is abundance you seek, find it within yourself first. As you make the choice to open up to feeling abundant, only then will you begin to find it everywhere.  

Please share with me what’s coming up for you right now. I am feeling so grateful today and had to share this gratitude and inspiration with anyone and everyone. This is not to brag or make anyone who is currently struggling feel bad, rather it is to help you tap into your own unlimited abundance and expanded self. Please let me know if you’d like any further support.

Lots of love and so many blessings to you all!




On The Road Again November 1, 2011

Ok, so I have some wonderful news!!! I am off  to study yoga on The Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia! I am embarking on another journey! I have some serious traveling to do in between now and when I begin my training February 4th and I am pumped about it. I will be spending time and visiting with family all around Australia, whom I either haven’t seen in a long time or have never even met. I have just begun those plans so I will keep you posted.

I am also getting down to some serious business and putting all my time and energy into growing and expanding Erin Lanahan Method. I look forward to sharing more of that with moving forward and I appreciate all your support and suggestions.

I can proudly say, by February 1st, I will have been in Australia for 6 months, and within those 6 months I will have lived in 3 different states, and 4 different cities! This is awesome!

I know it may seem as though a lot of change has happened fast, and in a way it has. However, when we work on ourselves and our lives from the inside out, it can often appear and feel as though there is no movement, when quite the opposite is happening.

To move on the inside is the hardest and most important part of the transformation process.

What we ultimately do externally is hopefully just an extension of where we are internally.

Once we shift inside, massive shifts happens FAST on the outside, and what a joy ride it can be!

I have been working on myself from within for a long time. When I moved from Sydney to the Mornington Peninsula just recently, to help open this Health and Wellness Retreat I am working at, I knew it wasn’t going to be long-term. I felt it in my gut. But I also knew I had to come because a part of what I needed to move forward was going to emerge from my time here, and it definitely has to say the least. I have had somewhat of a breakthrough and all of a sudden I am experiencing the power of clarity, inspiration,  and divine direction like never before.

How are you feeling lately? I know for me I noticed a huge shift after October 28th passed. I believe those of us who did the 3 daily practices I suggested doing on October 8th, probably have felt a deeper shift than those who weren’t preparing consciously for such an energetic shift.

It’s ok if you weren’t preparing, but it’s important to remain patient and gentle with yourself now, to allow your body the space it needs to catch up with and integrate what just happened.

I have been feeling more and more pulled to the Gold Coast over the last few weeks. It was challenging for me to trust this intuition at first, but after many hours of processing feelings and confronting my fears, I am absolutely certain this is what I am being guided to do. I have always wanted to study Yoga, to add it to my knowledge base of fitness, so that is exactly what I am going to do. I am going to become a certified Yoga instructor by Essence of Living in Mermaid Beach, Australia.

I also have a few other amazing plans up my sleeve, but I’ll reveal more to you as time moves on and I get solid around the details. If you follow along, you can come with me for the ride!

I am going to sign off now. Time for reflection, contemplation, and meditation before bed time. Lots of love to you. Let me know how you are doing. Thank you for being here with me.




A New Day October 30, 2011


Hey there. Man, it feels weird not having posted anything since October 27th. I actually was planning on my last blog of 21 consecutive days of blogging, to be on the 28th. However, that day was a wild one for me, and I never did get to my computer. I never did I get to my computer yesterday either.

Today however is a new day. When I woke up yesterday, October 29th, I was exhausted. I hadn’t gotten to sleep until 5am that morning due to a favor I did for a friend at 2am, and needless to say, I woke up feeling as though change was looming once again. I felt called to really turn within and to get brutally honest with myself about what my gut and my heart were saying. It was time to make a decision.

This journey for me here on The Mornington Peninsula, in Victoria, Australia, has been one of the most profound, transformational experiences I have ever been through. I have gone deeper in my own personal development than ever before, and I have come through some pretty intense emotions and decision-making processes. As a result, I have more clarity about the direction I want to move in from this point forward. I have more clarity about how to live in integrity, while still being loving, and maintaining healthy boundaries in relationships.

I am still working a few things through, but when I know more, I will share with you in detail about where this journey is taking me.

Mostly, tonight I want to talk about A New Day. We have moved into a time on the planet where we create our own destinies. Everything is available in The NOW, and we are being encouraged to learn to live in the moment, to be completely present at all times, and to surrender to what is actually showing up right NOW.

When we make decisions based on what may or may not happen in the future, it creates all kinds of drama around a decision that is really pretty simple to make. Just like relationships. If a guy has all kinds of potential that is definitely a good thing. However, if that is not what is currently showing up in your time together, then you may better off deciding what is best for you based on the present information. Do get what I am saying?

There must be space for you. There must be an opening for your gifts, and for what you are bringing to a situation or a relationship. If there is no space or opening, you can be the greatest gift in the world, but it will not matter. No one will hear you, there will never be time for what you need to express, and ultimately, what you have to offer will not have the opportunity to be given or received. That’s when I walk away. It’s not because anyone else is doing anything wrong, it’s just a decision based on the facts about where people currently are. I used to try to change things, but recently I have learned the blessing available when I can acknowledge the truth, accept what is showing up right NOW, and then make a choice based on what’s best for me according to the information available to me.

There is beauty, peace, joy, and liberation in accepting what is. To accept that you will never change is a freeing thing, not a scary thing. When we realize that we are the way we are, and people are they way they are, because we all play a role and a part in the greater plan unfolding, then it makes it easier to accept the things you wish were different. It also brings you into the moment. When we are in the moment, we can finally see that there is actually nothing wrong at all.

I am feeling deeply inspired by my journey, by my purpose, and by my mission. I am grateful for my life, for my friends, for my parents, for my blog, for my work, for my clients, for my challenges, for my teachers, and I am grateful for the guidance that continues to hold a space for me and to be a presence in my life and in my heart.

I thank you all for coming here to join me, to read the words I write, and to share your journeys with me. I trust you are finding your way, and doing the best you can to make every day a new day.

Lots of Love,



Are You In The Pressure Cooker? October 27, 2011

Hey guys. I am wondering who of you are feeling some added intensity lately? The pressure is on and it’s increasing daily. For me, almost every minute of every day the last couple of weeks have been the most confronting, uncomfortable experiences I think I have ever possibly had.

Whilst this may be true, I am reminding myself that there is gold in the discomfort. Some days I have literally just wanted to run. I don’t know where exactly, because ultimately I cannot run away from myself. However, it hasn’t stopped me from trying to plot my escape plans, ha ha!

How about you? Are you feeling something similar? As October 28th is coming up on us tomorrow, you may be noticing yourself and others getting more serious, more intense, and feeling almost as though there is a pressure upon you. This is because there is.

We are experiencing tough love. Tough Divine Love that is. What has been the level of consciousness up to now, no longer works for the longevity of this planet or for the human race. Therefore the energies are shifting and they are not too tolerant of anyone or anything that isn’t shifting with them. Change is upon us, which is why you feel the pressure. You will feel even more pressure if you are resisting the changes you are being called to make. 

For me it feels like I am being pushed into something I am terrified of, even though I know it’s really just the unknown that scares me. I am actually well aware that where we are headed is beautiful, loving, peaceful, and connected. This does not stop me from also experiencing the fear however.

Feeling fear and discomfort is ok as long as we stay conscious about it and don’t allow ourselves to get attached to it. Just observe it. Obviously some days are easier than others.

I am usually pretty good with handling my fears, insecurities, and feeling under pressure, but lately it has been multiple fears and insecurities confronting me almost every moment of each day. This is WAY more pressure than I’ve ever had to manage before, so it’s no wonder I’ve taken a good look around trying to locate the nearest exit door, LOL 😉 

 I have thought up all different scenarios about why I’d be better of bailing on my new endeavors. At the end of the day however, I know that anything that brings up this much stuff for me is a GOLD MINE. I can just stay with it long enough, I will be blessed with gifts. This goes for you as well.

Don’t give up before the miracle happens. I love this saying and it’s one I keep repeating over and over. I hope you’ll do the same.

I am super excited about tomorrow the 28th! I’ll be dancing and basking in the presence of love with a group as we celebrate this shift in collective consciousness. I hope you grant yourself room to reflect and to be in joy during such a special time on the planet. We are so lucky to be alive right now!

Sending you love, light, and blessings!



Just A Few Words… October 26, 2011

Today was an interesting day. I am facing so much intense emotion every minute of every day lately, and today was at an all time high with regards to the peaks and valleys of my emotions.

All I can say for now, because it’s midnight here and time to go to bed, is that something magical happens when we stop resisting what is and simply just show up for what’s summoning us in the moment. This has been so hard for me and I literally have been acting like a 2-year-old throwing temper tantrums. Thank goodness I am mostly having them internally, because otherwise my friends and co-workers would probably ask me to go home and never come back, ha ha!

Seriously though, I had something pretty amazing happen to me at the end of my day today, that confirms the power of surrender. However, as a result of this experience, I ended up working late and I’m super exhausted, so I’ll save that story for another post. I just wanted to touch base tonight and at least check-in. Sending you all so much love! Let me know what’s going on for you…Nighty night!

Huge Hugs,



Revelations – Awakening As One – October 28, 2011 – YouTube October 22, 2011

Hello friends. I wanted to share this video with you as well, as I find it pretty insightful and creatively delivered. I’m interested to hear your thoughts and feelings that it inspires or triggers.

Love you,



Something To Explore: October 28 Shift In Collective Consciousness

Hey everyone! For today’s blog, which is day #15 of my 21 days of consecutive blogging to transformation, I wanted to share with you this bit of information I received about the upcoming October 28th shift I have been mentioning throughout my last 15 blogs. Please read below if you feel pulled, and explore all the possibilities. Blessings and so much Love and Light to you all!

xo Erin

Information on 28th October 2011

Compiled by Grant Woolven

The final cycle of the Mayan Calendar is the Universal Level. It began on February 11 this year and ends on October 28. October 9 to 28 is the ‘Seventh Day’ with a theme of attuning to Divine Grace and ascension into Divine Consciousness. October 28 is the completion of the Nine Cosmic Levels of the Maya and the 108 Movements of Shiva in the Vedic tradition, and is an important day for prayer, meditation, spiritual healing, group activity and Oneness Blessings.

During the next nine months humanity has an opportunity to perceive everything in life as sacred. Carl Calleman writes: The entire cosmos will be recognised as an expression of divinity. This final transformation of the ancient (separative) mind into a mind of light will be heralded by the Venus transit on June 6, 2012; Venus will literally passage across the surface of the Sun, which will act as a cosmic mirror for humanity and catalyse a celebration of global unity.

Over 10 years ago Sri Bhagavan, founder of Oneness University, described spiritual awakening as a neurobiological process. Recently numerous teachers and scientists have also arrived at the same conclusion – as the brain is transformed the heart flowers, and the nervous system is ‘rewired’ for bliss. This process transcends euphoric states and catalyses an ongoing experience of biological oneness with the universe. Separation dissolves and the individual feels at one with their environment while still being unique.

We are the Revolution of Conscious Evolution. The Mayan Calendar and Our Era Carl Calleman writes about the Venus transit on June 6, 2012. This Venus transit is an occasion for the collective consciousness of humanity to integrate our fundamental spiritual oneness and the insight that we are now on a path toward enlightenment; where the cosmic plan is designed to lead us.

The Universal Level will be very different from the previous eight levels. To the Maya these last 260 days of the 16.4 billion year cycle are the manifestation of what all of creation has been working towards and planning for:-

It is when all things are brought together and all the conflicting ways of being, acting and thinking will be resolved and unified in a light that makes it possible for everyone to understand  everyone else and everything at once.

The underlying theme of this Level is Divine Grace; it is only through this vehicle that humanity will become enlightened. All limitations will dissolve. When this happens every human being will intuitively know and understand why the cosmic plan was designed in this way. The involuntary response will be an overflowing of gratitude to the creator and all the great masters and avatars that helped bring it to fruition. This will happen concurrently with the recognition of our own inherent divinity as the separation between man and divine will permanently dissolve. Verse 21:4 in the Book of Revelation describes this:

 ”And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there will be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain; for the former things are passed away.”

As balance in the two hemispheres of the brain occurs we will experience a state of pure being that is timeless. For this to occur the dualist mind with its survival oriented ego, will need to surrender itself to the ‘new mind of light’, which will function intuitively. Practices and processes that help purify the subconscious of limiting programs and unresolved emotions, and will help catalyse release from the separate sense of self.

During this level major changes in consciousness will occur every 18 to 20 days. Individuals that are unaware or unprepared may experience fear as the illusion of separate self is dissolved. The experience of an expanded state of being free from psychological dominance may be overwhelming for some and result in temporary personal collapse. The recognition of the necessity of divine grace and the cultivation of humility, gratitude and integrity, will be important during this time. The assistance of avatars, masters and teachers will also be essential for many people. Others will intuitively recognise what is happening and simply surrender to the process. Carl Calleman also predicts the end of all hierarchies and governments. If everyone lives in unity and harmony with the Divine, why elect someone to rule them?

It is important to consciously prepare for global enlightenment. It would thus seem wise for all of us to prepare ourselves, beginning today, by immersing ourselves in the cosmic flow of time and in all possible ways seeking to transcend the influence of duality in our thinking, acting and being.

Until Then the time between October 28, 2011 and the Venus transit on June 6, 2012 will be a time of adjustment for humanity, especially for those individuals who were unprepared for the shift in consciousness. This will mark the end of all limitations and cycles. The Mayan calendar will have served its purpose, as will have all other calendars, and beyond this point human beings will be completely free to chart their destiny. Humanity will live in true freedom, joy and peace.

The remaining sacred day during the eight years between the Venus transit in 2004 and 2012 is:

Date: October 28, 2011

Phase: End of Seventh Day

Ruling Aspect and Intention: 13 Sun – Ascension into Divinity

**Organising and participating in group meditations and spiritual awakening processes on this date will contribute to the emergence of a field of intuition and telepathy among human being. This will support recognising the flow of the cosmic time plan with the common focus on enlightenment.

Hey guys, here is a video I am sharing with you of a question and answer session wit one of my greates teachers Sri Bhagavan:) This may also help you understand more about what is happening and how to surrender to it. Enjoy!


It’s Time To Listen Now October 21, 2011


Are you listening?

Can you hear your inner wisdom guiding you? Do you feel the guidance from your higher self summoning you to live in accordance with the Divine Plan?

I do.

It’s time to listen. Listen to your innermost self, and listen to whomever is speaking.

They are telling you something. Whether you care about their actual words or not, listen to the way they effect you. Listen to yourself and what comes up for you in these moments. Feel what happens in your body. Are you moved, annoyed, inspired, thinking you know better? Are you connecting with them or are you thinking about yourself? What are they showing you about yourself?

Your responses to others will reveal to you how much compassion you really have, how deeply you can really love, and how willing you are to trust that we are all a reflection of one another.

 How committed are you, to loving and accepting every part of yourself and ever part of others?

As we become more aware of the gifts relationships offer us, we can begin to receive their gifts. It is a blessing to become aware of our lack of compassion, inability to love unconditionally, and to come face to face with our darkest thoughts and deepest fears as they are reflected back to us through an interaction we have with someone else. It is not an opportunity to judge ourselves when these places within us are revealed. No. It’s an opportunity to LOVE ourselves, and to go deeper, to bring light to those places, and to awaken those parts of us that have been sleeping all our lives.

Tonight I feel inspired to invite you to speak to me. What can you teach me about myself? Tell me your story, and how you are coping during this transformational time on the planet. I want to hear you. I am willing to allow your presence and your words to transform me. Thank you in advance.

Sending you so much love and blessings,



Sometimes It’s Better To Love Em From A Distance October 20, 2011

How do you love someone so much and at the same time know it is best to love them from a distance?

This has been one of the most challenging lessons for me. There is a person in my life who I love very much, on many levels, but I know from experience I am better off being honest about my feelings with this person. When I am honest about my feelings, it is always made clear to me that he and I are in two completely different places when it comes to romantic love.

What has been so difficult, is loving this person in more ways than one. I have struggled with my boundaries in our relationship because I want to love unconditionally. However, sometimes we just have to love someone unconditionally without actually engaging with them.

I have struggled so much in the past, but the fog has begun to clear. In the past, I would always end up compromising my own well-being because I thought I “should” be able to love him unconditionally and therefore accept him exactly the way he is. However, I am just now beginning to see and understand that I can absolutely love him and accept him unconditionally without actually having to see him, email with him, or talk to him.

Tonight I am free. I have managed to stay in alignment with my values, to live in integrity, and to continue loving and accepting this person unconditionally. Up to now, I was unable to do what I felt was loving him AND stay in integrity all at the same time. This time was different because I told him I could not see him anymore if nothing had changed, whereas in the past I would’ve tried to make myself be different. I decided to love and accept myself unconditionally as well as him, and instead of trying to be different, I did something different.

I don’t feel the need to explain to him that I will always love him and accept him exactly the way he is. Only I need to know that it’s nothing personal towards him, but that it just doesn’t work for me, and I’m better off to love him from a distance. So that is exactly what I will do.

Please let me know what you are going through. It is an intense time on the planet right now and we are ALL being super confronted in our relationships, at work, with health stuff, etc. You may be experiencing really intense feelings you can’t quite understand and it’s possible you are questioning everything you once believed. It’s ok! You are safe, and just experiencing the same transition we are all experiencing. As we move closer to October 28th, expect even more of this stuff to surface. Be gentle, loving, and kind to yourself and others. Show compassion towards all living things, and stay open to the magical opportunities and possibilities that will be revealing themselves to you each day.

I love you all. Let me know what’s coming up for you!

xoxo E