Erin Lanahan Method

Signature method to get fit from the inside out!

Erin Lanahan Method Is Moving! December 7, 2011


Hey guys…I am writing you tonight to let you in on some exciting news! In order to expand upon Erin Lanahan Method, I have bought a different site to transfer over to so we can enjoy a lot more options and so I can deliver much more to you than I am currently able to here. Plus, it’s just time for a new look 😉

Right now, the address points to this blog which is actually and you can see so if you look in your browser right now.

I will now be hosted completely at  so please make sure this is the address you are using to access my site every time you come to visit or share it with others.

Also, as of Thursday morning U.S. time, my site will be temporarily down while everything switches over to the new domain, but please come back on Sunday U.S. time, because we will definitely be up and running again with a WHOLE NEW LOOK by then!

I am sooooo excited! I have put so much of my heart and soul into this brand and company and I am so thankful and grateful to you all for following along. If for some reason your subscription to my blog does not make the transfer, PLEASE come back to me at next week and subscribe to the new and improved site. Having you on board with me really makes my world a better place, so I would hate to lose you in the change over.

Also, I would love to hear from you with any suggestions you have about what you would like to see me offer at Erin Lanahan Method. Feel welcome to express any of your ideas about how I can truly make E.L.M. feel like a place where you can come home and fill up with inspiration, motivation, insight, education, entertainment, and vision into your own creative expressions!

Thank you, thank you, and I love you.




A New Day October 30, 2011


Hey there. Man, it feels weird not having posted anything since October 27th. I actually was planning on my last blog of 21 consecutive days of blogging, to be on the 28th. However, that day was a wild one for me, and I never did get to my computer. I never did I get to my computer yesterday either.

Today however is a new day. When I woke up yesterday, October 29th, I was exhausted. I hadn’t gotten to sleep until 5am that morning due to a favor I did for a friend at 2am, and needless to say, I woke up feeling as though change was looming once again. I felt called to really turn within and to get brutally honest with myself about what my gut and my heart were saying. It was time to make a decision.

This journey for me here on The Mornington Peninsula, in Victoria, Australia, has been one of the most profound, transformational experiences I have ever been through. I have gone deeper in my own personal development than ever before, and I have come through some pretty intense emotions and decision-making processes. As a result, I have more clarity about the direction I want to move in from this point forward. I have more clarity about how to live in integrity, while still being loving, and maintaining healthy boundaries in relationships.

I am still working a few things through, but when I know more, I will share with you in detail about where this journey is taking me.

Mostly, tonight I want to talk about A New Day. We have moved into a time on the planet where we create our own destinies. Everything is available in The NOW, and we are being encouraged to learn to live in the moment, to be completely present at all times, and to surrender to what is actually showing up right NOW.

When we make decisions based on what may or may not happen in the future, it creates all kinds of drama around a decision that is really pretty simple to make. Just like relationships. If a guy has all kinds of potential that is definitely a good thing. However, if that is not what is currently showing up in your time together, then you may better off deciding what is best for you based on the present information. Do get what I am saying?

There must be space for you. There must be an opening for your gifts, and for what you are bringing to a situation or a relationship. If there is no space or opening, you can be the greatest gift in the world, but it will not matter. No one will hear you, there will never be time for what you need to express, and ultimately, what you have to offer will not have the opportunity to be given or received. That’s when I walk away. It’s not because anyone else is doing anything wrong, it’s just a decision based on the facts about where people currently are. I used to try to change things, but recently I have learned the blessing available when I can acknowledge the truth, accept what is showing up right NOW, and then make a choice based on what’s best for me according to the information available to me.

There is beauty, peace, joy, and liberation in accepting what is. To accept that you will never change is a freeing thing, not a scary thing. When we realize that we are the way we are, and people are they way they are, because we all play a role and a part in the greater plan unfolding, then it makes it easier to accept the things you wish were different. It also brings you into the moment. When we are in the moment, we can finally see that there is actually nothing wrong at all.

I am feeling deeply inspired by my journey, by my purpose, and by my mission. I am grateful for my life, for my friends, for my parents, for my blog, for my work, for my clients, for my challenges, for my teachers, and I am grateful for the guidance that continues to hold a space for me and to be a presence in my life and in my heart.

I thank you all for coming here to join me, to read the words I write, and to share your journeys with me. I trust you are finding your way, and doing the best you can to make every day a new day.

Lots of Love,



Where There Is Discomfort, There Is Power October 14, 2011

I have decided to talk more about this whole idea of reclaiming our power. It seems to be coming up everywhere. On my coaching calls with clients, in my own life, and I have this sense, that it is definitely a collective experience and a sign of the times.

Once upon a time, it was explained to me, that I was experiencing discomfort, because hiding behind the discomfort was my personal power, or my spiritual power. I didn’t totally get it,  but I knew it resonated with my body. It FELT like the truth. I don’t know about you, but truth is not something I can tell by the way it sounds, truth is something I know by how it feels.

When we feel the uncomfortable feelings such as fear around money, frustration about our circumstances, being annoyed by a friend who is always late, fear about running out of time or energy, lack of acceptance around our pyshical body, feeling as though we don’t have enough or aren’t enough, or can’t create what we really want, what is really happening is we are being shown where we have hidden our power. If we are conscious of this, we can do something about it. If we aren’t, we become it’s prisoner.

Where there is discomfort, there is power.

 For example, today I was annoyed at a friend who was late. I almost went here about it: “How selfish is she, and how dare her, and does she not respect my time, and what a %#@!” But I didn’t. Instead, I caught myself, and observed and felt the discomfort. Then, with consciousness I asked myself where I had hidden my power in this. A few moments later, I realized her being late was triggering my fears around running out of time,  feeling like I am not able to have what I want, feeling as though I have no power or control, and feeling like I was not being respected.

Once I realized that my power was hiding behind those fears, I was able to go to those fears and say “You are not running out of time, because there is an infinite amount. You are saying you can’t have what you want, but is there anything else you’d rather be doing right now? (The answer was no). You are saying you have no power, but you can decide right now that your power is not really gone, you have just hidden it. Is she really disrespecting you, or is she just overloaded? Ok, I recognize I have enough. I am abundant, I am blessed. All my needs are met, I am deeply loved an cared for, and there is no where else I’d rather be right now.”  Then, I felt a sense of ease come over me.

We cannot always change our circumstances right away, but we CAN change the way we feel about them. As we change our feelings about them, then our circumstances change. This is the difference between not having power, and having power. I have been healing from a huge belief, passed down for generations, that there is not enough. So I now welcome any opportunity to help me practice shifting that belief and seeing that there is absolutely always MORE than enough of everything for everyone.

Another example, is an email I got from a friend. He and I have a bit of history and I almost always feel a loss of power when he shows up in my experience. His email was about coming to visit. I was not sure how I felt about it or about him, so I sat with it for a while. I began to observe that my power was not in the not responding to his email, it was going to come from responding to it, and being ok regardless of his reaction to it. As I speak my truth with everyone, I gain power by learning through repetition, that only the people I want in my life stick around when I live my truth. The rest fall away, and that is ok by me:)

Are you experiencing a loss of power? What is coming up for you lately. It’s an intense time, but there has never been the kind of energetic support for transformation as there is right now. The time is NOW.

Let me know what’s going on for you. You can reply to this post or email me at

Love and Light,



Expanding Your Light: How Feeling Uncomfortable Can Be A Good Thing September 30, 2011

Hey everyone. I have so much to share with you! As you know, I have been getting my feet planted on the ground here in Sydney, Australia. I believe I have been pretty open with you about my journey thus far, and boy do I have more to fill you in on :+)

Do you know the feeling you get when starting a new fitness or health program, and how uncomfortable it can be in the beginning? Well, that is the way everything feels when it is completely new to us and foreign to our bodies.

I knew before I ever left the States what an impact this move would have on me physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. In order to get to the good stuff however, I have to be willing to go through some of the challenging and uncomforatble stuff first.

It is common to experience a deep sense of resistance around certain actions and choices, when we realize they may create chaos and discomfort for a while. Unfortunately, it is this sense of resistance that can tend to keep us from creating any movement, or from fully embracing the very changes and decisions that have the power to bring about transformation in our lives. 

While I knew moving was going to be a serious ride, with many ups and downs, and although many fears came with that knowing, what was even stronger for me was my belief in all that I would gain and benefit as a soul , a spirit, a person, a friend, a lover, a writer, a coach, a trainer, a sister, a daughter, and more.

This is the same exact thing I tell my clients when they struggle with staying motivated. If we focus on the things that feel scary or uncomfortable, we won’t get very far will we? Stepping into our highest selves, and living our best life, requires more than that from us. We must remain focused on the feelings we want to experience in our lives, such as freedom, creativity, exploration, feeling fully expressed, and experiencing oneness, authenticity, and true connection. These are the feelings, that if we focus on them, will carry us through all of our fears and doubts. As we move toward what we want, it is common to confront lots of discomfort. Feeling uncomfortable is not a bad thing. Feeling uncomforatble can mean a few things, such as:

  • You are no longer in alignment and it is time to make the necessary changes to get your life and yourself back into alignment with your highest self and purpose.


  • You are stepping into the unknown and exploring new territory. This means you are growing, evolving, and expanding


  • You are not accepting where you currently are, and therefore are being called to explore a deeper sense of acceptance in your life, such as acceptance of yourself, of your loved ones, and of what is currently showing up inside of you and all around you. You may even want to explore what it’s like to accept that life isn’t suppose to look like anything. It just is what it is, for each of us.

I have just recently been hired to help run a Heath and Well-Being retreat centre in The Mornington Peninsula, just outside of Melbourne,  in Victoria, Australia. Yep, I am on the move again. I was just down that way last week for about 5 days, for the grand opening, to explore the offer they made and the space they have created there, and to really see if it felt like an authentic decision and something that would be good for both them and me. At this point in my growth, it does feel good, and I have decided to go have a new experience and see what unfolds from it.

Being a part of running the retreat centre will definitely require me to step outside many of my comfort zones. There will be things I love to do and many things I may feel resistance around, but all in all, I will gain a lot of new insight, awareness, and absorb so much new information that can only help.

Over the weekend there was a workshop held there, called Natural Order Movement Patterns. This type of workout has to do with connecting back to our roots and moving the body like it was designed to move. We did all kinds of exercises with rocks, logs, and different types of climbing and crawling exercises just using our body weight, but moving in ways we just rarely, or do not ever, move anymore. It has totally opened me up in many ways about how to improve upon the coaching and fitness programs I currently use for myself and my clients, and I feel inspired.

Inspired. This is a word I love. This word has the power to change minds, to shift people’s actions, and to change the world. Whenever I am walking through something new and uncomfortable, difficult, or scary, I always seek the inspiration I can find within the experience. This is sometimes the ONLY way to get through things.

If we are willing to be inspired and committed to seeking such inspiration out of every situation we are put in, we will have a much better chance of experiencing more joy and genuine happiness in all that we do.

We are made to believe that life isn’t easy, being healthy is hard or boring, healthy food tastes gross, it’s best to conform, we can’t have what we want, and that to achieve anything, we must work overtime to get it, and perhaps even sacrifice our value system. This is just NOT TRUE. This should however, make us aware that we are being called to shift our perceptions and to begin to question what we have been taught. For so long there has been a disconnect between what we feel inside, and what we are told is happening, and thus many of us suffer from inner conflict.

As we begin to connect to the truth within ourselves, it gives us a sense of something bigger, a greater plan unfolding, and amongst all that feels impossible, we can remain anchored in our belief that there is a purpose and a reason for everything.

As I crawled through the grass last weekend, carried logs, jumped up onto tree stumps, and threw rocks, I began to remember even more deeply that I am ONE with nature, ONE with you, and ONE with all that is. I felt inside of me that although I sometimes have NO IDEA where life is taking me, that I am being guided, and directed, and all I have to do is keep believing in what I feel in my heart. There is so much to learn by being in nature.

I am exactly where I am supposed to be. You are exactly where you are supposed to be. Everything is happening as it should. As we give ourselves permission to just be where we are, this acceptance becomes the very instigator of transformation. This is the power we all have inside of us. To know and not know all at the same time is O.K. If we can allow what we know to exist, even though we may not understand it enough to put it into words, it can be the very inspiration we need to keep us seeking, exploring, and trying new things, even when we are not sure where life is taking us, or how things will ever come together.

When I left Los Angeles just 8 weeks ago, I couldn’t have known that I would be moving to the Mornington Peninsula to run a Health and Well-Being Retreat Centre so soon after arriving in Sydney. Some things we just can’t know ahead of time. That is why we are much better off to live from the place of how we want our lives to feel, and stay focused on that. From that place we will manifest opportunities and relationships that support everything we have intended to create.

It is important to remember that somewhere deep inside, each of us KNOWS our “natural movement pattern.” It is innate, something we feel because it is our natural and most authentic rhythm and instinct. 

This move to Australia has made clear to me the importance of getting anchored in our own beliefs about who we are and what feels right for us personally. If we are not anchored in our truth, it can be so easy to conform. Just like so many people are hitting the gym every day and doing workouts prescribed by someone else, that actually move them away from their intuition and their bodies natural ways of movement, so too do our social settings tend to move us away from who we are and what we believe is possible for our lives.

Whether we are moving countries, moving towns, changing jobs, moving in and out of relationships, moving our bodies, or just shifting our perception, things can feel scary, lonely, challenging, impossible, and as if we may never make it. I invite you however, to notice how those same things also feel exciting, freeing, expressive, expansive, creative, authentic, and empowering.

We have the power to choose how we use our attention as we move through the things we face in life. When you get uncomfortable, what do you choose to focus on? Do you see what’s impossible or what’s possible? Do you see yourself as weak or as powerful? Do you feel compassion for yourself and your efforts or do you beat yourself up with harsh judgments? Do you wallow in self-pity, or do you get out of yourself and go help someone else?

You have the power to be yourself and to do whatever you want.

Please share your experiences, questions, and comments with me here. I believe that we are all here to learn from each other, so I value what you have to say. In fact, I LOVE hearing from you!

Lots of Love,



INSIGHT Into Fear and Adventure September 14, 2011


Here's My Most Recent Accomplishment! 🙂

Hey everyone! How are you?

I have been really consumed with getting settled and adjusted here in Sydney, Australia. Man, I must admit, there have been ups and there have been downs. I knew this would be the case before I ever left the States. I think there is something in me that craves this sort of “being kicked out of the nest” feeling, where all comforts we once had are removed. It has really challenged me to put my beliefs to the test. I have been confronted with all my deepest fears and insecurities, and although some days are almost paralyzing, at the same time, I am working THROUGH these core beliefs and feelings.

When we work through our fears, we gain more strength, courage, and trust in ourselves and in the greater plan unfolding in our lives. This is just the way I choose to live, and there is nothing wrong with choosing not to work through your fears.

Coming to a new country has pretty much removed everything physical from my life, that I never even knew defined me as much as they did…until they were gone. I gave up my car, my house, my furniture, my job, my some of my clients, and the comfort zones I had such as Whole Foods, and my local cafe’s and gyms. I did this for the sake of experiencing a greater sense of myself, and to discover even more of my purpose. By getting lost, once again, in the deep-sea of fears and insecurities that were lying dormant within me, I am embracing the journey towards finding a greater sense of who and what I am, and what my life is really about.

I am learning that humility is one of the greatest things to embrace in life, and that staying humble will empower me to allow and receive new ideas that my pride may have blocked from me.

I am also really having to implement this idea of surrendering “my plan” to a power greater than myself, and trusting that if I let go of what “I” want, I will actually give myself a greater chance and opportunity to discover what I didn’t even know I wanted. This opens the door for possibility beyond my imagination.

Trust has been another great teacher of mine thus far, because I became aware of how much I doubted and lacked faith that if I really let go of my ideas for my life, that it would make way for the real me to emerge. I am still practicing this and learning from this on a daily basis, and it isn’t always easy.

At the end of the day, I am happy. I may be scared, confused, sitting in the vast unknown, and feeling utterly undefined, but I am happy. I know that these are the very feelings and experiences that have the power to transform me, as I commit to the willingness to keep trudging my way through them.

“We must lose ourselves, to find ourselves.” Today I may feel lost, but I also know I have gotten lost on purpose…for the sake of being found.

I want to share with you, a huge accomplishment for me. I was recently published in INSIGHT Magazine, Australia’s #1 Empowering Lifestyle Magazine. It is such an honor to watch all my efforts to follow my heart, although not always easy, manifest into physical proof that following my heart is the right thing to do for me. Funnily enough, that is the name of the article INSIGHT published of mine. 

 I just want to thank all of you, for traveling along with me, and for sharing your ups and downs with me as well. It is an honor and a pleasure to connect with you here. Please leave any questions and comments you have for me, just below this post:) You can also share this via Facebook or Twitter, if you feel it may benefit anyone you know.

You can also see more of INSIGHT Magazine, Septemeber Issue, byt picking it up at your local news stand, or visiting

Big hugs, and Be well,




Turn Your Fears Into The Strength That Paints Your Life August 17, 2011


I have pondered what I was going to write about, as my first post from Sydney, Australia, since the day I arrived. As a writer, I think it’s natural to find a message in just about everything that happens in life, and to then get caught up in delivering it perfectly. It is however, a beautiful thing, and such a gift when we learn to do that for ourselves. That is,  to find a message, a lesson, strength, insight, awareness, and a new tool for living, in all the little challenges we face each day.

So much has been happening on this journey, in such a small amount of time, I kept thinking, “where do I begin” and “how can I possibly express and share my experiences with my readers in the most effective way.” Well, the answer I came up with was….”JUST BEGIN.” Afterall, this is only one article, and one of many opportunities to write and share my thoughts and experiences with you:)

One teaching I have received as I have walked my path in life, is that of living life authentically. This word is one we tend to hear about often, but do you ever stop and really explore it, and what it means for you, for your life, and for your unique expression?

Many years ago, when I began working with my Life Coach, I was struggling with my career path. I have always had a love-hate relationships with Personal Training, because it constantly challenges me to find ways to work in my industry that feel supportive of my deepest intentions and beliefs about what Fitness really means to me and how it can play a role in healing people’s Spirits and lives. Tracy said to me “Erin, if you could do this job in a way that was unique to your expression of life and fitness and what you believe about its healing powers, how would that look for you? How might that change the way you design people’s workouts and how you speak to them about their own wellness and the choices that they make?”

When Tracy asked me these questions, I felt fear, but at the same time, liberation. I had never thought about it this way. I had never considered the option of really creating my own expression of health, wellness, fitness, and life skills. This was how my journey really began to evolve and as a result, I got to discover more and more of my authentic self and how that plays a role in the world.

When I chose to make this move to Sydney, Australia, after building a life in Los Angeles, California for the last 7  years, I knew it would come baring many challenges, and it would require more strength and courage from me than I was currently accessing. This is exactly what attracted me to making this move, for as much as I feared, what I wanted was a much greater pull than my fears. I wanted to experience true transformation, in a way I had not previously been ready for. The last seven years of my life were preparing me for this move, and I know that in my bones. I did not, and still don’t, know exactly how this will all unfold. However, I know that when we remain committed to our process and to the journey, and stay with it no matter what fears try to yank us off the path, that there is pure goodness waiting on the other side for us. Well…I want that pure expression of goodness as me and my life, so here I am.

I believe we all crave expansions, expression, to have a voice, to feel heard, to feel loved and accepted, and to know we are validated. Well, my attempts at achieving all of these things taught me, that I cannot go anywhere else to receive these gifts, but inside of myself. I now understand that challenges, change, confronting fears, and stepping into new places and roles that require new levels of strength and courage, are all avenues for us to access our inner selves, and that ultimately lead us to a place of more self-love and compassion, forgiveness, healing, self-respect, self-esteem, and the kind of  inner joy that is unwavering regardless of external circumstances.  THIS is why I do things like move to Sydney, Australia to embrace a completely different and new experience.

It is different here in ways I did not expect, and not so different in the ways I did expect. None of this is good or bad. It just is what it is. It’s funny how just not even knowing how to cross the street anymore, can really make you feel like a newborn baby, feeling everything for the first time. It can send you into a sense of  HOLY SH** or a sense of AWE, but we always get the choice.

Literally I have to check the parked cars, before crossing streets on my morning runs, so I know which way to look for on-coming traffic. I also keep finding myself on the wrong side of the running path, as everyone here does everything on the opposite side of things as Americans. I know I will get use to it, so for now, I am really embracing the childlike energy this keeps me in, as I look to the people around me, to teach me what to do. It challenges me to look outside for guidance, whilst staying completely connected to my own inner guidance to point me in the direction of the right people to ask and places to try.

I have always owned a car. Public transportation was always fascinating to me, but not something that was readily available anywhere I lived. In L.A. it was more accessible than anywhere, but still, that city really isn’t set up well for it. Here, I have been learning to catch buses, and grocery shop without a car trunk to put it all in, and to be creative with the ways in which I get my groceries home. These things all seem so small, but they inspire such BIG change as a result.

This move has required more trust from me than I had available when I got here. So this is where I am now…learning even more about trust. I am exercising a new muscle, the one that keeps me feeling the fear and doing it anyway, willing to be uncomfortable for the sake of discovering more truth and living my life in the best possible way for me. This is the kind of workout that falls under the umbrella of my unique expression and beliefs about what fitness really means 😉

Fitness is about living a Fit Life. It’s about stepping into uncomfortable situations that reveal our weaknesses to us, so we can make them stronger. Fitness is about nurturing our bodies, minds, and spirits in all the ways we can, by making conscious choices about what we eat, what we think, the words we use, how we treat others, and the way in which we spend our time. Fitness is a method, a way of life, and a philosophy that has the power to support expansion, connection, and to transform the world.

I will have you know, that although I have days that feel scary, and there are decisions I must make that I feel undecided about, and there is so much left in the unknown that it sometimes hurts and gives me a sick feeling in my stomach, I will not give up on myself, I will not give up on this journey, and I will not give up on you.

I invite you all to turn within, to be gentle with yourselves, to breathe deeply, to give yourselves the love and nourishment you deserve, and to allow yourselves to be vulnerable enough to reach out when you just need someone to give you directions, while at the same time staying connected to your truth.

I will be here, asking for directions and watching others cross the street so I learn how. I will be catching buses that may take me to an unknown destination, and I will be getting lost, only to find my way again. I will remain willing, courageous, and vulnerable. I will reach out for help, yet at the same time, I will be checking in with myself, and following my intuition, staying committed to walking this life as the most authentic expression of myself. I hope you are doing the same:-)

Please share your stories, or any questions and comments you may have for me, right here. I absolutely love hearing from you!

Sending you all so much love and light!




Some Final Words Before The Big Departure To Sydney, Australia! July 28, 2011

The time has finally come to make the big move! I wanted to connect with all of you as I await my departure to Sydney, Australia tonight. Thank you for inspiring me, and for walking this path with me! Here some final words as I shoot my last video in America for a while! I will see you from down under next time!

Love and Light To You My Friends!

xo Erin



Synchronicity: The Signs Will Appear When You’re Open and Aligned July 27, 2011

"When You Follow What Feels Good, Good Happens"

I wanted to share with you a few very cool synchronicities that have happened to me in the last month or two, since I decided to move to Australia (by the way, I officially leave Los Angeles for Sydney, tomorrow at 10:30 pm! ;).

In case you don’t know what synchronicity means, here is the Wikipedia definition:

Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events, that are apparently causally unrelated or unlikely to occur together by chance, that are observed to occur together in a meaningful manner.

As soon as I began to contemplate the idea of moving I began seeking out guidance and signs from the Universe. I asked to be shown very clear signs that would guide me to making a choice that was in alignment with my highest good. Little things began to happen, like I’d meet people who just got back from there and raved about it, or friends would meet Australians everywhere they went and would report it to me. These signs began to grow and get bigger and even more clear. Therefore, I decided to go for it.

That first week after I decided to commit to the big move to Sydney, there was a computer ad that kept being shown. On the homepage of the desktop of the computer on the ad, was in big letters “AUSTRALIA”  it was a page about booking a flight to Australia, which had nothing to do with the ad itself.

Then a client of mine had to keep rescheduling her appointments because she was working on a big deal for a new client. When she finally came in to see me she said “You’re never going to guess who my new client is.” I said “Who?” She sad “Tourism Australia!” I was blown away. The signs and confirmations just kept flooding in. I got to a point of feeling very safe and secure with my decision.

After a month or so had passed, I began to move into a little bit of fear. My little ego demons started getting louder, and tempting me to side with the belief that I had made a huge mistake. So, I did what I always do. I sought out guidance and insight from a higher power. I asked for some very clear signs to comfort me and help me to know if this move to Oz was still best for my highest good.

About 20 minutes or so, after I sent that request out into the ethers, I went for a long run. On my run, I saw a huge, yellow moving truck. As I ran past it, I looked at the writing on the side of the long truck and it said OZ MOVERS! I had a tearful giggle and kept on running feeling deep gratitude for the very CLEAR sign I got:)

More recently, about a week ago, when visiting my family in Florida, I had another moment of doubt and fear. So, once again I asked for a sign. It wasn’t but a day or two later than I was running on the bridge and ran past a girl wearing an Australian flag tank top that said Australia on it. Once again, I felt deep, tearful joy and gratitude for the clear and quick responses of a Divine Higher Power.

Today, I had just gotten done sharing a little bit of these synchronicities on Facebook, and then began to work on a couple other things. I turned around to the table behind me in the restaurant and asked a woman if she knew the zip code of the West Hollywood location we were in. She didn’t know it. Do you know why??? She’s from Australia!

Synchronicity is something very cool that begins to happen when we are in alignment with our truth, our highest self and greatest good. Synchronicity is Divine confirmation, comfort, and the clarity we get as a result of staying true to ourselves and walking a warriors path of love, healing, expansion, and adventure.

I would love to hear from you and the synchronous moments occurring in your life as well:-) Here’s to your health wellness, and vitality!

Love you!



Small Town Girl From Vero Beach: Zero Or Hero Beach? July 14, 2011


When you look at the world, what do you see?

I have a been a big city girl, living in Hollywood, California for the last 7 years of my life. However, a big city girl is not how my story began. I grew up in Vero Beach, a small town on the East Coast of Florida.

Like anyone who’s been raised in a small town, the small town girl inside me is a piece of my heart that will live on forever.

There is something to be said about growing up in a place that revolves around family, high school football games, homecoming parades, the annual art show, the fireman’s fair, and St. Helen’s Harvest festival.

That’s right, think Varsity Blues, and you will get an idea of the way in which I grew up. Round here, the talk of the town was who’s running for sheriff, homecoming queen, and how the Vero Beach Fighting Indians did at their Friday night football game.

The small town girl inside me is the part of me that loves family, volunteering to be of service to others, getting involved in projects that make a difference, and team work.

However, once I moved out to Los Angeles, California 7 years ago, I had to shed many of the small town qualities that weren’t as cool as I once thought they were.

Here in Vero Beach, once the home of the Dodgers Spring training, we locals tend to find a sense of separation within ourselves and from each other. We are taught that money makes you more important, that those who win prom court and football games are more special, and that living on the beach side and going to private school, is worlds away from living on the main land and attending public school.

We all grow up judging ourselves, judging each other, and sadly, regardless of where we live or how much money we have, we all pretty much end up wondering if we will ever be good enough.  

The last 7 years of my life in Los Angeles, have been 7 of the most awakening years of my life. I came face to face with my demons, and thankfully have achieved resolution with them. Of course I am always a work in progress.

I learned that we can be a Zero, or a Hero, no matter where we are living in the world.

There are many different theories as to how my hometown got its name. However, the Latin to English translation of the word VERO, means: in truth, indeed, to be sure.

ZERO Beach is a bit of an inside joke between the locals here. It’s a common way in which the younger generation locals have referred to this little town. It comes from our experience of having nothing much else to do except socialize in orange groves! However, it’s a perception issue nonetheless.

I pretty much left this famous Indian River Citrus town, when I was 18 years old. I went off to Florida State University, in Tallahassee, FL, and basically never looked back. After I graduated college, I just kept moving west, on a mission to find this small town girl the key to unlock her big city dreams. I have encountered many ups and many downs along the way.

On my path to discovering and manifesting my dreams, I have realized the importance of  love, acceptance, and compassion for self and for others.

I have transformed from a mind and spirit that felt separate and thought in separation terms, to a mind and spirit that feels we are one and thinks in oneness terms. The comparing myself to others and the fears that I was falling behind and losing the game of life began to dissolve. Instead, I recognized that it’s not a competition. Everyone has their path, and journey, and purpose, and we have no idea what anyone else’s journey is about. The small town part of my consciousness, that felt it was US against THEM, vanished.

Now I know it’s just US, working together as ONE.

Over the years, I came home to visit Vero Beach about once a year. For many years I snubbed this town, resenting it for being so “small and boring, and full of small-minded people.” However, as I have evolved and grown up, and shed the judgments and separation I grew up with, I have been able to find so much beauty here this visit.

I have learned to laugh at the gossip and not get involved. I have learned to bite my tongue and smile at the rich old women who want to label me by where I live and where I come from.

I have learned to send love to the people who have hurt me, and to forgive myself and love myself no matter what.

I don’t think of this place as just VERO Beach anymore. I also am no longer comfortable with, or interested in, referring to it as ZERO Beach. In fact I prefer to find the HERO here instead.

We all can decide to be a Zero, or a Hero, no matter we are or where we go. What we see around us is a choice…a perception.  If we find the Hero in our hearts, we will not only find the Hero in our hometowns, but we will find the Hero in the World.

A Zero will sit upon the beach and complain about how noisy the ocean is. A Zero will find ways to be less than or better than everyone else. A Zero will look for what’s wrong, rather than what’s right about people, places, and things. A Zero will form cliques and make efforts to implement separation.

The Hero is not necessarily rich or famous. A Hero will find the love in his or her heart, and will carry that love everywhere he or she goes.

A Hero will seek out ways to help others, because the Hero’s journey is not about getting ahead, but about how to be of service and to contribute to making the world a better place.

A Hero’s heart does not buy into separation, but rather knows we are all equal, and need love, compassion, and acceptance to thrive. A Hero will risk looking a fool if it means it may save someone else.

You are the creator of your experience.

We all get to decide on a daily basis, regardless of where we’re going, where we live, or where we come from, how we want to show up in the world. We CAN shed our judgments  if we want to.

What are you going to be today? Are you going to be a Zero or a Hero?

I would love to here about your journeys, choices, and thoughts. Please leave your questions and comments for me here!

Here’s to your health, wellness, and vitality!

The Divine light within me, humbly bows to the Divine light within you 😉

xoxo Erin


A Sacred Relationship Between Spirit And Body July 10, 2011

I was just watching this video I did on my YouTube Channel, and wanted to invite you to also take a look. I would love to have you explore this idea of being in relationship with your body. For me it has been a profound awakening and as a result I am able to be in partnership with my body. I help my body and my body helps me.

We have all heard the saying, “Your Body Is Your Temple.” Well, that’s what I am talking about here. For some of you, this may feel like a stretch, or difficult to wrap your head around, and if so that’s OK. All I am suggesting here, is to explore this concept and whether or not it has the power to transform the way you make choices in your life.

Please share your comments and questions with me here. I believe feedback and sharing are some of the greatest ways to learn and grow together.

Here’s To Your Health, Wellness, and Vitality!

xo Erin