Erin Lanahan Method

Signature method to get fit from the inside out!

Where There Is Discomfort, There Is Power October 14, 2011

I have decided to talk more about this whole idea of reclaiming our power. It seems to be coming up everywhere. On my coaching calls with clients, in my own life, and I have this sense, that it is definitely a collective experience and a sign of the times.

Once upon a time, it was explained to me, that I was experiencing discomfort, because hiding behind the discomfort was my personal power, or my spiritual power. I didn’t totally get it,  but I knew it resonated with my body. It FELT like the truth. I don’t know about you, but truth is not something I can tell by the way it sounds, truth is something I know by how it feels.

When we feel the uncomfortable feelings such as fear around money, frustration about our circumstances, being annoyed by a friend who is always late, fear about running out of time or energy, lack of acceptance around our pyshical body, feeling as though we don’t have enough or aren’t enough, or can’t create what we really want, what is really happening is we are being shown where we have hidden our power. If we are conscious of this, we can do something about it. If we aren’t, we become it’s prisoner.

Where there is discomfort, there is power.

 For example, today I was annoyed at a friend who was late. I almost went here about it: “How selfish is she, and how dare her, and does she not respect my time, and what a %#@!” But I didn’t. Instead, I caught myself, and observed and felt the discomfort. Then, with consciousness I asked myself where I had hidden my power in this. A few moments later, I realized her being late was triggering my fears around running out of time,  feeling like I am not able to have what I want, feeling as though I have no power or control, and feeling like I was not being respected.

Once I realized that my power was hiding behind those fears, I was able to go to those fears and say “You are not running out of time, because there is an infinite amount. You are saying you can’t have what you want, but is there anything else you’d rather be doing right now? (The answer was no). You are saying you have no power, but you can decide right now that your power is not really gone, you have just hidden it. Is she really disrespecting you, or is she just overloaded? Ok, I recognize I have enough. I am abundant, I am blessed. All my needs are met, I am deeply loved an cared for, and there is no where else I’d rather be right now.”  Then, I felt a sense of ease come over me.

We cannot always change our circumstances right away, but we CAN change the way we feel about them. As we change our feelings about them, then our circumstances change. This is the difference between not having power, and having power. I have been healing from a huge belief, passed down for generations, that there is not enough. So I now welcome any opportunity to help me practice shifting that belief and seeing that there is absolutely always MORE than enough of everything for everyone.

Another example, is an email I got from a friend. He and I have a bit of history and I almost always feel a loss of power when he shows up in my experience. His email was about coming to visit. I was not sure how I felt about it or about him, so I sat with it for a while. I began to observe that my power was not in the not responding to his email, it was going to come from responding to it, and being ok regardless of his reaction to it. As I speak my truth with everyone, I gain power by learning through repetition, that only the people I want in my life stick around when I live my truth. The rest fall away, and that is ok by me:)

Are you experiencing a loss of power? What is coming up for you lately. It’s an intense time, but there has never been the kind of energetic support for transformation as there is right now. The time is NOW.

Let me know what’s going on for you. You can reply to this post or email me at

Love and Light,



Change Within To Change Without: Awareness Breeds Results June 28, 2011


Moving Through Fear, Moving Toward Life May 7, 2011

Hey there. WOW! I must say, getting ready to movie countries has certainly come baring many gifts. I am receiving this awareness about how to walk through fears, feel more of my deeply hidden feelings, and how to find true freedom within, by letting go of so many attachments. I am also so clear about the importance of living a FIT Life.

To be healthy, strong, and nourished, makes BIG decisions and change so much easier and more possible for us to follow through on. I am so grateful for my life, my fitness, and for the opportunities and possibilities that are awaiting us all. Being mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically fit, is a result of having a daily practice that confirms we choose this path.

Whether it’s a workout, a healthy meal filled with live nutrients, a meditation, a prayer, a blog post, a run, a night out on the town with friends, etc, we are choosing to live a life that is healthy and balanced and fulfilled in every way. Here’s to living a FIT Life, and walking through the fears that try to stop us. I hope you’ll enjoy this video I did on Moving Through Fear, So We Can Move Toward A Fuller Life 🙂 xoxo- Erin