Erin Lanahan Method

Signature method to get fit from the inside out!

Wishing To Explore New Opportunities? December 5, 2011

Are you wishing to explore new opportunities?

If so, good! That is quite natural for the Spirit to crave. We are ever evolving beings and expansion is our most natural way of expression.

I find myself re-inventing, tweaking, and changing my path all the time. It’s fun, but it can also feel scary. Do you ever sit around, thinking about everything you want your life to become and wonder how you will ever get there? Then, 6 months later, do you find yourself having even more clarity about what it is you want your life to feel like, and therefore see how and why what you wanted 6 months ago didn’t unfold the way you thought it should at the time?

Be gentle and patient with yourself.

You are exactly where you need to be, and if you can trust that, it will create an opening for you to fully embrace and enjoy the process you are in right now. Whatever it is you are currently experiencing IS, whether you see it or not, playing a huge part in the intentions you have set for your life experiences. 

When you notice yourself getting caught up in self-doubt or lack of faith, remember these three things:

1) Anytime you need assistance you can ask for it. Call upon a God of your understanding, the trees, the Universe, mermaids, the Archangels, Buddha, Jesus, ferries, whatever works for you! What you seek does not matter, as long as your request is pure and asking for guidance. Then, open yourself up to any signs, visions, or messages that may come to you through conversations, thoughts, dreams, books, articles, someone’s t-shirt, a TV show, etc. Signs and Divine guidance can come in mysterious way 🙂

2) Your intuition is never wrong. It’s only our fear of being wrong or of failing that stops us from going the distance. If you feel strongly about something, it IS a sign that you are being summoned to follow it. What you find may be completely different from what you set out to find or create, but if you stay open, you will always be pleasantly surprised. It will most likely require some patience, willingness, and committment on your part, but it’s worth the effort!

3) When you are in a situation that really challenges your ability to stay connected to your dreams and passions, find one thing that really matters to you and do it every day, or as many times a week as possible. This will act as an anchor for you and keep you in the higher creative energies that bring new ideas to life.

Ok, I hope you all are enjoying the Holiday Season so far. It’s a bit strange for me being on the opposite side of the world this Holiday Season, but I am making the most of my new experiences no matter what!  

Sending you all lots of LOVE and Holiday Hugs!!

xo Erin


2 Responses to “Wishing To Explore New Opportunities?”

  1. Dani Says:

    Thank you for this! This is what I needed to read as I am summoning up the courage to start on my new journey. xo

    • Erin Lanahan Says:

      It’s my pleasure Danielle! I wish you faith, love, and wellness. You are infintie and unlimited joy and abundance, and never let anything tell you otherwise! Big hug!

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