Erin Lanahan Method

Signature method to get fit from the inside out!

Old Flings Bring Opportunities For New Patterns! July 12, 2011

It’s been exactly one week and three days since I arrived here in my hometown, Vero  Beach, FL. for my 3 1/2 week visit. I am here until July 26th. Then I head back to L.A., and take off to Sydney, Australia July 28th!

Each day here,  I wake up somewhere between 6 and 7 am, head out to the kitchen, and there I greet my dad and step-mom, and our little pug Winnie. We all pour some hot coffee, eat breakfast, and enjoy about an hour together before we all take off in different directions. It’s amazing.

I have been loving my bowl of raw, organic blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, and walnuts as of late. Yum!

After breakfast time I either head out for a 5 mile run, which includes  2 miles over the Barber Bridge and back, or I hit the gym. Some mornings I actually choose to take my hot coffee and sit down at my computer and begin to ponder what message I want to share with you next. I must admit…I LOVE to write 😉

Yesterday something interesting happened. I was connected with an old fling via text. We have a bit of history, as many of us do with people from our home towns! However, timing was never on our side and ultimately I moved on.

However, yesterday he invited me to workout with him and I said yes. After we made a plan to meet up, I just got to feeling funny in my tummy. Something felt off, out of alignment, not supportive of me and the space I want to keep myself living from. I decided to meditate on it for a while, and after an hour of deep breathing and silence, I came to a conclusion.

You see, even though I knew it was most likely just a friendly workout, I wasn’t certain why I wanted to go. I wasn’t able to trust that my intentions were pure. In fact, I decided that there really was no need to see him. I didn’t want to workout, because I had planned for yesterday to be my day off so my body could rest. Therefore, if I went, it was only because I wanted to see HIM, and that equals not good for ME.

I know a bit about what’s going on in his romantic life, so he’s not exactly available. Therefore, like I said, even though it was most likely just going to be a friendly workout, something inside me just didn’t want to go, and didn’t feel like it was the right thing to do.

I have been really clear about wanting to create healthy relationships and declaring to the Universe my expectations in a man.

I finally truly believe that I deserve only the best. I deserve a man who sees me, who appreciates everything about me, and who steps up to the plate and pursues me in a respectful, romantic way. If a man is showing up in my life in any other way than this, then I am must say no thank you (Unless of course we ARE just friends, which this old fling and I really are not, and never were JUST friends).

This is what I know, based on my life experiences:

When we decide to make a different choice than we have in the past, then at that moment we shift.  

If we are conscious about the choices we have made in the past and how they have affected our lives, and we want to create something that feels better than that, then we must be conscious of the choices we make today, and choose diefferently. We must choose only that which supports our optimal health and well-being and all that we feel we deserve.

I knew that working out with an old fling, was an old pattern. He didn’t come after me, he didn’t make a huge effort, in fact I am the one that made it easy for him to invite me. In the past, I have always made things easy for others, especially men. This is because I was too afraid they wouldn’t know I cared, or that I would lose them. Well, yesterday I reminded myself that whatever is mine cannot be lost. Whatever is meant for us, will come for us. So I made a different choice. I cancelled.

It felt hard to do, but a few hours later, and today, I have actually been energized by the choice I made.

Whenever we resist temptation, and instead, align with our highest good and the good of all, we get stronger and begin to feel empowered, guided, and carried.

I just wanted to remind you of the importance of your choices. Remember that your choices are the conversation you have with the Universe. Your choices WILL manifest. If you want to create something that feels better, something that is more in alignment with you, and a life that is lived authentically and with integrity, then make choices that support that. That’s what I did yesterday, and it sure does feel good.

For the record, I have no hard feelings against this old fling of mine. In fact I send him love and wish him well. I hope all his dreams come true and that he gets everything he has ever wanted. My choice not to see him yesterday had nothing to do with him. Nope, this wasn’t about him…it was about me.

The Divine Universe gave me an opportunity to align with temptation, or to align with my soul, and I got to choose.

I chose myself. I chose to align with my soul. This is a new pattern I am creating, and something I intend to stay committed to. It is an esteemable act and creates an esteemable life, and manifests the quality of life and love I deserve.

We all get opportunities on a daily basis, to align with temptation, or to align with our highest good. Neither choice is wrong, it’s just that one will feel better than the other. One may feel good short-term, and the other may be scary in the moment, but serve your life better long-term. You get to decide which is more important to you in the moment. That’s the beauty of it.

We GET to choose. We GET to create our lives, one choice, one thought, one action, one word, at a time.

I would love to hear what’s going on in those heads, hearts, and souls of yours. Leave me your questions and comments below if you are so inclined!

Here’s to your health, wellness, and vitality!

Love and Light to you my friends,

Erin xoxoxoxo


A Sacred Relationship Between Spirit And Body July 10, 2011

I was just watching this video I did on my YouTube Channel, and wanted to invite you to also take a look. I would love to have you explore this idea of being in relationship with your body. For me it has been a profound awakening and as a result I am able to be in partnership with my body. I help my body and my body helps me.

We have all heard the saying, “Your Body Is Your Temple.” Well, that’s what I am talking about here. For some of you, this may feel like a stretch, or difficult to wrap your head around, and if so that’s OK. All I am suggesting here, is to explore this concept and whether or not it has the power to transform the way you make choices in your life.

Please share your comments and questions with me here. I believe feedback and sharing are some of the greatest ways to learn and grow together.

Here’s To Your Health, Wellness, and Vitality!

xo Erin


Change Within To Change Without: Awareness Breeds Results June 28, 2011


Stop Worrying About The “How’s” June 20, 2011

Yep...this is where I'm going!

Hey there! How are you? I hope you are well, or at least finding the willingness to rediscover your own optimal health and well-being. I remember when I wasn’t so healthy or so well, and until I became aware that I wasn’t happy as a result, and became willing to do whatever it took to change that, I remained stuck.

As most of you already know, I am about to move from Los Angeles,  CA to Sydney, Australia. I officially leave the U.S. on July 28th. I am getting very excited, and today I am feeling gratitude, as well as a real pull to share with you a few things I have learned as a result of my journeys.

First of all, whenever we want to make a change or to shift something in our lives, one of the first things that happens, is we start trying to figure out “HOW” things are going to work out the way we want them to. In my experience, this does nothing but get us focused on something we have no control over, and ultimately it makes us feel bad.

Since feeling bad is not in alignment with making positive change in our lives, than focusing on “how” things will shift for us, or on “how” the right outcomes will manifest, is not an option.

Instead, I find it much more useful to focus on the things we CAN do. As we commit to our intentions and goals, and then we show up for ourselves and for others each day, providing our own willingness to do whatever it takes to move closer to what we want, then Divine events begin to unfold for us.

Once the Universe sees our commitment and willingness, it is attracted to bringing us even more of what we want. Let the Universe figure out about the “how.” You just focus on the “what you can do” now’s and stay focused on, and allow yourself to be pulled by, what you want.

Another thing I have become hyper aware of, is the importance of acceptance and flexibility as our process unfolds. Things are going to change. They will hardly EVER look the way we think they should, and there will be many bumps in the road along the way that we didn’t expect. If we can embrace our process for exactly the way it is showing up in each moment, then it helps us move into acceptance of what is. When we can accept whatever is showing up, and can perceive it as all part of the master plan unfolding, then we gain flexibility and therefore we become free to allow the Universe to answer our prayers and intentions in the way it sees most fitting for us.

This requires the last and most important thing I have discovered and uncovered on my journeys, which is how much transitional periods require us to TRUST them, if we want them to transform us. 

For me, turning things over and choosing to TRUST, is a profound tool I use and put into practice on a daily basis, this idea of trusting in a power greater than myself to carry me through, when I don’t think I can go any further.

I think we all too often get discouraged and tend to even move into intense fear, when things don’t appear to be unfolding in a way that will result in the outcome we really want. However, in my experience, if we TRUST that our intentions ARE unfolding in a way that will produce equal or even BETTER results than what you think you want, than that is exactly what happens! It feels like magic…and well…it kinda is 🙂

So that is where I am currently at in my process, and these are the insights that have come to me to help me through this transitional period, and thus made this transition absolutely TRANSFORMATIONAL!

I would love to hear from you about what’s going on with you and the Divine events unfolding in your life as well. Here’s to your health, wellness, abundance, peace, prosperity, and vitality!

Lots of Radiant Love,



Letting Go Of Attachment: The Key To Optimal Health, Well-Being, and Freedom May 18, 2011

So obviously when one decides to move countries, there is a letting go process that begins to happen. There is also a point at which I have become super aware to all the attachments I have to things, people, places, ideas, patterns, habits, etc, that I wasn’t even aware of!

As someone who is on a path, seeking freedom, abundance, optimal health and well-being, connection, love, and oneness, I am waking up to certain things along the way as a result. As I begin to allow my mind to expand, and I play with new ideas and step outside my comfort zone more and more, I get to find out that I am not so dependent on those “attachments” as I once thought I was. Instead, I am finding that it is really freeing to be able to let go of our attachments and find true freedom within instead.

True freedom comes when we can love who we are, feel connected, have a sense of inner peace and joy, know that we are provided for, that we are safe and secure, abundant, sexy, and living on purpose, no matter where we are, who we are with, and no matter what is going on around us.

When we hang on too tightly to old ideas, things, and limited beliefs, these attachments can ultimately hold us back from living our best life as our best self.

Here’s a video I did for you on this exact topic. I hope you dig it! 🙂

Sending you light, love, and blessings!




What We Focus On Expands: Are Your Thoughts Making You Fat? March 15, 2011

Regardless of the noisy L.A. traffic, I decided to capture some inspiration I was feeling and wanting to pass along to you, before the message got forgotten. So I pulled over and set up the camera! I hope you enjoy:)


Happy New Year:5 Things I Wish I Had Known Earlier In Life January 1, 2011

Hi! I am reporting here from the California coast, and we have exactly 6 hours and 50 minutes, and counting down, until we transition into 2011.

I have been inspired by a personal development blog to write about some of my Life Lessons and things I wish I’d known earlier in my life. I feel like this is the perfect time to reflect on the past, as I make a conscious decision this New Year’s Eve, to feel gratitude for all that has been, to bless it with love, and to let it all go, putting it all behind me.

Tonight I contemplated going out on the town with friends, and believe me, there was no shortage of options for me to choose from. However, when I really got quiet and tuned into my own gut, heart, and listened to my intuition, I was able to feel certain that tonight is a night for me, to sock in, to get clean and dressed in my comfy pj’s, with a notebook and pen. I plan to write a letter to all the things I’m letting go of, and then I will move to my next lists that will acknowledge all my accomplishments in 2010, and list out my intentions and goals for 2011. Then, I will make a vision board, exercising my creativity of course :), and finally, end the night deep in meditation as the clock turns from 11:59pm 12/31/10 to 12:00 am 1/01/11.

Tonight I plan to get super clear about my vision for this coming year because I feel the excitement as it nears closer. I know that I have so much to look forward to and I am already welling up inside with gratitude.

I have grown into a place in my life, where I really have no regrets anymore, because I truly believe that everything up to now needed to happen exactly how it did. However, life would have been a lot easier for me in the past had I known the things I know now.

Here are 5 things I wish I would’ve known earlier in my life, that if I had known, would’ve saved me lots of suffering.

I wish I’d known…

1) That my body is sacred. I did not feel this way about my body as a child or teenager, or even up until recently (and I’m 31 now). If I had known just how sacred my body is, I wouldn’t have treated it the way I did, or allowed others to treat it the way they did. I am grateful that I finally do know that my body is beautiful, wonderful, and a sacred place for me to live in and inhabit, and therefore, I will treat it so. I will feed it foods that nurture it, I will give it exercise, I will only engage with people who treat it with love and respect, I will keep it free of emotional, physical, and mental toxins, and I will appreciate it exactly the way it is every day.

2) That I AM love and deserve nothing but love. Most of my relationships were not very healthy. I have always had good friendships, but romantic relationships are a different story. I have come to learn that they were a mirror for me. They were showing me where I did not respect or love myself, and however painful it was at times, I know that I learned from all of it. It would have been nice to know this earlier in life, but I am just happy that I know it now, and moving forward, I will recognize when someones treatment towards me doesn’t feel right in my body. I will pay attention and I will use it as a tool, to ask myself what it is showing me about myself. Where do I still judge myself or where am I still unable to feel validated and good enough? Then I will let that person go who does not have my best interest at heart, and I will do my own work on why I even attracted them in the first place.

3) That life is happening for me. I use to feel like a victim a lot. It always felt like life was happening to me. This disempowered me in a huge way. This is the perception that there is no higher meaning or purpose or plan behind the things that happen in life. For me, I just cannot live that way. I have to believe there is more, there is depth, purpose, meaning, and a reason for all things. So I choose to know life as happening FOR me and FOR us. This perception allows me to see all things, whether they are scary, painful, challenging, joyous and amazing, or less than ideal…as opportunities for me to continue to break down the barriers within myself that keep me from fully showing up in the world as my truest, most authentic self, living my most amazing and best life. These opportunities give me the inspiration I need to continue searching for meaning and helping others do the same. Some days, that’s all we have. I choose to be inspired vs. intimidated.

4) That I AM worthy of great things, and if I believed that, then I wouldn’t be trying so hard to prove it to others. My entire younger years were spent running around, winning this or that, accomplishing, achieving, proving, and at the end of the day…I still didn’t feel like enough. I blamed others for a long time for not granting me the validation I longed for, poured my heart out for, and gave my blood, sweat, body, and tears over for. Then, recently, I woke up. I realized that I am the ONLY person who can validate me and allow myself to feel worthy of great things. The fact that I was trying so hard for others to do this was the evidence I needed to show me I did not believe it to be true within myself. Now, as soon as I see myself people pleasing and looking outside myself for validation, I know right away that I am really seeking my own validation, and I actually have an inside job to tend to 🙂

5) That ultimately everything we do, mistakes or not, will be used by a power greater than us, for the greater good…the bigger picture plan. I use to feel so much guilt or regret or suffering over choices or decisions I made, or about things I did that I was not proud of. I spent years of my life feeling shame, self-loathing, and disappointment over “who” and “what” I was, defining myself by how perfect or imperfect I was in my own eyes. I don’t do this anymore. I have learned, or chosen to believe, as a result of my own journey and self-development path, that EVERYTHING gets used to heal the whole. Even if we do something awful or terrible, just to learn never to do it again, there’s a source bigger than me that will make it good, and all is always forgiven. This helps me forgive myself and others, because I know it is not up to me to understand everything, except that all will be made good.  I know this in my heart of hearts, that all is always made good.

So these are some of the things I’ve learned, and although I may have saved myself suffering had I known earlier in life, I consider myself to be blessed and lucky to know what I do know now. I am grateful.

Thank you all for participating with me here. I appreciate you. Here’s to a happy and healthy 2011, filled with all our hearts desires.

5 hours and 40 minutes and counting…

I love you,



Are Your Thoughts Obeying THE LAW? September 28, 2010

I am noticing more and more, that as I stay committed to being in charge of my thoughts, I can change them. However, there are times when I seem to be bombarded with a daunting awareness of my own thoughts…because they are thoughts that make me feel bad, and the ones I must quickly change. Do you ever notice that some days are easy to stay in a very positive place and other days are more difficult? Some days I have no trouble seeing the beauty in everything, and complaining, criticizing, and comparing myself to others is the farthest thing from my set of choices in each moment. Then there are those days, when every time I open my mouth, something that seems a little too harsh or dramatic seems to throw itself up and out of me, and I experience many levels of fear and jealousy.

The feelings we have let us know what thoughts we are thinking. Our thoughts become things, so we must make sure we are having thoughts that make us feel good. If we feel bad, we know we are having thoughts that are creating things that will ultimately make us feel bad. Becoming more aware of this universal law, The Law of Attraction, is a very helpful awareness to have as a tool. If we want to create the life of our dreams, the life that our hearts really desire, then we must make our thoughts obey the Law.

Today, as I became aware of so many yucky feelings, and then the thoughts that were creating them, it was hard for me not to judge myself. We tend to want to get mad at ourselves or beat ourselves up for having “bad” thoughts because we assume we “should” be able to be in better control of them. However, changing our thoughts can change our life, and that takes practice. That’s right…PRACTICE. Just like anything else, we must learn new ways of doing things, by first becoming aware when we are doing what we no longer want to do. Then, every time we notice a less than ideal thought, we can PRACTICE shifting ourselves by replacing it with a better thought or visualization. At the same time, it is important to keep moving through life, doing the best we can at all times, with compassion for, and gentleness with, ourselves. Just like me today, I was in a place of feeling a bit negative, but I was aware that I WANTED to feel good. I wanted to think good thoughts and to continue creating a life that feels good to me. Regardless of what came up in my head, or out of my mouth, I committed to shifting the very minute I was aware of that which will not serve the creation of my vision in the long run. I didn’t want to work out, because I wanted to go home and wallow, however, I WANTED to feel good and to reprogram my brain MORE than anything else. Therefore I kept thinking of things that make me happy, like my dogs, my blog, my readers, the vision I have of myself writing a NEW YORK TIMES Best Selling Book, my vision of being someone who gets to motivate and inspire crowds of people, and minute by minute, hour by hour, I began to feel better. I got an effective workout accomplished, and I am ending my day doing what I love most…Writing and sharing my challenges with you, in hopes to help you walk through your own challenges with more awareness, ease, and grace.

Remember, our THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS. What do you want to create for your life? I suggest getting super clear about this and then allowing that desire to pull you through each day. What thoughts will bring you closer to your goal? The ones that make you feel good will! If you feel bad…change your mind by picturing all the things you want even MORE than you want to be miserable:-) Whenever you are struggling with feelings of anger, jealousy, sadness, loneliness, inadequacy, feeling like your life is small and insignificant…just bust out a BIG laugh. Fake it if you have to. Just change your mind. As long as you stay committed and willing to do what it takes to feel good, and create the life of your dreams, then no matter what…you WILL change your experience one step, one choice, one silly fake-it-till-you -feel-it laugh at a time.

Let me know how I can support you. Here’s To Your Health, Wellness, and Vitality!

“Law of Attraction is Universal, and every person is affected by it. And it is always true that what I think and what I feel and what I get are always a match, and there is not a person on the planet that did not know that when they were born, and there is not a person on the planet that would not benefit by knowing it. But many, many, many are not yet asking and therefore are not yet ready for the answer. And so, we would say that — although everyone wants this information — everyone is not necessarily ready for it. We would not spend any time trying to convince anybody of anything because if they’re not asking, your answers are just irritating.”
— Abraham