Erin Lanahan Method

Signature method to get fit from the inside out!

Dear God, Thank You October 25, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — Erin Lanahan @ 12:06 pm

Tonight I am questioning everything, but I’m allowing that to be OK. When we arrive at a place where we cannot make a decision, it’s usually because we are trying to make a heart based decision with our heads. It simply cannot be done. Therefore, I will finish this blog up quickly, as it is important for me to go process my feelings now. 

As we process through our feelings, we can navigate our lives by feeling our way rather than thinking our way, toward the highest good for ourselves.  What is in alignment with our highest good is ALWAYS best for everyone else as well, even if that is hard to see in the moment.

I cannot possibly know or “figure out”  what my next best steps should be. Therefore,  tonight I will express my gratitude for all that I have, and then connect to my heart and feel into where it is guiding me. When I find myself moving in a certain direction, I’ll let you know 😉

Dear God,

Thank you for my ancestors. They were courageous people and I am grateful for the lives they lived and the paths they walked that paved the way for me.

Thank you for my parents and my brothers and sisters. My family has given me a great childhood, amazing memories, and love beyond measures. Every day I KNOW how lucky and blessed I am to have them in my life. Thank you so so much.

Thank you for my friends. I have always had the best of friends, never a shortage for sure. There have been so many great women and men who have loved me when I couldn’t love myself, who have held the space for me to grow and heal, and who have supported me and cheered me on along my path. Thank you for these guardian angels.

Thank you for my husband and my children. I know I haven’t met them yet, but I feel them deeply in my heart. My heart says we will meet when the timing is right and I trust that. Thank you for creating such a beautiful family for me. I am grateful that they have chosen me as their wife and their mom.

Thank you for all of my clients. I am blessed every day with the miracles their voices bring into my life, and I am so grateful they have chosen me to be their Transformation Coach. They are all truly special, and some of my greatest teachers.

Thank you for my fitness. Fitness has been such a friend, a teacher, and a lover in my life. It continues to find me everywhere I go, and I fall more deeply in love with it every day as a result my relationship with it that is always evolving.

Thank you for all of the courage you have granted me to follow my dreams. It’s not always easy to say no to things that look so close to being perfect, but that ultimately just don’t feel right in my heart. Thank you for supporting me always and for guiding me and granting me all the resources I need to stay true to myself from a place of overflow.

Thank you for the relationship I have with the trees, with animals, and all of nature. I see now how they are me and I am them. I am grateful to have such a loving connection with all of life.

Thank you for the children, and the way they play such mirrors in my life, always showing me exactly who I do and don’t want to be.

Thank you for the creativity that flows through me daily. I feel honored to be your vessel for the ideas that come to me. I am grateful that you give me everything I need to carry these visions out into the world.

Thank you for this life and for your love. I couldn’t have one without the other. I am infinitely grateful for your presence, connection,  and power in my life.

Dear God, I love you, and I thank you.




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  1. […] am finding that abundance is not something we can capture or achieve, but rather something we receive when we are open, willing, and present in the […]

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