Erin Lanahan Method

Signature method to get fit from the inside out!

What’s Your G-O-D? October 15, 2011

I have been extremely aware lately, of this need for us to connect to something bigger than ourselves and what meets the eye. Whether you call it God, Divine Energy, Expanded Self, Higher Self, Higher Power, The Universe, The Cosmos, it doesn’t really matter. The truth is, we all reach a point where we think…I just can’t do this alone, I need help. What we tend to do is scramble around looking for people and using substances that do not have the power to help us, and eventually we grow tired, bitter, afraid, and defeated by our “lack of success.”  As a result we begin to feel unsafe, uninspired, and disconnected from everyone and everything. Some may even feel a deep sense of loneliness and abandonment.  However, no one has abandoned us but ourselves. We are only alone, because we refuse to seek real connection.

Why do we make it so hard on ourselves when the help we long for is only a prayer, a letter, or a conversation away?

There comes a point in my work with my coaching clients, when I know I have to begin talking about this subject. This can be such a tricky topic because up till now, there have been so many different beliefs, and people have literally killed and died to defend their beliefs.

However, true healing cannot happen until we accept Divine Guidance into our hearts and into our lives. Lately, my clients are arriving at the next phase of their healing and it is beautiful to watch them explore this idea of creating a God of their own understanding and deepening that relationship.

Whatever your beliefs are, I am not trying to disagree or change them. I think anyone who has a strong connection to a God of their own understanding, has an unlimited resource that those who do not have this connection are cut off from. Unfortunately, until we develop this deep, internal relationship, with a power greater than ourselves, we will remain disconnected from its support, love, and guidance. That said, it’s important to note, the Divine will never cut us off, but we cut ourselves off by refusing to surrender and to seek its help.

For me, I was always wanting so badly to believe there was some cosmic power that heard my prayers, who was watching out for me, and who I could rely on to save me. As much as I longed to believe this, I always had many doubts about whether or not it was really something worth having faith in. What if I believed and it let me down? What if I found out I was wrong and God either didn’t exist or somehow forgot about me?

What has helped me, and what I invite my clients to do as well, is to write out a description of what their perfect God would be like. I tell them to get as descriptive and detailed as they want.

My God loves me no matter what, listens to me whenever I seek its listening, lets me sware and get angry at it if I need to, sings me lullabies and keeps me company when I can’t fall asleep at night, speaks to me in words and ways that I can understand, grants me the courage I need to carry out my highest passions and purpose, and reminds me that I must always do my part. My God is gentle, kind, but has taught me that it only helps those who help themselves.

If I do my part, which is staying open, willing, and humble, and I ask for help, then I am granted the strength, power, energy, and resources I need to accomplish my soul’s mission in this life.

My God teaches me about love, intimacy, freedom, compassion, and grants me more and more awareness around who and what I really am.

What I am to my God is just as important as what it is to me. For my God I am a humble servant. I always show committment and willingness to heal, open my heart even more, and to do what I can to make a positive impact on the lives of others. For my God I am a friend, a lover, a child, and a messenger. This brings great pleasure and honor to my life.

What does your God do for you? What do you need from it? Perhaps you are angry or disappointed. Can you allow yourself to voice that to it, and ask for help?

What are you doing for your God? Are you expecting answers and results but unwilling to show your devotion, love, humility, surrender, and gratitude? Are you criticizing it for the very things you are not doing? Are you willing to let go of your little plans to receive the gifts it has for you? Can you be its vessel? Do you want to be?

I sometimes write a letter, hit my knees and say a prayer, or have an actual conversation. Many times I have said or written things like, “God, I am really upset. I feel so angry and frustrated. I want so badly to believe you are there, listening, responding, and taking care of me. I want so badly to know at my innermost awareness, that you exist and that I exist far beyond what I can see, but I am growing weary. I am forgetting the truth I think, and I am doubting whether or not you really are the truth. I am having a crisis of faith. Today it just feels like everything sucks and I am resentful at you for not giving me better circumstances. I am willing to see this differently, so if you are there, please grant me a new perception. Please help me. I will listen and I will follow, but you must show up and guide me. I cannot do this by myself, and I am nothing without you. Therefore, please show me that I am not nothing and give me a sign so clear that I cannot deny it. Please deliver it in a way that I am able to understand and accept into my experience. Thank you, I love you, Amen.”

Most of the time, by the end of that letter or conversation/prayer, I am already in a different state, and all of a sudden I begin to feel a presence inside of me and all around me. If I weren’t willing, I may miss this presence, but I stay open and willing to feel everything after I ask for help. Why ask for help if you aren’t going to accept help when it arrives? I stay open and willing to see everything after I ask to be shown a sign. Therefore, I begin to get bits of information, signs, insights, synchronicities, and an overall greater sense of calm, peace, safety, love, and inspiration.

This is a powerful process, to create a God of your own understanding and then to remember to turn to it every time you need help. It’s so simple, yet so many of us don’t think to do it. I am curious about how it may affect us as a collective consciousness, and as a world if we all did this on a daily basis. Why don’t we start by applying in our own lives first.

The time is NOW. We are being called to rise to our highest form of human existence. This BIG Shift I have been writing about lately, is reminding us that we are Spiritual beings having a human experience, not the other way around. We have an invitation to awaken into a new way of thinking, being, and living. Are you coming or not?

Let me know what’s going on for you. You can leave me comments here, or email me at

I love you,
