Erin Lanahan Method

Signature method to get fit from the inside out!

Preparing For A Big Shift Brings Up BIG Sh*t October 11, 2011

Hey guys. It is a bit after midnight here, so I am going to try to write a short blog so I can do my meditation and get into bed:)

As I have been talking about in the last few posts, there is a big shift happening in the collective consciousness on October 28th. This is a beautiful thing to be excited about, not anything to fear at all!

Have you been feeling things at a much more intense level lately and wondering what the heck is going on with you? Are you coming face to face with your fears, your old stories and patterns, and low vibrational habits that no longer serve you? Perhaps you are finding that there are certain relationships in your life that are totally triggering you, and you are having to look at yourself in a way that feels very uncomfortable. 

As we all prepare for a big shift (because whether we are conscious of it or not, our bodies ARE aware of it), then our BIG sh*t starts to get called up and kicked up. This is again, a good sign! Although it can feel really yucky and uncomfortable, we are actually purging things like our old ideas, lack and limitation, fears around intimacy, our beliefs around money, etc. Literally, and many of us ARE aware of this, we are being stretched and pushed to go back to the root of certain feelings and fears, so that we can make a different choice about what it means and therefore no longer have our lives be run by them.

This is the shift in consciousness that is currently happening. Why? Because what we have been doing, the beliefs we’ve had, and the way our structures were built (within us and without), are not working anymore. Therefore, the walls must come down. Life, structure, and beliefs, as we have formerly known them, are changing.

I don’t know about you, but I am getting super confronted DAILY, by my beliefs about love, faith, and what is possible for me. I am being put into situations, for example not having a car right now, that are forcing me to be vulnerable, face my fears about loosing freedom, and to find a deeper sense of self and a stronger ability to trust that I AM being taken care of. I get so afraid that I will not have what I want when I want it.

I am dependent on others for rides temporarily, and so I am at the mercy of their schedules. This throws me into a freak out mode, and I all of a sudden start wanting to go places just because I feel like I can’t. Then I ask myself  “Erin, if you had a car right now, would you really want to go to the post office?” The answer is usually “No.” So that tells me that it’s not about wanting to go somewhere, it’s about me needing to process through my deep inner fears around loosing my freedom, and I am much better off going to my room to get sttill and give my self time to BE with my feelings, then I am to go to the post office. In fact, many of us run from our feelings, and I literally am seeing myself try, but have manifested a situation where I can not run away any more. I HAVE to BE with my feelings because there is no way for me to go anywere else!

I have always wanted to experience true freedom, true abundance, true joy and peace. Well, this is my opportunity. As we work through our ideas about what freedom, joy, abundance, and love really mean, we discover that they are things only attainable from the inside out.

I am finding my freedom, learning about abundance, and finally surrounded by people and circumstances that call me to rise up and to become an even better human being. Tonight, I am grateful. I am grateful for this long day, for the run and swim at the beach with my friend who dragged me there when I didn’t want to go, and grateful for the Hot Springs where my roommates and I went to unwind, decompress, and talk about our fears and troubles we are having in our relationships with one another. I am learning about true trust, intimacy, unconditional love, and seeing that everything I have ever wanted is unfolding right now. All I have to do is slow down so I can see it and enjoy every minute of it.

What has been coming up for you lately? Please share with me what you are working through. You can leave me a message here or email me at

Love to you,



7 Responses to “Preparing For A Big Shift Brings Up BIG Sh*t”

  1. […] I don’t now about you guys, but I am flying pretty high the last couple days. As I keep sharing with you, there is a BIG shift in the collective consciousness on the 28th of October so the  days leading up to it are pretty juicy. I have given you a daily process you can be doing, to help support your transition into this next phase of the human experience. We are in for some yummy goodness! Life is gonna get really cool! However, you may be feeling a lot of intense emotions right now, and that is completely normal. Big Shifts bring up BIG Sh*t! […]

  2. […] you experiencing a loss of power? What is coming up for you lately. It’s an intense time, but there has never been the kind of energetic support for transformation as there is right now. […]

  3. […] me know what’s going on for you. You can leave me comments here, or email me at […]

  4. […] me know what’s going on for you. You can leave me comments here, or email me at […]

  5. […] me know what’s going on for you. You can leave me comments here, or email me at […]

  6. […] am here each night, as a gentle reminder to be loving and kind to yourself. We are all experiencing intense emotions and are being very confronted by our fears, our relationships, and our beliefs about everything as […]

  7. […] you are going through. It is an intense time on the planet right now and we are ALL being super confronted in our relationships, at work, with health stuff, etc. You may be experiencing really intense […]

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