Erin Lanahan Method

Signature method to get fit from the inside out!

Contemplation and Observation- Day 2 of Transformation October 9, 2011

Hello all! Happy Day # 2 of transformation! If you don’t already know what I am talking about, I posted and article yesterday that will fill you in, called Prepare For Transformation: 21 Days of Blogging 🙂 Please join us as we go deeper within ourselves and awaken!

Today I want to talk about contemplation and observation. I find myself reminding my clients as well as myself, that healing is simply a result of acknowledging what currently exists, without trying to change it, avoid it, judge it, or run away from it.  To really BE with ourselves is the goal. Can you really BE with your pain, BE with your fear, BE with the vast unknown that may emerge when you begin to venture outside your comfort zones?

As we allow ourselves to observe the parts within us or the physical aspects of our bodies or personalities, that we still have not found a way to accept, let us contemplate on those areas. Feel your lack of acceptance in those areas, observe the feelings that this lack of acceptance kicks up, and just BE with it.

We spend so much time and energy making up stories about our feelings, running from them, and trying to change them, and then we wonder why we feel such deep sorrow and suffering at times. Suffering is not in  the facts, it is in our perception of the facts. As you begin to allow yourself to feel things, without trying to change them, the things you feel will change. They will transform you as well.

Practice observing your reactions, thoughts, behaviors, and feelings. Notice your own fears and triggers, and when you say or do something that feels like a misrepresentation of how you want to show up in the world. BE with the fears underneath your reactions and behaviors. BE with your lack of acceptance, and then begin to accept all parts of yourself.

Accept your age, your wrinkles, your body shape and size. Accept your fears, your circumstances, and your insecurities. Accept the you that you have been rejecting all your life.

BE with your soul, and give your mind a break. Think from your heart and from your gut.

Contemplate on where you have yet to accept yourself. Observe your thoughts and feelings about yourself. That’s it. Then accept yourself exactly the way you are right now.

You can practice doing this with others as well. Observe your judgments of them. Contemplate on your perceptions of the world. Notice where you are in fear, are run by limiting beliefs, and where you lack acceptance and compassion for yourself, others, and the planet. Then change it. Just accept all of it, right then and there.

I too am on this journey with you. I am watching my every move, every thought, and every feeling. My desire to awaken and experience great love, joy, peace, and oneness, overrides all other desires at this point in my evolution. I have come to understand that nothing else is really all that important compared to the opportunity we all have to finally feel connected, healed, and at one with all that is.

How are you going? I would love to hear about your journey. Thank you for being a part of my life.

Love and Light,


P.S. Here is a video clip of me, just checking in with you! I also put it up on my youtube channel🙂