Erin Lanahan Method

Signature method to get fit from the inside out!

Are You In The Pressure Cooker? October 27, 2011

Hey guys. I am wondering who of you are feeling some added intensity lately? The pressure is on and it’s increasing daily. For me, almost every minute of every day the last couple of weeks have been the most confronting, uncomfortable experiences I think I have ever possibly had.

Whilst this may be true, I am reminding myself that there is gold in the discomfort. Some days I have literally just wanted to run. I don’t know where exactly, because ultimately I cannot run away from myself. However, it hasn’t stopped me from trying to plot my escape plans, ha ha!

How about you? Are you feeling something similar? As October 28th is coming up on us tomorrow, you may be noticing yourself and others getting more serious, more intense, and feeling almost as though there is a pressure upon you. This is because there is.

We are experiencing tough love. Tough Divine Love that is. What has been the level of consciousness up to now, no longer works for the longevity of this planet or for the human race. Therefore the energies are shifting and they are not too tolerant of anyone or anything that isn’t shifting with them. Change is upon us, which is why you feel the pressure. You will feel even more pressure if you are resisting the changes you are being called to make. 

For me it feels like I am being pushed into something I am terrified of, even though I know it’s really just the unknown that scares me. I am actually well aware that where we are headed is beautiful, loving, peaceful, and connected. This does not stop me from also experiencing the fear however.

Feeling fear and discomfort is ok as long as we stay conscious about it and don’t allow ourselves to get attached to it. Just observe it. Obviously some days are easier than others.

I am usually pretty good with handling my fears, insecurities, and feeling under pressure, but lately it has been multiple fears and insecurities confronting me almost every moment of each day. This is WAY more pressure than I’ve ever had to manage before, so it’s no wonder I’ve taken a good look around trying to locate the nearest exit door, LOL 😉 

 I have thought up all different scenarios about why I’d be better of bailing on my new endeavors. At the end of the day however, I know that anything that brings up this much stuff for me is a GOLD MINE. I can just stay with it long enough, I will be blessed with gifts. This goes for you as well.

Don’t give up before the miracle happens. I love this saying and it’s one I keep repeating over and over. I hope you’ll do the same.

I am super excited about tomorrow the 28th! I’ll be dancing and basking in the presence of love with a group as we celebrate this shift in collective consciousness. I hope you grant yourself room to reflect and to be in joy during such a special time on the planet. We are so lucky to be alive right now!

Sending you love, light, and blessings!



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