Erin Lanahan Method

Signature method to get fit from the inside out!

Erin Lanahan Method Is Moving! December 7, 2011


Hey guys…I am writing you tonight to let you in on some exciting news! In order to expand upon Erin Lanahan Method, I have bought a different site to transfer over to so we can enjoy a lot more options and so I can deliver much more to you than I am currently able to here. Plus, it’s just time for a new look 😉

Right now, the address points to this blog which is actually and you can see so if you look in your browser right now.

I will now be hosted completely at  so please make sure this is the address you are using to access my site every time you come to visit or share it with others.

Also, as of Thursday morning U.S. time, my site will be temporarily down while everything switches over to the new domain, but please come back on Sunday U.S. time, because we will definitely be up and running again with a WHOLE NEW LOOK by then!

I am sooooo excited! I have put so much of my heart and soul into this brand and company and I am so thankful and grateful to you all for following along. If for some reason your subscription to my blog does not make the transfer, PLEASE come back to me at next week and subscribe to the new and improved site. Having you on board with me really makes my world a better place, so I would hate to lose you in the change over.

Also, I would love to hear from you with any suggestions you have about what you would like to see me offer at Erin Lanahan Method. Feel welcome to express any of your ideas about how I can truly make E.L.M. feel like a place where you can come home and fill up with inspiration, motivation, insight, education, entertainment, and vision into your own creative expressions!

Thank you, thank you, and I love you.




Life Is Like A Bowl Of Trail Mix… December 6, 2011

…you never know what you’re going to get in each handful!

I know, I know…you think I made a mistake right? It’s suppose to be a box of chocolates, not a bowl of trail mix! What ever am I thinking??

Well let me tell you. First of all, I removed the box because I really prefer not to purchase any of my food in boxes. Typically boxed or packaged food means low quality and highly processed. These days, I get a kick out of making my own trail mix by wisely choosing the yummy ingredients one by one and placing each one into their separate little recycled baggies until I can get them home to mix them.

You see, the thing about trail mix is, I can take the bits and pieces of wisdom I have collected over the years, from schools I’ve graduated from, certifications I have completed, experiences I have had, teachers I have met, and personal trial and error, to successfully combine a mix that is yummy in every bite, balances out my blood sugar, and keeps me excited about the next handful. Now THAT is talent 🙂

In life, it is important to remember that we don’t have to take things as they come. We can choose not to take the pre-packaged experiences, and instead, create our own! We can take pieces of this philosophy, that belief system, and few dashes of our own intuition, and create something balanced, colorful, full of all the nutrients we need, and most importantly, something that is FUN and feeds us in every way!

I love creating my own recipes because it reminds me that life is my greatest recipe, and it teaches me that I can mix whatever ingredients I feel would make a yummy experience. I can make the same trail mix every time OR I can try different ingredients just because I CAN!

So, are you buying pre-packaged experiences or are you creating your own?

Don’t worry, there are no wrong choices. Some will appear to taste better short-term and create discomfort long-term. Others will taste healthy now, and perhaps feel a bit uncomfortable in the short-term, yet they will create energy, vitality, and soul-full expansion in the long-term. Some will just taste like ecstasy now and bring nothing but joy to your day, every day, while others just won’t do anything for you, never have, and never will. It’s all a matter of preference and YOU are the Head Chef.

You get to choose the ingredients of your life. You get to have fun doing it and enjoy every bite of it. Therefore make the most of your power to create your wildest recipes!

Happy Eating!!



P.S. Here’s one of my most favorable trail mix recipes…although I invite you to create your own 😉

-*goji berries




-*dried cranberries

-*incan berries

-*dried blueberries

-*pumpkin seeds

-*sunflower seeds

*organic, raw, sulphur free, gluten-free, vegan

I prefer to mix it up so the fruit laces every bite, but is a lesser proportion than the nuts and seeds, to create a higher protein, lower sugar combination. Again, I am always trying something new depending on the day!


Wishing To Explore New Opportunities? December 5, 2011

Are you wishing to explore new opportunities?

If so, good! That is quite natural for the Spirit to crave. We are ever evolving beings and expansion is our most natural way of expression.

I find myself re-inventing, tweaking, and changing my path all the time. It’s fun, but it can also feel scary. Do you ever sit around, thinking about everything you want your life to become and wonder how you will ever get there? Then, 6 months later, do you find yourself having even more clarity about what it is you want your life to feel like, and therefore see how and why what you wanted 6 months ago didn’t unfold the way you thought it should at the time?

Be gentle and patient with yourself.

You are exactly where you need to be, and if you can trust that, it will create an opening for you to fully embrace and enjoy the process you are in right now. Whatever it is you are currently experiencing IS, whether you see it or not, playing a huge part in the intentions you have set for your life experiences. 

When you notice yourself getting caught up in self-doubt or lack of faith, remember these three things:

1) Anytime you need assistance you can ask for it. Call upon a God of your understanding, the trees, the Universe, mermaids, the Archangels, Buddha, Jesus, ferries, whatever works for you! What you seek does not matter, as long as your request is pure and asking for guidance. Then, open yourself up to any signs, visions, or messages that may come to you through conversations, thoughts, dreams, books, articles, someone’s t-shirt, a TV show, etc. Signs and Divine guidance can come in mysterious way 🙂

2) Your intuition is never wrong. It’s only our fear of being wrong or of failing that stops us from going the distance. If you feel strongly about something, it IS a sign that you are being summoned to follow it. What you find may be completely different from what you set out to find or create, but if you stay open, you will always be pleasantly surprised. It will most likely require some patience, willingness, and committment on your part, but it’s worth the effort!

3) When you are in a situation that really challenges your ability to stay connected to your dreams and passions, find one thing that really matters to you and do it every day, or as many times a week as possible. This will act as an anchor for you and keep you in the higher creative energies that bring new ideas to life.

Ok, I hope you all are enjoying the Holiday Season so far. It’s a bit strange for me being on the opposite side of the world this Holiday Season, but I am making the most of my new experiences no matter what!  

Sending you all lots of LOVE and Holiday Hugs!!

xo Erin


NOW Is The New When December 2, 2011


The main event has never been the manifestation; the main event has always been the way you feel moment by moment, because that’s what life is.
— Abraham

I love this quote from Abraham, and it just so happen to hit my inbox on a day when I was really basking in this knowing.

Do you ever just laugh at yourself, when you realize that all you really have to do to enjoy life is to enjoy the moment you are actually in right now? It is so simple, yet so many of us LOVE to complicate things.

Each day I put this knowing into practice and I invite you to do the same.

Life isn’t about tomorrow or the excitement, joy, or potential pain you will feel from some event that hasn’t happened yet.

No. Life is about how you are able to interpret, accept, and appreciate the NOW.

As we let go of “getting there”, fixing things, and changing things,  and instead remind ourselves that we are already here, right now, then life becomes about how much joy we can uncover and discover in every moment.

Do you trust?

Do you trust that even when one moment may feel awkward or uncomfortable, that you are in fact exactly where you are supposed to be?

I find that the discomfort comes from a lack of trust about this.

At the end of the day, all we really have is the way we perceive the moments we live, from one moment to the next. What we experience is really up to us. Even if you have something extremely challenging and scary you are facing, what else is the solution?

You have two choices…to be miserable and paralyzed with fear and resentment OR to find the doorway within the obstacles that gives you access to opportunities and a greater love for yourself and for life.

As I put this knowing into practice I find a greater sense of ease and direction in my life. I still have days where I resist this, but thankfully, they are less and less.

Can you apply this knowing in your life? Do you trust yourself enough to let go and surrender to the NOW? I want to know. Please leave me some love here 🙂

The Divine Light within me, acknowledges and appreciates the Divine Light within you.

Love Always,




Girls (and guys) Just Wanna Have Fun! December 1, 2011

Aint that the truth!!! We all just wanna have fun! Am I right?

What if having fun WAS the goal for every day?

What if I told you that nothing else matters but how much fun you are actually having playing this game we call LIFE? I mean they even made a game about it just as a subliminal reminder not to take ourselves or this experience too seriously!

But seriously, I am not saying to be “irresponsible,” however I AM saying to treat all of it like a game. In the Board Game Of Life, you pick an SUV, hop in, and enjoy the ride. You can choose marriage, babies, college, a great career, a big house full of kids, a gigantic salary, and you can potentially get rich or end up bankrupt. You can choose revenge, chance, you can retire in style, and make millions if you want to. There are NO LIMITATIONS. So why wouldn’t you live life to the fullest right? Regardless of the outcomes along the way, do you find yourself actually believing at any point that the game is real?? I think not.

If you could go to work each day, engage with your friends and family, and make choices in each moment, based on the fact that you are just playing a game and it is meant to bring you great fun and joy…how might that affect the way you see and do things?

Having fun yet??

Perhaps you think I’m crazy? If so, that’s ok because I sure am having fun with this 🙂

Really though, what if you could make each move in life, with the same ease and non-attachment that you use while playing the board game? It’s fun to strategize right? It’ exciting to take risks. It’s an adrenaline rush to win a lot of money, loose it, and then win it again. Why?? Because you KNOW that none of it can hurt you. You KNOW that the pink, green, blue, and yellow money is fake, and not really your SOURCE of abundance right? It’s just there to PLAY with. Nothing that happens can actually have a real negative effect on who and what you truly are.

This is the SAME in real life.

We have all just forgotten that we are playing a game.

Not just any game though…an AMAZING game filled with so many options and opportunities to experience ups and downs, and to hop on extreme rides every single day! Have fun with it!

When you aren’t having fun, you are probably feeling discomfort of some sort, just like we do in  a game when we are being a poor sport.

You know those people who take game playing, winning, and loosing so seriously they miss the entire point of the game (which is to have fun by the way)? Don’t be like them!

Just like you would laugh at them and tell them to “chill out, it’s just a game,” do that to yourself every time you catch yourself feeling less than your infinite, unlimited, and abundant self!! Remember, if you are feeling discomfort, it’s only because you are forgetting that you are playing a game that is meant to be FUN. Snap out of it! Wake up!

If  you’d like to know more about how to have more fun playing the game of Life, then I trust you and I can have some real fun together. I am offering a special coaching program for the first 5 people who contact me about this. 6 weeks of one-on-one phone coaching, 3 videos offering  different FUN workouts, and 30 of my top tips for living a life filled with MORE FUN! All for $500.00!

If you feel pulled to connect more deeply with me about coaching together, please send me an email at  introducing yourself. Tell me one thing you would do if you could do anything you wanted, and I will email you the details about how to proceed.

Are you ready to play the game??

Let’s Go!

Enjoying Life,



Matters Of The Heart November 30, 2011

No matter where I go, what I do, or who I am with, it always comes down to one thing. Is my heart happy??

I have been a seeker on a journey, an explorer sailing the wild seas within myself, and a warrior of the daily battles that tend to happen inside my head. I may not KNOW much, but I do know that at the end of the day, nothing matters but love. Nothing matters but acceptance. Nothing matters but the Spirit. There is no greater Source than the one within us.

So why can it feel so hard? To be happy that is. Why do so many of us struggle to “find” it? Can it really be found? Perhaps not. Perhaps happiness is like all matters of the heart. It simply exists all the time, and it is always available to those who choose it.

How do we choose it you say?

We choose it over and over again, every time anything but love or but happiness is lurking in the background, and we choose it and we choose it, no matter what, until it becomes our default mode.

Tonight I am thinking of old friends, old lovers, old memories, old ways of life, and really feeling so much I haven’t felt in a long time, but I am ok. I miss pieces of them, but I am still ok. I am always ok if I choose to be. 

As I look ahead I stop myself, and I come back to this moment. I do what matters to my heart. I engage in matters of the heart, and I speak up about how I feel and share it with you. This is how I choose my happiness. This is how I choose love.  Thank you for being here with me.

I love you,



If Every Day Were A Vacation Day I Would… November 29, 2011

If every day were a vacation day, how would that change the way you feel about waking up? What would you do? Where would you go?

Maybe you would choose to spend your days, dancing from one curiosity to the next. Or perhaps you would never get out of your pj’s and instead snuggle up with your journal and write fantasy stories. Maybe you’d go to the beach to watch the waves crash upon the shore, allowing them to cleanse your busy mind until you found your natural state of peace again.

Whatever it is for you, I invite you in this moment to connect to how that feels inside of you, to get to wake up every day and only do what you feel pulled to do and to do everything you feel pulled to do.

What a concept right?

I am sure you are having thoughts such as “That sounds great but who in their right mind actually believes that is possible?” or “If I did that each day, who would pay the bills?” It is only natural to have these questions come up. However, I am not asking you those questions…I am asking you how it would feel to follow your inner guidance on  a daily basis? If we play with this idea for purposes of this article only, perhaps you can allow yourself to take this ride with me right now.

What kinds of things would you do each day if you could do whatever you felt pulled to do and money just took care of itself? What would life be like it that WERE possible? How do you know it isn’t?

I have been traveling Australia since the end of June. I packed up my life in Los Angeles, CA and carried it with me in my heart to my first Aussie destination, which was Sydney. After a couple of months in Sydney, I was offered a rich opportunity to move to a beautiful place called The Mornington Peninsula, just outside of Melbourne, Australia. I was hired on as the Health and Communication Consultant, to help get an Eco Health and Sustainability Retreat up and running effectively.

Los Angeles, Sydney, and working for the retreat on The beautiful Mornington Peninsula offered me uniquely different experiences and opportunities for transformation. All three journeys brought me great pleasure and joy, but when I was ready to move on I did, regardless of the “what if’s” or the paychecks I was leaving behind.

When I decided to move to Australia, there was no finite plan. Finite, is not a word that I enjoy as part of my vocabulary. It seems to go against everything I believe we are. If I believe who and what I really am is infinite, unlimited, and unconditional love, abundance, and joy, then to refer to anything as finite, confuses me. I have discovered, that to think of my resources as coming from anything finite,  is actually the very thing that cuts myself off from the source of all resources.

I felt pulled to go on this journey, and along with that I felt fully committed and willing to process through any and all fears and limiting beliefs that may try to convince me I am anything other than what I belive myself to be.

You are also infinite, unlimited, and unconditional love, abundance, and joy.

Do you believe me? You don’t have to, but the only person who suffers if you don’t, is you. What if you are? How does that change the way you see your life?  What if every day were a vacation day and you got to play whatever games you wanted?

As I move from idea to idea, curiosity to curiosity, experiment to experiment, exploration to exploration, city to city, I access even more of my true essence and the knowing that comes along with that. I get to create my day every day. If every day is a vacation day, then I know I have no limits, no time schedule other than one I may choose to create, nowhere I have to go other than the places I choose to have fun with, and nothing I have to be other than exactly what I am in the moment. This gives me a sense of freedom. As I am liberated by these feelings, I become open to everything that is possible in each moment. There’s nothing I “have” to do. There is only “What do I feel pulled to do right now.”

Sometimes you may feel unclear about what you are pulled to do. This is ok.

Simply take some time out each day, or multiple times a day, to turn within and to ask yourself, “What am I feeling pulled to do today, what is it I want in this moment. Expanded Self, please show me the way.”

I have this dialogue with myself every day, sometimes 50 plus times a day. As I continue to allow myself to follow what I feel pulled to do, I continue to discover new things, to develop a deeper level of awareness, to connect more deeply with myself, with others, and with the outside world, and I keep getting new opportunities to express even more of who and what I really am, and to create an even more playful and enjoyable dream vacation on a daily basis.

If you’d like more help creating this dialogue with yourself, and to therefore live a life filled with more joy, doing only what you feel pulled to do, keep reading! I have a special offer for you at the end. Please don’t skip to the end…the rest of the article IS worth reading 🙂

So…If every day were a vacation day, what would that change inside of you? I invite you to connect to this feeling inside of you. As we connect more deeply to how we want our lives to feel, it creates an inner shift. 

When we can grant ourselves the permission we seek, to awaken to who and what we really are, and to really do what we feel pulled to do, and only what we feel pulled to do, then what once seemed impossible becomes our greatest terrain for adventure and transformation.

I have recently left The Mornington Peninsula and I am creating the next game I want to play, and having fun laughing at all the rules I made up in the past to make myself believe it wasn’t possible to do what I am actually doing every day!! This makes me excited about all the other once “impossibilities” I am now going to begin living as though they are natural for me and easy to create!

Although I am always a work in progress, I have experienced deep transformation over the last few years. Here are 3 things I have learned that I want to pass along to you:

1) Every time you feel discomfort, it is an opportunity to reclaim your power back from something that once caused you a loss of power. Claim your power back at every chance. Discomfort is there to help you see that you are giving your power away, and actually believing that something outside of you can take away your happy place. It’s not true, that is a lie you told yourself at some point. As you begin to recognize discomfort in the moment, acknowledge the loss of power you feel from it. Then make a different choice. You are infinite, unlimited, and unconditional abundance, love, and joy, and anything that makes you feel otherwise is simply an illusion and not true. Play the game, but this time…claim your power back!

2) Once you take the leap to trust your inner guidance, be prepared to come face to face with all your fears and limiting beliefs, but KNOW, they have no power, other than the power you give them. If you remain committed and willing to move THROUGH them, you will always reach a new way of living on the other side.

3) Question your beliefs and your limitations. Sometimes you will find yourself telling old stories and repeating things unconsciously, not having reconsidered them since the first time you heard them or made them up. Make sure you are living with a belief system, and using an inner dialogue that fully supports your highest good. Who says what you are capable of or not? Who gets to decide what is possible or not? Why wouldn’t it be possible to enjoy every day of your life AND have all the bills taken care of without a struggle on your part?

You choose. What do you want? A life filled with limiting beliefs and fear that stops you? Or a life filled with new opportunities and possibilities that emerge from within the fears that you choose to walk though and thus are liberated from? I want to hear you say it. Let me know.

If you feel pulled to explore this topic in more depth, and to really find out how you can apply this in your life, to liberate you from the daily “have to’s,” then I trust you will enjoy the 6 week coaching program I have developed for clients just like you!

I am offering 6 weeks of coaching for $600! All you have to do is share this article on your Facebook and/or Twitter and then reply to this post with a comment including your email. If you prefer a bit more privacy, you can just share this on Facebook and/or Twitter, and then send me a private email at introducing yourself. Whether you submit your info in reply to this post, or send me a private email, I will be in touch to connect more deeply with you, and then we can can proceed accordingly. I am looking forward to working with you!

Sending you so much support, appreciation, and hugs.




What Is Abundance? November 12, 2011

I am writing to you from this window, and feeling abundantly abundant 🙂

We hear of this word ABUNDANCE all the time. It is something we say we want, and something many of us chase and chase, but somehow always feel as though it eludes us.

I am finding that abundance is not something we can capture or achieve, but rather something we receive when we are open, willing, and present in the moment.

Abundance is a feeling within, an inside job, and not a result of any external triumph. Even when we have opened up to receive the always present and available abundance within, external triumphs become less important and we remain aware that they are only the physical manifestation of our inner state of consciousness.

I don’t know about you, but I have won things, been the best, been placed front and center, gotten what I wanted on the outside, and had my life “appear” to be perfect in other people’s eyes.

What those people didn’t know, was how much lack and limitation I was feeling on the inside.

Those short-term achievements made me feel good for a little while, but they always wore off. Do you know what I mean?

If we depend on money, cars, houses, status, property, our looks, etc, to feel ok, then we are in for a pretty hard fall or sharp wake up call. It’s the same as a drug addict depending on cocaine to function and feel ok in the world. What begins to happen is the effects he or she once got from the drugs, diminish, and then they must begin to consume more. The drug addict will consume and consume, only to begin to feel emptier and emptier, and less and less. What once made he or she feel good, will stop working. This is my point about depending on “stuff” for our energy, life force, and abundance. This is what I mean about abundance being an inside job.

Abundance for me, and I will speak for myself, come from things like walking through an organic garden and witnessing the very food I eat growing all around me from the earth. I see that the plants just grow and grow, and there will always be enough.

Abundance comes from the days I sit at the beach and 3 dolphins swim right up to where we are swimming at the seashore to remind me that life is everywhere and that nature supports me. I feel abundant when a koala climbs up and down trees right before my very eyes, thus bringing me pure and utter joy, and therefore completely shifting my day.

Abundance for me, is a result of gratitude for every single day I get another chance at loving myself and others and the opportunities it brings to share even more of my gifts. 

Abundance is how I feel in this moment, as I write this to you, staring out the window at the ocean. This place I am in, at this table, on this chair, in front of this window,  is a vision I had just a couple of months ago. Abundance is the feeling I get on days like today when I find myself living my visions, and becoming aware of myself here, at my computer, doing what I love with a beautiful and inspiring view, just like the vision I had, without ever knowing until this very moment that I was on my way here the whole time. I am reminded once again, of the power we each have when we set our intentions and then let them free to unfold naturally.

Abundance is the feeling I get when I look around at the relationships in my life and feel in awe of the level of respect and support that flows freely between my loved ones and myself.

Abundance is what I experience when I let go and let God, and trust that all my needs will be met, only to go to sleep that night having had all my needs met and more!

Abundance for me, is the feeling I have when I KNOW I can walk away from the things and people who I love but do not serve my highest good, and trust that both of us will be guided to the best life for each of us as a result of my courage to stand up for myself and what matters most in my heart.

Abundance is a feeling, not trophy or a million dollars, unless these things are an extension and an expanded expression of what’s going on inside of you.

What IS going on inside of you? If it is abundance you seek, find it within yourself first. As you make the choice to open up to feeling abundant, only then will you begin to find it everywhere.  

Please share with me what’s coming up for you right now. I am feeling so grateful today and had to share this gratitude and inspiration with anyone and everyone. This is not to brag or make anyone who is currently struggling feel bad, rather it is to help you tap into your own unlimited abundance and expanded self. Please let me know if you’d like any further support.

Lots of love and so many blessings to you all!




On The Road Again November 1, 2011

Ok, so I have some wonderful news!!! I am off  to study yoga on The Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia! I am embarking on another journey! I have some serious traveling to do in between now and when I begin my training February 4th and I am pumped about it. I will be spending time and visiting with family all around Australia, whom I either haven’t seen in a long time or have never even met. I have just begun those plans so I will keep you posted.

I am also getting down to some serious business and putting all my time and energy into growing and expanding Erin Lanahan Method. I look forward to sharing more of that with moving forward and I appreciate all your support and suggestions.

I can proudly say, by February 1st, I will have been in Australia for 6 months, and within those 6 months I will have lived in 3 different states, and 4 different cities! This is awesome!

I know it may seem as though a lot of change has happened fast, and in a way it has. However, when we work on ourselves and our lives from the inside out, it can often appear and feel as though there is no movement, when quite the opposite is happening.

To move on the inside is the hardest and most important part of the transformation process.

What we ultimately do externally is hopefully just an extension of where we are internally.

Once we shift inside, massive shifts happens FAST on the outside, and what a joy ride it can be!

I have been working on myself from within for a long time. When I moved from Sydney to the Mornington Peninsula just recently, to help open this Health and Wellness Retreat I am working at, I knew it wasn’t going to be long-term. I felt it in my gut. But I also knew I had to come because a part of what I needed to move forward was going to emerge from my time here, and it definitely has to say the least. I have had somewhat of a breakthrough and all of a sudden I am experiencing the power of clarity, inspiration,  and divine direction like never before.

How are you feeling lately? I know for me I noticed a huge shift after October 28th passed. I believe those of us who did the 3 daily practices I suggested doing on October 8th, probably have felt a deeper shift than those who weren’t preparing consciously for such an energetic shift.

It’s ok if you weren’t preparing, but it’s important to remain patient and gentle with yourself now, to allow your body the space it needs to catch up with and integrate what just happened.

I have been feeling more and more pulled to the Gold Coast over the last few weeks. It was challenging for me to trust this intuition at first, but after many hours of processing feelings and confronting my fears, I am absolutely certain this is what I am being guided to do. I have always wanted to study Yoga, to add it to my knowledge base of fitness, so that is exactly what I am going to do. I am going to become a certified Yoga instructor by Essence of Living in Mermaid Beach, Australia.

I also have a few other amazing plans up my sleeve, but I’ll reveal more to you as time moves on and I get solid around the details. If you follow along, you can come with me for the ride!

I am going to sign off now. Time for reflection, contemplation, and meditation before bed time. Lots of love to you. Let me know how you are doing. Thank you for being here with me.




A New Day October 30, 2011


Hey there. Man, it feels weird not having posted anything since October 27th. I actually was planning on my last blog of 21 consecutive days of blogging, to be on the 28th. However, that day was a wild one for me, and I never did get to my computer. I never did I get to my computer yesterday either.

Today however is a new day. When I woke up yesterday, October 29th, I was exhausted. I hadn’t gotten to sleep until 5am that morning due to a favor I did for a friend at 2am, and needless to say, I woke up feeling as though change was looming once again. I felt called to really turn within and to get brutally honest with myself about what my gut and my heart were saying. It was time to make a decision.

This journey for me here on The Mornington Peninsula, in Victoria, Australia, has been one of the most profound, transformational experiences I have ever been through. I have gone deeper in my own personal development than ever before, and I have come through some pretty intense emotions and decision-making processes. As a result, I have more clarity about the direction I want to move in from this point forward. I have more clarity about how to live in integrity, while still being loving, and maintaining healthy boundaries in relationships.

I am still working a few things through, but when I know more, I will share with you in detail about where this journey is taking me.

Mostly, tonight I want to talk about A New Day. We have moved into a time on the planet where we create our own destinies. Everything is available in The NOW, and we are being encouraged to learn to live in the moment, to be completely present at all times, and to surrender to what is actually showing up right NOW.

When we make decisions based on what may or may not happen in the future, it creates all kinds of drama around a decision that is really pretty simple to make. Just like relationships. If a guy has all kinds of potential that is definitely a good thing. However, if that is not what is currently showing up in your time together, then you may better off deciding what is best for you based on the present information. Do get what I am saying?

There must be space for you. There must be an opening for your gifts, and for what you are bringing to a situation or a relationship. If there is no space or opening, you can be the greatest gift in the world, but it will not matter. No one will hear you, there will never be time for what you need to express, and ultimately, what you have to offer will not have the opportunity to be given or received. That’s when I walk away. It’s not because anyone else is doing anything wrong, it’s just a decision based on the facts about where people currently are. I used to try to change things, but recently I have learned the blessing available when I can acknowledge the truth, accept what is showing up right NOW, and then make a choice based on what’s best for me according to the information available to me.

There is beauty, peace, joy, and liberation in accepting what is. To accept that you will never change is a freeing thing, not a scary thing. When we realize that we are the way we are, and people are they way they are, because we all play a role and a part in the greater plan unfolding, then it makes it easier to accept the things you wish were different. It also brings you into the moment. When we are in the moment, we can finally see that there is actually nothing wrong at all.

I am feeling deeply inspired by my journey, by my purpose, and by my mission. I am grateful for my life, for my friends, for my parents, for my blog, for my work, for my clients, for my challenges, for my teachers, and I am grateful for the guidance that continues to hold a space for me and to be a presence in my life and in my heart.

I thank you all for coming here to join me, to read the words I write, and to share your journeys with me. I trust you are finding your way, and doing the best you can to make every day a new day.

Lots of Love,



Just A Few Words… October 26, 2011

Today was an interesting day. I am facing so much intense emotion every minute of every day lately, and today was at an all time high with regards to the peaks and valleys of my emotions.

All I can say for now, because it’s midnight here and time to go to bed, is that something magical happens when we stop resisting what is and simply just show up for what’s summoning us in the moment. This has been so hard for me and I literally have been acting like a 2-year-old throwing temper tantrums. Thank goodness I am mostly having them internally, because otherwise my friends and co-workers would probably ask me to go home and never come back, ha ha!

Seriously though, I had something pretty amazing happen to me at the end of my day today, that confirms the power of surrender. However, as a result of this experience, I ended up working late and I’m super exhausted, so I’ll save that story for another post. I just wanted to touch base tonight and at least check-in. Sending you all so much love! Let me know what’s going on for you…Nighty night!

Huge Hugs,



What If? October 23, 2011

What If I stay where I am? What if I go somewhere different? What if I find what I’m looking for? What if I don’t?

What if?

What if humanity continues to feel separate? What if we wake up into Oneness? What if we never forgive each other? What if we all loved one another like family?

What if?

What if there is a God? What if there isn’t? What if I don’t have a soul mate? What if I have many?

What If?

What if I’m doing everything wrong? What if I’m doing everything right? What if I believe in something that doesn’t exist? What if everything I believe is real?

What if?

What if I never fit in? What if fitting in means playing small? What if I’m misunderstood? What if they hear what they need to hear and not what they don’t?

What if I get sick and die? What if I live forever? What if I lose someone I love? What if there is no such thing as loosing someone?

What if?

What if I never meet a man who really gets me? What if I do? What if I never have children? What if I have 1 boy and 1 girl?

What if?

What if nowhere ever feels like home? What if home is found inside of me? What if I never feel at peace? What if peace happens through me?

What if?

What if I never know what’s best for me? What if I make the best of everything? What if I don’t do what I love? What if I love everything I do?

What if?

We can ask ourselves What if ? as many times as we want in a day, in an hour, or in a minute. The truth is, we can’t possibly know the answers. All we can do is sit in the unknown, in the NOW, and decide which answer feels better to play with in the moment.

What if I clung tightly to outcomes? What if I completely let go? What if I can’t stand uncomfortable? What if uncomfortable is ecstasy in the making?

What if?

Here’s to ecstasy in the making.




Revelations – Awakening As One – October 28, 2011 – YouTube October 22, 2011

Hello friends. I wanted to share this video with you as well, as I find it pretty insightful and creatively delivered. I’m interested to hear your thoughts and feelings that it inspires or triggers.

Love you,



Something To Explore: October 28 Shift In Collective Consciousness

Hey everyone! For today’s blog, which is day #15 of my 21 days of consecutive blogging to transformation, I wanted to share with you this bit of information I received about the upcoming October 28th shift I have been mentioning throughout my last 15 blogs. Please read below if you feel pulled, and explore all the possibilities. Blessings and so much Love and Light to you all!

xo Erin

Information on 28th October 2011

Compiled by Grant Woolven

The final cycle of the Mayan Calendar is the Universal Level. It began on February 11 this year and ends on October 28. October 9 to 28 is the ‘Seventh Day’ with a theme of attuning to Divine Grace and ascension into Divine Consciousness. October 28 is the completion of the Nine Cosmic Levels of the Maya and the 108 Movements of Shiva in the Vedic tradition, and is an important day for prayer, meditation, spiritual healing, group activity and Oneness Blessings.

During the next nine months humanity has an opportunity to perceive everything in life as sacred. Carl Calleman writes: The entire cosmos will be recognised as an expression of divinity. This final transformation of the ancient (separative) mind into a mind of light will be heralded by the Venus transit on June 6, 2012; Venus will literally passage across the surface of the Sun, which will act as a cosmic mirror for humanity and catalyse a celebration of global unity.

Over 10 years ago Sri Bhagavan, founder of Oneness University, described spiritual awakening as a neurobiological process. Recently numerous teachers and scientists have also arrived at the same conclusion – as the brain is transformed the heart flowers, and the nervous system is ‘rewired’ for bliss. This process transcends euphoric states and catalyses an ongoing experience of biological oneness with the universe. Separation dissolves and the individual feels at one with their environment while still being unique.

We are the Revolution of Conscious Evolution. The Mayan Calendar and Our Era Carl Calleman writes about the Venus transit on June 6, 2012. This Venus transit is an occasion for the collective consciousness of humanity to integrate our fundamental spiritual oneness and the insight that we are now on a path toward enlightenment; where the cosmic plan is designed to lead us.

The Universal Level will be very different from the previous eight levels. To the Maya these last 260 days of the 16.4 billion year cycle are the manifestation of what all of creation has been working towards and planning for:-

It is when all things are brought together and all the conflicting ways of being, acting and thinking will be resolved and unified in a light that makes it possible for everyone to understand  everyone else and everything at once.

The underlying theme of this Level is Divine Grace; it is only through this vehicle that humanity will become enlightened. All limitations will dissolve. When this happens every human being will intuitively know and understand why the cosmic plan was designed in this way. The involuntary response will be an overflowing of gratitude to the creator and all the great masters and avatars that helped bring it to fruition. This will happen concurrently with the recognition of our own inherent divinity as the separation between man and divine will permanently dissolve. Verse 21:4 in the Book of Revelation describes this:

 ”And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there will be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain; for the former things are passed away.”

As balance in the two hemispheres of the brain occurs we will experience a state of pure being that is timeless. For this to occur the dualist mind with its survival oriented ego, will need to surrender itself to the ‘new mind of light’, which will function intuitively. Practices and processes that help purify the subconscious of limiting programs and unresolved emotions, and will help catalyse release from the separate sense of self.

During this level major changes in consciousness will occur every 18 to 20 days. Individuals that are unaware or unprepared may experience fear as the illusion of separate self is dissolved. The experience of an expanded state of being free from psychological dominance may be overwhelming for some and result in temporary personal collapse. The recognition of the necessity of divine grace and the cultivation of humility, gratitude and integrity, will be important during this time. The assistance of avatars, masters and teachers will also be essential for many people. Others will intuitively recognise what is happening and simply surrender to the process. Carl Calleman also predicts the end of all hierarchies and governments. If everyone lives in unity and harmony with the Divine, why elect someone to rule them?

It is important to consciously prepare for global enlightenment. It would thus seem wise for all of us to prepare ourselves, beginning today, by immersing ourselves in the cosmic flow of time and in all possible ways seeking to transcend the influence of duality in our thinking, acting and being.

Until Then the time between October 28, 2011 and the Venus transit on June 6, 2012 will be a time of adjustment for humanity, especially for those individuals who were unprepared for the shift in consciousness. This will mark the end of all limitations and cycles. The Mayan calendar will have served its purpose, as will have all other calendars, and beyond this point human beings will be completely free to chart their destiny. Humanity will live in true freedom, joy and peace.

The remaining sacred day during the eight years between the Venus transit in 2004 and 2012 is:

Date: October 28, 2011

Phase: End of Seventh Day

Ruling Aspect and Intention: 13 Sun – Ascension into Divinity

**Organising and participating in group meditations and spiritual awakening processes on this date will contribute to the emergence of a field of intuition and telepathy among human being. This will support recognising the flow of the cosmic time plan with the common focus on enlightenment.

Hey guys, here is a video I am sharing with you of a question and answer session wit one of my greates teachers Sri Bhagavan:) This may also help you understand more about what is happening and how to surrender to it. Enjoy!


It’s Time To Listen Now October 21, 2011


Are you listening?

Can you hear your inner wisdom guiding you? Do you feel the guidance from your higher self summoning you to live in accordance with the Divine Plan?

I do.

It’s time to listen. Listen to your innermost self, and listen to whomever is speaking.

They are telling you something. Whether you care about their actual words or not, listen to the way they effect you. Listen to yourself and what comes up for you in these moments. Feel what happens in your body. Are you moved, annoyed, inspired, thinking you know better? Are you connecting with them or are you thinking about yourself? What are they showing you about yourself?

Your responses to others will reveal to you how much compassion you really have, how deeply you can really love, and how willing you are to trust that we are all a reflection of one another.

 How committed are you, to loving and accepting every part of yourself and ever part of others?

As we become more aware of the gifts relationships offer us, we can begin to receive their gifts. It is a blessing to become aware of our lack of compassion, inability to love unconditionally, and to come face to face with our darkest thoughts and deepest fears as they are reflected back to us through an interaction we have with someone else. It is not an opportunity to judge ourselves when these places within us are revealed. No. It’s an opportunity to LOVE ourselves, and to go deeper, to bring light to those places, and to awaken those parts of us that have been sleeping all our lives.

Tonight I feel inspired to invite you to speak to me. What can you teach me about myself? Tell me your story, and how you are coping during this transformational time on the planet. I want to hear you. I am willing to allow your presence and your words to transform me. Thank you in advance.

Sending you so much love and blessings,



Sometimes It’s Better To Love Em From A Distance October 20, 2011

How do you love someone so much and at the same time know it is best to love them from a distance?

This has been one of the most challenging lessons for me. There is a person in my life who I love very much, on many levels, but I know from experience I am better off being honest about my feelings with this person. When I am honest about my feelings, it is always made clear to me that he and I are in two completely different places when it comes to romantic love.

What has been so difficult, is loving this person in more ways than one. I have struggled with my boundaries in our relationship because I want to love unconditionally. However, sometimes we just have to love someone unconditionally without actually engaging with them.

I have struggled so much in the past, but the fog has begun to clear. In the past, I would always end up compromising my own well-being because I thought I “should” be able to love him unconditionally and therefore accept him exactly the way he is. However, I am just now beginning to see and understand that I can absolutely love him and accept him unconditionally without actually having to see him, email with him, or talk to him.

Tonight I am free. I have managed to stay in alignment with my values, to live in integrity, and to continue loving and accepting this person unconditionally. Up to now, I was unable to do what I felt was loving him AND stay in integrity all at the same time. This time was different because I told him I could not see him anymore if nothing had changed, whereas in the past I would’ve tried to make myself be different. I decided to love and accept myself unconditionally as well as him, and instead of trying to be different, I did something different.

I don’t feel the need to explain to him that I will always love him and accept him exactly the way he is. Only I need to know that it’s nothing personal towards him, but that it just doesn’t work for me, and I’m better off to love him from a distance. So that is exactly what I will do.

Please let me know what you are going through. It is an intense time on the planet right now and we are ALL being super confronted in our relationships, at work, with health stuff, etc. You may be experiencing really intense feelings you can’t quite understand and it’s possible you are questioning everything you once believed. It’s ok! You are safe, and just experiencing the same transition we are all experiencing. As we move closer to October 28th, expect even more of this stuff to surface. Be gentle, loving, and kind to yourself and others. Show compassion towards all living things, and stay open to the magical opportunities and possibilities that will be revealing themselves to you each day.

I love you all. Let me know what’s coming up for you!

xoxo E


Here’s To Oneness October 19, 2011

Hey guys, man what a commitment this has been…to sit down night after night and find the gold in each day and to express it in words. I do think about this stuff all the time. It’s like every moment I am looking deeper, and finding such abundance in every challenge and triumph.

I am really going through some pretty heavy stuff the last couple days. Although all of it is good, and will ultimately serve my highest good, it feels really confronting and can be exhausting by the end of the day. As much as I have wanted to just climb into bed some nights and skip blogging, I don’t. Even if I write something short and simple, I still do it because I committed to myself, to you, and to blogging consecutively for  21 days. I can happily say that I stick by my commitments these days, rain or shine, and although it’s not always easy, it feels right.

Committment has taught me so much. The fear of it, and ultimately the doing of it. I have discovered that sometimes, the only thing to teach us about committment, is to make commitments and then show up for them no matter what. As we show up over and over, we begin to feel empowered and happy about being the kind of person that follows through on their word. To me this means a lot, because I used to be someone who did not follow through very often with my word. However, sticking by my commitments has taught me that my mind makes things sound a lot worse than they really are. When I take contrary action I actually find so much joy in things I thought were going to be painful. Showing up for yourself and for others creates an esteemable life.

It’s also important not to show up for others expecting certain responses or acknowledgment, because you will never be able to depend on how you affect others or whether or not you are received by them. All we can do is show up for the up in the world as the best version of ourselves we can bring to the table on any given day, and whoever needs us will be there to appreciate us.

I am here each night, as a gentle reminder to be loving and kind to yourself. We are all experiencing intense emotions and are being very confronted by our fears, our relationships, and our beliefs about everything as we move closer to this big shift in consciousness I have been writing about. This is OK. There is nothing to fear. Everything is healing and we are moving into a unity consciousness, where we will bask in more joy, abundance, peace, and love.

Here’s to Oneness.




Summing It Up October 18, 2011

Hey guys. Man, the energies are getting more intense every day. I just finished a long talk and process with a friend and I am exhausted now. It’s also way past my bed time! I just want you to know I am here. It’s October 18th here in Australia, so just  ten more days until the big shift in consciousness. I hope you are preparing for the awesomeness 🙂

Ok see you here tomorrow! xo



What IS Freedom? October 17, 2011

What is freedom?

This question has had me on a pretty wild ride for some time now. I use to think freedom meant having lots of money and cool planes, trains, and automobiles. That would make sense right? I mean those things definitely allow you the freedom to go wherever you want. However, I have discovered that freedom is not something we get from anything external, at least not long-term freedom anyway.

I have avoided many things because of my fear of loosing my freedom as well. It seems as though most of my life has been designed by my strong intention to BE FREE, and therefore ANYTHING that threatened that was nowhere I would be found. Things like intimate relationships, working for someone else, and anything that gave me any kind of rules or expected any level of commitment, all fell into the “RED ALERT AVOID” category.

But ask yourself…What does being free mean to you?  We seem to associate lots of money with lots of freedom, but some of the wealthiest people I know are imprisoned by either a fear of loosing their money, their need to have more than everyone they know, the way they have defined themselves by the amount of money they have, a fear that no one really loves them for them, the huge burden and responsibility and guilt they carry to provide and take care of everyone, or an insecurity and semi-paranoia that everyone wants something from them.

What’s interesting is, we all seem to carry around fears, and we are attached to certain things consciously or unconsciously that on some level we are terrified to not have available because we associate it with a loss of freedom.

I believe that freedom is the result of feeling free all the time.

If feeling free is not unconditional, such as a place we can access within ourselves regardless of our environment, who we are with or not with, and regardless of our circumstances, then that means  our freedom is conditional. If freedom is conditional, well that isn’t really freedom is it? How can you be free if your freedom is dependent on this, that, or the other?

For me, I have always been so afraid to live in a place with no access to a gym, let alone without having a car. These two things are huge safety nets for me. Funnily enough, on my quest for freedom, I have manifested a temporary situation where I am nowhere near a gym, and have no car.

When I decided to move to Australia, I knew I was on a mission to find my freedom. I also knew that my decission meant I was in for a wild ride. At this point in my journey I have just come to accept that what we want will come as a result of working through everything that holds us back from having what we want. I’m at a point now where I just have fun with it.

When I decided to move from Sydney to The Mornington Peninsula, where I am currently living and working in one of the most beautiful, nurturing, and magical places I’ve ever seen, I knew I would be walking into a situation where I’d be living and working at a retreat center, surround by nature, with no gym and no car. These were the two main thing that almost had me turn down an opportunity of a lifetime.

There comes a point in time when we get a chance to say yes or no to an opportunity that feels so in alignement with us, yet is laced with all our deepest fears. This is when I repeat the mantra “What’s in the way IS the way.”

If we can identify these opportunities, and say yes, we will get everything we want and more than we could’ve ever asked for. If we don’t see the opportunity, it will pass us by, and hopefully we will get another chance down the road when we are more ready.

I was ready to say YES to this opportunity, and to deal on my fears one day at a time as I moved through the transition. Right before I made the final flight from Sydney to Melbourne, I went to visit my grandmother. I went for a run one morning, and I stumbled across a park. I wasnt really feeling like running but I was feeling like working out. I knew I wouldn’t have a gym where I was going so figured I’d better start finding an alternative soon, so I looked around at the park with curious eyes, and my creative juices just began flowing rapidly through my body. Within minutes I was using rocks, hills, benches, poles, railings, and having one of the best workouts of my life! At the same time I was having SO MUCH FUN. I felt like a kid again, running up hills, jumping off rocks, pulling myself up on railings, climbing trees, and more.

A small boy about 4 years old saw me and came over. He seemed to love what I was doing so he started copying me and then began to show me his ideas. At first, I’ll admit, he annoyed me, ha ha…but within a few seconds I was able to see he was a blessing and showed up for a reason. So I began to watch him and listen to him.

I began getting all these ideas, about how important it is for adults to play like children, to let out their free-spirit, and to just have fun with movement again…just like kids do.

I had been wanting to create my first workshop to teach at the retreat, and that day the creation of my newest workout method and upcoming retreat was born. It’s called Transformative Playground – where adults can be kids again AND transform their bodies and lives a s result.

So, how does all of this tie into freedom? Stay with me…I’m taking you there now…

When I got to the retreat I was newly inspired by my innovative outside workout, and immediately began assessing the property. A couple of days after my arrival, I was having one of those amazing workouts once again and feeling so refreshed that I was no longer dependent on a gym, a certain park, a country or city, or certain equipment to get my weekly workouts.

Today, once again, I took off for a morning run in a direction I’d never gone. What do ya know…I ran by a children’s’ playground. Literally, it had slides, monkey bars, bridges, the works! So I cut my run short and went to PLAY! I did lunges in the field, swung across the monkey bars, did push-ups on the wobbly bridges, pulled myself up on the railings, and even slid down the slide 🙂 It was a blast! I was making up new intuitive movements on the fly…just like kids do. I also had forgotten my water bottle, and of course…there was a faucet at the playground!

You see, being dependent on a gym means I am bound to places and circumstances that have the availability of a gym. I want to feel free ANYWHERE I am. Therefore, I am realizing, if we just let go of the things that imprison us, we open ourselves up to the abundance of resources available in every circumstance.

I was told by my life coach once, “Erin, if what you think you need isn’t available, then you must not need it. Look around for what is there with the intention of finding what you need.” 

If we want real freedom, real abundance, real connection, real joy, real peace, real intimacy, we must be willing to use what resources we have available. As we stop focusing on achieving these things by way of collecting attachments with the belief that we will not have what we want without this, that, or the other, then we will find those things within ourselves.

Freedom is an inside job. Traveling the world to a bunch of different places does not represent freedom if you do not feel free. Afterall everywhere you go, there you are. Freedom comes to those who are aware of its depth. Freedom is a result of learning to be flexible and to feel ok in any situation.

When we are truly free, then nothing or no one can take that away from us.

Look, I am a work in progress, but this new understanding of freedom has opened up my world to so much. I hope you will explore what freedom means to you as well.

Hugs and Love,



Checking In October 16, 2011


That's Me, connecting to the free-spirited, wildlife inside:)

Hi guys. Tonight I am just checking in. I’m only checking in with you briefly, because as I check in with myself, I feel tonight I need to rest. I am going to take a nice hot shower, meditate, read, and doze off into a deep slumber.

I just got back from a long day at work, building the internal and external systems and environment here at The Hummingbird Eco Retreat, my new home and workplace for the time being. Then we all took off to the beach, to run around and connect to our wild, free-spirited energy, and just played and laughed like a bunch of kids. I have had a good day, and now it’s time to call it one.

I just wanted to show up here, as I have promised you, and myself, 21 days of consecutive blogging as we prepare for this amazing shift in consciousness that awaits us on October 28th, yay! (See my previous 8 blogs)

I would love to know how things are going for you. Please reply to this post or shoot me an email at

Love and Light to you all!




What’s Your G-O-D? October 15, 2011

I have been extremely aware lately, of this need for us to connect to something bigger than ourselves and what meets the eye. Whether you call it God, Divine Energy, Expanded Self, Higher Self, Higher Power, The Universe, The Cosmos, it doesn’t really matter. The truth is, we all reach a point where we think…I just can’t do this alone, I need help. What we tend to do is scramble around looking for people and using substances that do not have the power to help us, and eventually we grow tired, bitter, afraid, and defeated by our “lack of success.”  As a result we begin to feel unsafe, uninspired, and disconnected from everyone and everything. Some may even feel a deep sense of loneliness and abandonment.  However, no one has abandoned us but ourselves. We are only alone, because we refuse to seek real connection.

Why do we make it so hard on ourselves when the help we long for is only a prayer, a letter, or a conversation away?

There comes a point in my work with my coaching clients, when I know I have to begin talking about this subject. This can be such a tricky topic because up till now, there have been so many different beliefs, and people have literally killed and died to defend their beliefs.

However, true healing cannot happen until we accept Divine Guidance into our hearts and into our lives. Lately, my clients are arriving at the next phase of their healing and it is beautiful to watch them explore this idea of creating a God of their own understanding and deepening that relationship.

Whatever your beliefs are, I am not trying to disagree or change them. I think anyone who has a strong connection to a God of their own understanding, has an unlimited resource that those who do not have this connection are cut off from. Unfortunately, until we develop this deep, internal relationship, with a power greater than ourselves, we will remain disconnected from its support, love, and guidance. That said, it’s important to note, the Divine will never cut us off, but we cut ourselves off by refusing to surrender and to seek its help.

For me, I was always wanting so badly to believe there was some cosmic power that heard my prayers, who was watching out for me, and who I could rely on to save me. As much as I longed to believe this, I always had many doubts about whether or not it was really something worth having faith in. What if I believed and it let me down? What if I found out I was wrong and God either didn’t exist or somehow forgot about me?

What has helped me, and what I invite my clients to do as well, is to write out a description of what their perfect God would be like. I tell them to get as descriptive and detailed as they want.

My God loves me no matter what, listens to me whenever I seek its listening, lets me sware and get angry at it if I need to, sings me lullabies and keeps me company when I can’t fall asleep at night, speaks to me in words and ways that I can understand, grants me the courage I need to carry out my highest passions and purpose, and reminds me that I must always do my part. My God is gentle, kind, but has taught me that it only helps those who help themselves.

If I do my part, which is staying open, willing, and humble, and I ask for help, then I am granted the strength, power, energy, and resources I need to accomplish my soul’s mission in this life.

My God teaches me about love, intimacy, freedom, compassion, and grants me more and more awareness around who and what I really am.

What I am to my God is just as important as what it is to me. For my God I am a humble servant. I always show committment and willingness to heal, open my heart even more, and to do what I can to make a positive impact on the lives of others. For my God I am a friend, a lover, a child, and a messenger. This brings great pleasure and honor to my life.

What does your God do for you? What do you need from it? Perhaps you are angry or disappointed. Can you allow yourself to voice that to it, and ask for help?

What are you doing for your God? Are you expecting answers and results but unwilling to show your devotion, love, humility, surrender, and gratitude? Are you criticizing it for the very things you are not doing? Are you willing to let go of your little plans to receive the gifts it has for you? Can you be its vessel? Do you want to be?

I sometimes write a letter, hit my knees and say a prayer, or have an actual conversation. Many times I have said or written things like, “God, I am really upset. I feel so angry and frustrated. I want so badly to believe you are there, listening, responding, and taking care of me. I want so badly to know at my innermost awareness, that you exist and that I exist far beyond what I can see, but I am growing weary. I am forgetting the truth I think, and I am doubting whether or not you really are the truth. I am having a crisis of faith. Today it just feels like everything sucks and I am resentful at you for not giving me better circumstances. I am willing to see this differently, so if you are there, please grant me a new perception. Please help me. I will listen and I will follow, but you must show up and guide me. I cannot do this by myself, and I am nothing without you. Therefore, please show me that I am not nothing and give me a sign so clear that I cannot deny it. Please deliver it in a way that I am able to understand and accept into my experience. Thank you, I love you, Amen.”

Most of the time, by the end of that letter or conversation/prayer, I am already in a different state, and all of a sudden I begin to feel a presence inside of me and all around me. If I weren’t willing, I may miss this presence, but I stay open and willing to feel everything after I ask for help. Why ask for help if you aren’t going to accept help when it arrives? I stay open and willing to see everything after I ask to be shown a sign. Therefore, I begin to get bits of information, signs, insights, synchronicities, and an overall greater sense of calm, peace, safety, love, and inspiration.

This is a powerful process, to create a God of your own understanding and then to remember to turn to it every time you need help. It’s so simple, yet so many of us don’t think to do it. I am curious about how it may affect us as a collective consciousness, and as a world if we all did this on a daily basis. Why don’t we start by applying in our own lives first.

The time is NOW. We are being called to rise to our highest form of human existence. This BIG Shift I have been writing about lately, is reminding us that we are Spiritual beings having a human experience, not the other way around. We have an invitation to awaken into a new way of thinking, being, and living. Are you coming or not?

Let me know what’s going on for you. You can leave me comments here, or email me at

I love you,



Where There Is Discomfort, There Is Power October 14, 2011

I have decided to talk more about this whole idea of reclaiming our power. It seems to be coming up everywhere. On my coaching calls with clients, in my own life, and I have this sense, that it is definitely a collective experience and a sign of the times.

Once upon a time, it was explained to me, that I was experiencing discomfort, because hiding behind the discomfort was my personal power, or my spiritual power. I didn’t totally get it,  but I knew it resonated with my body. It FELT like the truth. I don’t know about you, but truth is not something I can tell by the way it sounds, truth is something I know by how it feels.

When we feel the uncomfortable feelings such as fear around money, frustration about our circumstances, being annoyed by a friend who is always late, fear about running out of time or energy, lack of acceptance around our pyshical body, feeling as though we don’t have enough or aren’t enough, or can’t create what we really want, what is really happening is we are being shown where we have hidden our power. If we are conscious of this, we can do something about it. If we aren’t, we become it’s prisoner.

Where there is discomfort, there is power.

 For example, today I was annoyed at a friend who was late. I almost went here about it: “How selfish is she, and how dare her, and does she not respect my time, and what a %#@!” But I didn’t. Instead, I caught myself, and observed and felt the discomfort. Then, with consciousness I asked myself where I had hidden my power in this. A few moments later, I realized her being late was triggering my fears around running out of time,  feeling like I am not able to have what I want, feeling as though I have no power or control, and feeling like I was not being respected.

Once I realized that my power was hiding behind those fears, I was able to go to those fears and say “You are not running out of time, because there is an infinite amount. You are saying you can’t have what you want, but is there anything else you’d rather be doing right now? (The answer was no). You are saying you have no power, but you can decide right now that your power is not really gone, you have just hidden it. Is she really disrespecting you, or is she just overloaded? Ok, I recognize I have enough. I am abundant, I am blessed. All my needs are met, I am deeply loved an cared for, and there is no where else I’d rather be right now.”  Then, I felt a sense of ease come over me.

We cannot always change our circumstances right away, but we CAN change the way we feel about them. As we change our feelings about them, then our circumstances change. This is the difference between not having power, and having power. I have been healing from a huge belief, passed down for generations, that there is not enough. So I now welcome any opportunity to help me practice shifting that belief and seeing that there is absolutely always MORE than enough of everything for everyone.

Another example, is an email I got from a friend. He and I have a bit of history and I almost always feel a loss of power when he shows up in my experience. His email was about coming to visit. I was not sure how I felt about it or about him, so I sat with it for a while. I began to observe that my power was not in the not responding to his email, it was going to come from responding to it, and being ok regardless of his reaction to it. As I speak my truth with everyone, I gain power by learning through repetition, that only the people I want in my life stick around when I live my truth. The rest fall away, and that is ok by me:)

Are you experiencing a loss of power? What is coming up for you lately. It’s an intense time, but there has never been the kind of energetic support for transformation as there is right now. The time is NOW.

Let me know what’s going on for you. You can reply to this post or email me at

Love and Light,



This Isn’t About Him, Her, or Them…It’s About YOU October 13, 2011

One night, in a deep meditative state, I heard a voice from deep within in me, yet at the same time all around me say, “This isn’t about him, it’s about you.”

I was in the throes of healing from heartbreak. The guy I’m speaking of is one of those soul connections, you know the kind where you get knocked off your feet the first time you see the person? Yep, I was a goner from minute one.

This person has influenced my life in profound ways. He himself hasn’t done this consciously to my knowledge, however my response to him was what ultimately delivered so much healing to my heart, to my body, and to my life. He did not want the same things I wanted from our relationship, but sitting here now, I understand that it was best for things to happen the way they did.

Here are three of the many things I have learned from this:

1) It’s never what you think it’s about. When someone crosses your path, what you feel and experience has nothing to do with them. It’s all about you. Everything they call up in you is their gift to you, but how you handle it from there is your gift to yourself, to them, and ultimately to the world. Remember, this isn’t about him (or her), it’s about you. Take care of YOU, and that is always what’s best for everyone in the bigger scheme. If someone is meant to be there, they will remain standing in the end.

2)  As we become willing to always turn within and look at ourselves when we feel hurt, jealous, insecure, lonely, resentful, etc, we get to find freedom from these feelings. If you are blaming someone or something else for your suffering, you better get use to suffering. Suffering transforms when we choose to respond to our feelings from a place of curiosity and eagerness to learn and awaken. Then, everyone and everything becomes our teacher and instead of being trapped in victim mode, we become grateful for the experiences, and we become courageous warriors who use everything to teach us more about ourselves. As a result, we bring light to the places within us where we lack self acceptance, forgiveness, compassion, and love, and we begin to accept, feel compassion for ourselves and others, experience a release from resentment as we see our part in things (even if our part is just that we are refusing to let go of old stories), and finally we begin to get a real sense of what it feels like to have self-love and a kind of real trust that knows we are being taken care of, even if we can’t see it, understand it, or explain it.

3) When we speak to others, respond to others, or share our time and energy with others, it’s important to observe ourselves and be aware if we are speaking and doing things with an intention of eliciting a specific response or outcome, rather than just wanting to be real and present with them. As we begin to observe our needs for controlling and manipulating circumstances and situations, to get certain results, we can then feel the feelings of fear that drive us to do that to begin with. For me, when I do that, it’s because I am afraid if I just be myself, vulnerable, honest, and just plain me, that I will find out the person on the receiving end thinks I’m boring, average, not cool, nothing special, and not someone they feel the need to go out of their way to spend time with and to love. The real fear is of myself, and not wanting to look at my needs for others approval as a result of not having my own approval. If I am conscious of this, I can just go right to the root of my fear, and begin to work through it by sending love and acceptance and approval to myself. If I am unable to do this, I can at least ask for help. When I have those things, I no longer need it from anyone else, and therefore I am free to respond from a neutral place, unattached to any result.

As you observe your fears, it is helpful to know there is power there for you if  can bring enough consciousness to it to shift. All suffering is just an opportunity to reclaim our power. As you begin to notice and bring awareness to your fears and suffering, you can consciously choose NOT to respond from them, and therefore as you respond from a neutral space, unattached to the outcome, you start to transform yourself, your relationships, and your life.

I don’t now about you guys, but I am flying pretty high the last couple days. As I keep sharing with you, there is a BIG shift in the collective consciousness on the 28th of October so the  days leading up to it are pretty juicy. I have given you a daily process you can be doing, to help support your transition into this next phase of the human experience. We are in for some yummy goodness! Life is gonna get really cool! However, you may be feeling a lot of intense emotions right now, and that is completely normal. Big Shifts bring up BIG Sh*t!

Ok, that’s all for today. How are you going? Please fill me in here, or shoot me an email at if you’d like to share anything with me 🙂

Love you all!

xo E


Ah…Relationships: When Is It Time To Call It Quits For Good? October 12, 2011


Hey mates! Ha ha…I had to give you a little Aussie-ism as I am hearing them all long day these days:) Today is day 5 of the 21  days of blogging to transformation I have been talking about. Boy are things speeding up and life gets more interesting every day. How are things going for you? Are you doing the process I suggested?

I have recently had someone re-emerge in my life. He kind of does this. He appears, disappears, appears, and disappears. For a long time this relationship was a GOLD MINE for me because it really brought up all my stuff around fear of intimacy, lack of power, lack of self-worth and self-respect, lack of boundaries, and lack of values that align with integrity. The last time I saw this person was almost a year ago and now he’s emailing me about visiting. What do I say???

I have been meditating on this one for a couple of days now, and the message I keep getting is to let him go. I keep hearing this higher-than-self voice gently saying, “Erin, tell him where you’re at, and accept that it is time to let him go. You have learned all you can learn, and healed all you can heal from this relationship.”

The truth is, I really am a different person than I was when this guy came into my life. I believe we both played a very special, very important role in each other’s lives, but I think there really does come a point in time when we have to choose something different for ourselves. The temptation is to say, “Yeah, come visit and let’s have some serious fun!” However, from past experiences, I know where that will and WON’T get me. It’s not a matter of just not taking things so seriously and just having some fun, because believe me I have tried that with this person.

Sometimes, it’s just time to team up with integrity, to put all our money on something better, and to place the bet. Either way it’s a risk, but at least when we try something different, we have a chance of getting a better result. Otherwise , we will just keep getting the same results over and over. I don’t know what I want from this relationship. I used to think I wanted committment, or to at least explore what it would be like to be together, in monogamy. Now, I can’t say I feel that way about him anymore, so I have to wonder…what kind of room does that give us? Friends? What kinds of “friends” would we really be? I’m not certain he meets my friendship standards to be honest.

Number one priority in, or out of relationships, is to love yourself. Know your boundaries, your values, and what you are worth and NEVER compromise that. TRUST that when you align with your highest feelings and values, things will turn out for the best. My mother always said, “You can’t do the wrong thing with the right guy.” (Or girl,  guys:) I believe the same goes for friends. If we are authentic, honest, and vulnerable, the right people will remain standing in our lives, and the rest will fall away.

We must live in integrity, and let the right person drop into that space. If he or she isn’t dropping into your space and rising to the event to be with you…it’s time to graciously say “Thank you, I love you, I wish you all the best, but I must clear my space for someone better for me.”

Today was a very cool day for me. I have been making up super creative workout using trees, logs, hills, steps, and railings, and getting amazing workouts as a result. I am finding such freedom in not NEEDING a gym to get a workout in. I am realizing I do not NEED nearly as much as I once thought. I am discovering that freedom IS when you can feel happy, joyous, and free, wherever you are, under any and all circumstances, no matter who you are or are NOT with. I am finding true freedom, and for that I give thanks.

Please drop me a line or email me at to share what you are going through. Let me support you however I can as we all grow through this shift together!

Love Always,



Preparing For A Big Shift Brings Up BIG Sh*t October 11, 2011

Hey guys. It is a bit after midnight here, so I am going to try to write a short blog so I can do my meditation and get into bed:)

As I have been talking about in the last few posts, there is a big shift happening in the collective consciousness on October 28th. This is a beautiful thing to be excited about, not anything to fear at all!

Have you been feeling things at a much more intense level lately and wondering what the heck is going on with you? Are you coming face to face with your fears, your old stories and patterns, and low vibrational habits that no longer serve you? Perhaps you are finding that there are certain relationships in your life that are totally triggering you, and you are having to look at yourself in a way that feels very uncomfortable. 

As we all prepare for a big shift (because whether we are conscious of it or not, our bodies ARE aware of it), then our BIG sh*t starts to get called up and kicked up. This is again, a good sign! Although it can feel really yucky and uncomfortable, we are actually purging things like our old ideas, lack and limitation, fears around intimacy, our beliefs around money, etc. Literally, and many of us ARE aware of this, we are being stretched and pushed to go back to the root of certain feelings and fears, so that we can make a different choice about what it means and therefore no longer have our lives be run by them.

This is the shift in consciousness that is currently happening. Why? Because what we have been doing, the beliefs we’ve had, and the way our structures were built (within us and without), are not working anymore. Therefore, the walls must come down. Life, structure, and beliefs, as we have formerly known them, are changing.

I don’t know about you, but I am getting super confronted DAILY, by my beliefs about love, faith, and what is possible for me. I am being put into situations, for example not having a car right now, that are forcing me to be vulnerable, face my fears about loosing freedom, and to find a deeper sense of self and a stronger ability to trust that I AM being taken care of. I get so afraid that I will not have what I want when I want it.

I am dependent on others for rides temporarily, and so I am at the mercy of their schedules. This throws me into a freak out mode, and I all of a sudden start wanting to go places just because I feel like I can’t. Then I ask myself  “Erin, if you had a car right now, would you really want to go to the post office?” The answer is usually “No.” So that tells me that it’s not about wanting to go somewhere, it’s about me needing to process through my deep inner fears around loosing my freedom, and I am much better off going to my room to get sttill and give my self time to BE with my feelings, then I am to go to the post office. In fact, many of us run from our feelings, and I literally am seeing myself try, but have manifested a situation where I can not run away any more. I HAVE to BE with my feelings because there is no way for me to go anywere else!

I have always wanted to experience true freedom, true abundance, true joy and peace. Well, this is my opportunity. As we work through our ideas about what freedom, joy, abundance, and love really mean, we discover that they are things only attainable from the inside out.

I am finding my freedom, learning about abundance, and finally surrounded by people and circumstances that call me to rise up and to become an even better human being. Tonight, I am grateful. I am grateful for this long day, for the run and swim at the beach with my friend who dragged me there when I didn’t want to go, and grateful for the Hot Springs where my roommates and I went to unwind, decompress, and talk about our fears and troubles we are having in our relationships with one another. I am learning about true trust, intimacy, unconditional love, and seeing that everything I have ever wanted is unfolding right now. All I have to do is slow down so I can see it and enjoy every minute of it.

What has been coming up for you lately? Please share with me what you are working through. You can leave me a message here or email me at

Love to you,



Reclaiming Your Power October 10, 2011

Good day, or if you are in Australia…Good Evening. It is 10:30 pm here and I have had a very long day. Being here at this retreat centre, on The Mornington Peninsula, doing the work I am doing, with the people I am working with, is a beautiful thing. It is a beautiful thing  for a couple of reasons. First, it is full of meaning, purpose, and it challenges me daily to expand into new areas and ways of thinking and being. Second, it kicks up all my deepest fears, resentments, lack and limiting beliefs, and is really testing me to look beyond what’s in front of me, to feel my feelings deeply, but to remember that this experience is something I created for only ONE reason. That reason is to reclaim my power back.

As spiritual beings, having human experiences, we have hidden our power on purpose. It’s like a game for our soul, or like watching a movie. The only problem is, sometimes we forget we are playing a game or that we are watching a movie. We are such powerful creators, that most of us have actually have fooled ourselves into believing all of this is real. This was thew whole point, however…to forget we are all-powerful, and to go on an easter egg hunt to find the golden egg full of our truest essence.

Some of us hid our power behind having no money. Some of us in addiction. Others of us in bad relationships and a fear of intimacy or committment. Then there are those of us (like me ), who have hidden a little bit of power in all those things. The reason why circumstances such as getting fired, or having no car, or getting dumped, or ending up with super open partners, or finding ourselves in abusive situations pop into our experience, is because our power lies within the feelings they call up in us. Most people never really allow themselves to FEEL their feelings. However, these experiences will keep showing up until we do. Our spiritual selves have set this up to recur until we finally get it, because we all have come here to find the prize, the golden egg, the thing we call POWER.

As we feel through our feelings FULLY such as lack, limitation, fear of loosing our freedom, fears of being alone, fears of dying, etc, we will get closer to our power. If we can allow ourselves to feel these things fully AND at the same time remind ourselves none of it is real, then we are well on our way to reclaiming our power. When we get to the point where we can notice these feelings as they emerge, allow ourselves to feel them fully, remind ourselves that our circumstances aren’t really real, and then appreciate our own ability to create something that feels so real even we fell for it, that’s when we become available to receive the power we have hidden from ourselves.

Awareness is power. As we become aware, we awaken. As we awaken into the knowing that our power has been with us all along, then we can reclaim it. By reclaiming it, we are then able to pop anything we want into our experience. We will remember we can create whatever we want, whenever we want. Now how cool would that be???

This is where I am. As I feel the intense feelings throughout any given day, I know too much to let myself get carried away by them. My immediate thought is “I must go process this, and I must feel these feelings fully so I can find the power I have hidden in this.”

The more I do this work, the richer my life becomes. I think you will find the same thing happen for you.

Let me know what’s happening for you and how you are getting though it.

Lots of support from me to you!



P.S. just another short video clip I shot, to stay connected with you as we travel this journey we call life! xo


Prepare For Transformation- 21 Days Of Blogging October 8, 2011




Hey everyone. I am writing this on my blog, today, because today marks a very special time on the planet. On October 28th, we will experience a big shift in the collective consciousness, and today, October 8th, 2011, is day ONE of the 21 days leading up to this special transformation. I will be writing a little something reflective EVERY day, starting now, for 21 days. I hope you will join me here, and in your own personal journey. You too can commit to reading something inspirational, journaling, and giving thanks on a daily basis, for the next 21 days, to prepare your minds, bodies, and spirits for transformation 🙂 If you want to go deeper however, I have written out a 21 day program at the end of this post for you!

I am currently living on 72 acres of National Trust Land in Australia. I have just moved from Sydney, to The Mornington Peninsula, to be a part of a project I feel inspired to participate in. It always blows my mind the way we can end up in places, doing things, that nothing BUT a power greater than us could’ve possibly planned for us. I know I most certainly couldn’t have planned my circumstances as they are to date. Just a few short months ago, I had NO IDEA I would be right here, right now.

I just arrived here at the Hummingbrid Eco Retreat Centre, where I will be a workshop facilitator and the Health and Communications Manager. I figure it’s the perfect time to get up on my blog DAILY, to record my experiences as they unfold here, and to do whatever I can to help prepare myself, and you, for this amazing transformation on October 28th.

Lets face it, we have all heard of these so-called BIG days, such as “the millenium”, “twenty-twelve,” etc, and have allowed ourselves to get all hyped up, only to see nothing change. However, more often than not, change is not something we can see, at least not at first.

Change is something that starts within us, and as we change on the inside, the world around us will mirror such shifts.

October 28th will bring about greater awareness, an awakening of sorts, and many of us will begin to experience life in a very different way. As these shifts occur within us, we will begin to notice more peace, more joy, more compassion, and a greater understanding of how we are all connected. As a result, we will acquire an intuitive sense about why we should really do everything we can to create love not war, and therefore use our time and energy to support healing rather than contributing to suffering. As the wars within us come to an end, so too will the wars in the world follow suit.

If you would like to join me on this 21 day challenge, here is a basic program you can follow. Don’t worry if you cannot start today (as I do realize I am in Australia and many other countries are heading to bed right now). Also, don’t worry about being perfect. This is about progress…not perfection. Just start as soon as you can. Remember, this is not something to feel you have to do, but instead something you get to do if you choose to 🙂

From October 8-28th:

Morning (best to this before breakfast, best around 6am):


Express Gratitude to

1) Ancestors

2) Parents

3) Spouse

4) Brothers and Sisters

5) Children

6) Friends

7) God or a Higher Power of your own understanding

Intent: Set an intention for the day. You can now pray or ask the Universe for healing  in the areas of yourself where you feel fear and disconnected from nature and others. Ask for awakening, and to experience true Oneness and a sense of inner peace, love, and joy.

Express thanks and gratitude to God, or the Universe, or the cosmos, or to Mother Nature. In other words, give gratitude to a Higher Power of your own understanding.

Afternoon (Best at noon)

Good Intention Meditation:

1) Close your eyes, and get quiet and still. Think of 10 people to send love and light to. Really feel this love and light in your body, and imagine it filling up your heart. Then send this love and light from your heart to 10 different people, animals, or places. You can choose as many people, places, or things as you want to send this to, as long as you send to at least 10.

2) Put your left hand on your heart, right hand on your belly. Send love and light to yourself, into your very own body. Really feel yourself receiving this self-love from your very own hands.

3) Give thanks to yourself, to your loved ones, and to a higher power of your own understanding. Give yourself a big hug. Seriously.

Evening (Before or After dinner, best at 6pm)


Contemplate the following:

1) If you do not accept yourself, either your body, physical appearance, or any of the quality in you, become aware of that and accept yourself.

2) The incidents where you got hurt by somebody. Be with that pain and forgive them.

3) Contemplate the incidents where you hurt others. Be with those feelings and responsibility, and seek forgiveness from them through silence. (You can imagine a conversation with them if it helps.)

4) Pray to a higher power of your own understanding to heal all your pains and then put your left hand on your heart and your right hand on top of your left hand, and feel yourself being made whole again. Feel the healing happening. Focus on what love feels like inside of you.

5) Pray for your friends and family members.

6) Express Gratitude to your Higher Power.

General Things To follow on these 21 days as we prepare for transformation:

1) Have Good Thoughts. Think good things about the planet and about others. Pray for their wellness. If you get any negative thoughts, just become aware of it.

2) Speak Good Words. Speak nice auspicious, kind words. Avoid using words or language that is hurtful to others. This will bring about good Karma for you:)

3) Do Good Deeds. Try to help others. Be of service in any way you can. Even the smallest of helpfulness to someone or something else, makes a very LARGE difference. Avoid doing things that will hurt others. 

Ok…see you here tomorrow!

Love and Light,

Erin xoxo


INSIGHT Into Fear and Adventure September 14, 2011


Here's My Most Recent Accomplishment! 🙂

Hey everyone! How are you?

I have been really consumed with getting settled and adjusted here in Sydney, Australia. Man, I must admit, there have been ups and there have been downs. I knew this would be the case before I ever left the States. I think there is something in me that craves this sort of “being kicked out of the nest” feeling, where all comforts we once had are removed. It has really challenged me to put my beliefs to the test. I have been confronted with all my deepest fears and insecurities, and although some days are almost paralyzing, at the same time, I am working THROUGH these core beliefs and feelings.

When we work through our fears, we gain more strength, courage, and trust in ourselves and in the greater plan unfolding in our lives. This is just the way I choose to live, and there is nothing wrong with choosing not to work through your fears.

Coming to a new country has pretty much removed everything physical from my life, that I never even knew defined me as much as they did…until they were gone. I gave up my car, my house, my furniture, my job, my some of my clients, and the comfort zones I had such as Whole Foods, and my local cafe’s and gyms. I did this for the sake of experiencing a greater sense of myself, and to discover even more of my purpose. By getting lost, once again, in the deep-sea of fears and insecurities that were lying dormant within me, I am embracing the journey towards finding a greater sense of who and what I am, and what my life is really about.

I am learning that humility is one of the greatest things to embrace in life, and that staying humble will empower me to allow and receive new ideas that my pride may have blocked from me.

I am also really having to implement this idea of surrendering “my plan” to a power greater than myself, and trusting that if I let go of what “I” want, I will actually give myself a greater chance and opportunity to discover what I didn’t even know I wanted. This opens the door for possibility beyond my imagination.

Trust has been another great teacher of mine thus far, because I became aware of how much I doubted and lacked faith that if I really let go of my ideas for my life, that it would make way for the real me to emerge. I am still practicing this and learning from this on a daily basis, and it isn’t always easy.

At the end of the day, I am happy. I may be scared, confused, sitting in the vast unknown, and feeling utterly undefined, but I am happy. I know that these are the very feelings and experiences that have the power to transform me, as I commit to the willingness to keep trudging my way through them.

“We must lose ourselves, to find ourselves.” Today I may feel lost, but I also know I have gotten lost on purpose…for the sake of being found.

I want to share with you, a huge accomplishment for me. I was recently published in INSIGHT Magazine, Australia’s #1 Empowering Lifestyle Magazine. It is such an honor to watch all my efforts to follow my heart, although not always easy, manifest into physical proof that following my heart is the right thing to do for me. Funnily enough, that is the name of the article INSIGHT published of mine. 

 I just want to thank all of you, for traveling along with me, and for sharing your ups and downs with me as well. It is an honor and a pleasure to connect with you here. Please leave any questions and comments you have for me, just below this post:) You can also share this via Facebook or Twitter, if you feel it may benefit anyone you know.

You can also see more of INSIGHT Magazine, Septemeber Issue, byt picking it up at your local news stand, or visiting

Big hugs, and Be well,




Turn Your Fears Into The Strength That Paints Your Life August 17, 2011


I have pondered what I was going to write about, as my first post from Sydney, Australia, since the day I arrived. As a writer, I think it’s natural to find a message in just about everything that happens in life, and to then get caught up in delivering it perfectly. It is however, a beautiful thing, and such a gift when we learn to do that for ourselves. That is,  to find a message, a lesson, strength, insight, awareness, and a new tool for living, in all the little challenges we face each day.

So much has been happening on this journey, in such a small amount of time, I kept thinking, “where do I begin” and “how can I possibly express and share my experiences with my readers in the most effective way.” Well, the answer I came up with was….”JUST BEGIN.” Afterall, this is only one article, and one of many opportunities to write and share my thoughts and experiences with you:)

One teaching I have received as I have walked my path in life, is that of living life authentically. This word is one we tend to hear about often, but do you ever stop and really explore it, and what it means for you, for your life, and for your unique expression?

Many years ago, when I began working with my Life Coach, I was struggling with my career path. I have always had a love-hate relationships with Personal Training, because it constantly challenges me to find ways to work in my industry that feel supportive of my deepest intentions and beliefs about what Fitness really means to me and how it can play a role in healing people’s Spirits and lives. Tracy said to me “Erin, if you could do this job in a way that was unique to your expression of life and fitness and what you believe about its healing powers, how would that look for you? How might that change the way you design people’s workouts and how you speak to them about their own wellness and the choices that they make?”

When Tracy asked me these questions, I felt fear, but at the same time, liberation. I had never thought about it this way. I had never considered the option of really creating my own expression of health, wellness, fitness, and life skills. This was how my journey really began to evolve and as a result, I got to discover more and more of my authentic self and how that plays a role in the world.

When I chose to make this move to Sydney, Australia, after building a life in Los Angeles, California for the last 7  years, I knew it would come baring many challenges, and it would require more strength and courage from me than I was currently accessing. This is exactly what attracted me to making this move, for as much as I feared, what I wanted was a much greater pull than my fears. I wanted to experience true transformation, in a way I had not previously been ready for. The last seven years of my life were preparing me for this move, and I know that in my bones. I did not, and still don’t, know exactly how this will all unfold. However, I know that when we remain committed to our process and to the journey, and stay with it no matter what fears try to yank us off the path, that there is pure goodness waiting on the other side for us. Well…I want that pure expression of goodness as me and my life, so here I am.

I believe we all crave expansions, expression, to have a voice, to feel heard, to feel loved and accepted, and to know we are validated. Well, my attempts at achieving all of these things taught me, that I cannot go anywhere else to receive these gifts, but inside of myself. I now understand that challenges, change, confronting fears, and stepping into new places and roles that require new levels of strength and courage, are all avenues for us to access our inner selves, and that ultimately lead us to a place of more self-love and compassion, forgiveness, healing, self-respect, self-esteem, and the kind of  inner joy that is unwavering regardless of external circumstances.  THIS is why I do things like move to Sydney, Australia to embrace a completely different and new experience.

It is different here in ways I did not expect, and not so different in the ways I did expect. None of this is good or bad. It just is what it is. It’s funny how just not even knowing how to cross the street anymore, can really make you feel like a newborn baby, feeling everything for the first time. It can send you into a sense of  HOLY SH** or a sense of AWE, but we always get the choice.

Literally I have to check the parked cars, before crossing streets on my morning runs, so I know which way to look for on-coming traffic. I also keep finding myself on the wrong side of the running path, as everyone here does everything on the opposite side of things as Americans. I know I will get use to it, so for now, I am really embracing the childlike energy this keeps me in, as I look to the people around me, to teach me what to do. It challenges me to look outside for guidance, whilst staying completely connected to my own inner guidance to point me in the direction of the right people to ask and places to try.

I have always owned a car. Public transportation was always fascinating to me, but not something that was readily available anywhere I lived. In L.A. it was more accessible than anywhere, but still, that city really isn’t set up well for it. Here, I have been learning to catch buses, and grocery shop without a car trunk to put it all in, and to be creative with the ways in which I get my groceries home. These things all seem so small, but they inspire such BIG change as a result.

This move has required more trust from me than I had available when I got here. So this is where I am now…learning even more about trust. I am exercising a new muscle, the one that keeps me feeling the fear and doing it anyway, willing to be uncomfortable for the sake of discovering more truth and living my life in the best possible way for me. This is the kind of workout that falls under the umbrella of my unique expression and beliefs about what fitness really means 😉

Fitness is about living a Fit Life. It’s about stepping into uncomfortable situations that reveal our weaknesses to us, so we can make them stronger. Fitness is about nurturing our bodies, minds, and spirits in all the ways we can, by making conscious choices about what we eat, what we think, the words we use, how we treat others, and the way in which we spend our time. Fitness is a method, a way of life, and a philosophy that has the power to support expansion, connection, and to transform the world.

I will have you know, that although I have days that feel scary, and there are decisions I must make that I feel undecided about, and there is so much left in the unknown that it sometimes hurts and gives me a sick feeling in my stomach, I will not give up on myself, I will not give up on this journey, and I will not give up on you.

I invite you all to turn within, to be gentle with yourselves, to breathe deeply, to give yourselves the love and nourishment you deserve, and to allow yourselves to be vulnerable enough to reach out when you just need someone to give you directions, while at the same time staying connected to your truth.

I will be here, asking for directions and watching others cross the street so I learn how. I will be catching buses that may take me to an unknown destination, and I will be getting lost, only to find my way again. I will remain willing, courageous, and vulnerable. I will reach out for help, yet at the same time, I will be checking in with myself, and following my intuition, staying committed to walking this life as the most authentic expression of myself. I hope you are doing the same:-)

Please share your stories, or any questions and comments you may have for me, right here. I absolutely love hearing from you!

Sending you all so much love and light!




Some Final Words Before The Big Departure To Sydney, Australia! July 28, 2011

The time has finally come to make the big move! I wanted to connect with all of you as I await my departure to Sydney, Australia tonight. Thank you for inspiring me, and for walking this path with me! Here some final words as I shoot my last video in America for a while! I will see you from down under next time!

Love and Light To You My Friends!

xo Erin



Synchronicity: The Signs Will Appear When You’re Open and Aligned July 27, 2011

"When You Follow What Feels Good, Good Happens"

I wanted to share with you a few very cool synchronicities that have happened to me in the last month or two, since I decided to move to Australia (by the way, I officially leave Los Angeles for Sydney, tomorrow at 10:30 pm! ;).

In case you don’t know what synchronicity means, here is the Wikipedia definition:

Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events, that are apparently causally unrelated or unlikely to occur together by chance, that are observed to occur together in a meaningful manner.

As soon as I began to contemplate the idea of moving I began seeking out guidance and signs from the Universe. I asked to be shown very clear signs that would guide me to making a choice that was in alignment with my highest good. Little things began to happen, like I’d meet people who just got back from there and raved about it, or friends would meet Australians everywhere they went and would report it to me. These signs began to grow and get bigger and even more clear. Therefore, I decided to go for it.

That first week after I decided to commit to the big move to Sydney, there was a computer ad that kept being shown. On the homepage of the desktop of the computer on the ad, was in big letters “AUSTRALIA”  it was a page about booking a flight to Australia, which had nothing to do with the ad itself.

Then a client of mine had to keep rescheduling her appointments because she was working on a big deal for a new client. When she finally came in to see me she said “You’re never going to guess who my new client is.” I said “Who?” She sad “Tourism Australia!” I was blown away. The signs and confirmations just kept flooding in. I got to a point of feeling very safe and secure with my decision.

After a month or so had passed, I began to move into a little bit of fear. My little ego demons started getting louder, and tempting me to side with the belief that I had made a huge mistake. So, I did what I always do. I sought out guidance and insight from a higher power. I asked for some very clear signs to comfort me and help me to know if this move to Oz was still best for my highest good.

About 20 minutes or so, after I sent that request out into the ethers, I went for a long run. On my run, I saw a huge, yellow moving truck. As I ran past it, I looked at the writing on the side of the long truck and it said OZ MOVERS! I had a tearful giggle and kept on running feeling deep gratitude for the very CLEAR sign I got:)

More recently, about a week ago, when visiting my family in Florida, I had another moment of doubt and fear. So, once again I asked for a sign. It wasn’t but a day or two later than I was running on the bridge and ran past a girl wearing an Australian flag tank top that said Australia on it. Once again, I felt deep, tearful joy and gratitude for the clear and quick responses of a Divine Higher Power.

Today, I had just gotten done sharing a little bit of these synchronicities on Facebook, and then began to work on a couple other things. I turned around to the table behind me in the restaurant and asked a woman if she knew the zip code of the West Hollywood location we were in. She didn’t know it. Do you know why??? She’s from Australia!

Synchronicity is something very cool that begins to happen when we are in alignment with our truth, our highest self and greatest good. Synchronicity is Divine confirmation, comfort, and the clarity we get as a result of staying true to ourselves and walking a warriors path of love, healing, expansion, and adventure.

I would love to hear from you and the synchronous moments occurring in your life as well:-) Here’s to your health wellness, and vitality!

Love you!



Small Town Girl From Vero Beach: Zero Or Hero Beach? July 14, 2011


When you look at the world, what do you see?

I have a been a big city girl, living in Hollywood, California for the last 7 years of my life. However, a big city girl is not how my story began. I grew up in Vero Beach, a small town on the East Coast of Florida.

Like anyone who’s been raised in a small town, the small town girl inside me is a piece of my heart that will live on forever.

There is something to be said about growing up in a place that revolves around family, high school football games, homecoming parades, the annual art show, the fireman’s fair, and St. Helen’s Harvest festival.

That’s right, think Varsity Blues, and you will get an idea of the way in which I grew up. Round here, the talk of the town was who’s running for sheriff, homecoming queen, and how the Vero Beach Fighting Indians did at their Friday night football game.

The small town girl inside me is the part of me that loves family, volunteering to be of service to others, getting involved in projects that make a difference, and team work.

However, once I moved out to Los Angeles, California 7 years ago, I had to shed many of the small town qualities that weren’t as cool as I once thought they were.

Here in Vero Beach, once the home of the Dodgers Spring training, we locals tend to find a sense of separation within ourselves and from each other. We are taught that money makes you more important, that those who win prom court and football games are more special, and that living on the beach side and going to private school, is worlds away from living on the main land and attending public school.

We all grow up judging ourselves, judging each other, and sadly, regardless of where we live or how much money we have, we all pretty much end up wondering if we will ever be good enough.  

The last 7 years of my life in Los Angeles, have been 7 of the most awakening years of my life. I came face to face with my demons, and thankfully have achieved resolution with them. Of course I am always a work in progress.

I learned that we can be a Zero, or a Hero, no matter where we are living in the world.

There are many different theories as to how my hometown got its name. However, the Latin to English translation of the word VERO, means: in truth, indeed, to be sure.

ZERO Beach is a bit of an inside joke between the locals here. It’s a common way in which the younger generation locals have referred to this little town. It comes from our experience of having nothing much else to do except socialize in orange groves! However, it’s a perception issue nonetheless.

I pretty much left this famous Indian River Citrus town, when I was 18 years old. I went off to Florida State University, in Tallahassee, FL, and basically never looked back. After I graduated college, I just kept moving west, on a mission to find this small town girl the key to unlock her big city dreams. I have encountered many ups and many downs along the way.

On my path to discovering and manifesting my dreams, I have realized the importance of  love, acceptance, and compassion for self and for others.

I have transformed from a mind and spirit that felt separate and thought in separation terms, to a mind and spirit that feels we are one and thinks in oneness terms. The comparing myself to others and the fears that I was falling behind and losing the game of life began to dissolve. Instead, I recognized that it’s not a competition. Everyone has their path, and journey, and purpose, and we have no idea what anyone else’s journey is about. The small town part of my consciousness, that felt it was US against THEM, vanished.

Now I know it’s just US, working together as ONE.

Over the years, I came home to visit Vero Beach about once a year. For many years I snubbed this town, resenting it for being so “small and boring, and full of small-minded people.” However, as I have evolved and grown up, and shed the judgments and separation I grew up with, I have been able to find so much beauty here this visit.

I have learned to laugh at the gossip and not get involved. I have learned to bite my tongue and smile at the rich old women who want to label me by where I live and where I come from.

I have learned to send love to the people who have hurt me, and to forgive myself and love myself no matter what.

I don’t think of this place as just VERO Beach anymore. I also am no longer comfortable with, or interested in, referring to it as ZERO Beach. In fact I prefer to find the HERO here instead.

We all can decide to be a Zero, or a Hero, no matter we are or where we go. What we see around us is a choice…a perception.  If we find the Hero in our hearts, we will not only find the Hero in our hometowns, but we will find the Hero in the World.

A Zero will sit upon the beach and complain about how noisy the ocean is. A Zero will find ways to be less than or better than everyone else. A Zero will look for what’s wrong, rather than what’s right about people, places, and things. A Zero will form cliques and make efforts to implement separation.

The Hero is not necessarily rich or famous. A Hero will find the love in his or her heart, and will carry that love everywhere he or she goes.

A Hero will seek out ways to help others, because the Hero’s journey is not about getting ahead, but about how to be of service and to contribute to making the world a better place.

A Hero’s heart does not buy into separation, but rather knows we are all equal, and need love, compassion, and acceptance to thrive. A Hero will risk looking a fool if it means it may save someone else.

You are the creator of your experience.

We all get to decide on a daily basis, regardless of where we’re going, where we live, or where we come from, how we want to show up in the world. We CAN shed our judgments  if we want to.

What are you going to be today? Are you going to be a Zero or a Hero?

I would love to here about your journeys, choices, and thoughts. Please leave your questions and comments for me here!

Here’s to your health, wellness, and vitality!

The Divine light within me, humbly bows to the Divine light within you 😉

xoxo Erin


Old Flings Bring Opportunities For New Patterns! July 12, 2011

It’s been exactly one week and three days since I arrived here in my hometown, Vero  Beach, FL. for my 3 1/2 week visit. I am here until July 26th. Then I head back to L.A., and take off to Sydney, Australia July 28th!

Each day here,  I wake up somewhere between 6 and 7 am, head out to the kitchen, and there I greet my dad and step-mom, and our little pug Winnie. We all pour some hot coffee, eat breakfast, and enjoy about an hour together before we all take off in different directions. It’s amazing.

I have been loving my bowl of raw, organic blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, and walnuts as of late. Yum!

After breakfast time I either head out for a 5 mile run, which includes  2 miles over the Barber Bridge and back, or I hit the gym. Some mornings I actually choose to take my hot coffee and sit down at my computer and begin to ponder what message I want to share with you next. I must admit…I LOVE to write 😉

Yesterday something interesting happened. I was connected with an old fling via text. We have a bit of history, as many of us do with people from our home towns! However, timing was never on our side and ultimately I moved on.

However, yesterday he invited me to workout with him and I said yes. After we made a plan to meet up, I just got to feeling funny in my tummy. Something felt off, out of alignment, not supportive of me and the space I want to keep myself living from. I decided to meditate on it for a while, and after an hour of deep breathing and silence, I came to a conclusion.

You see, even though I knew it was most likely just a friendly workout, I wasn’t certain why I wanted to go. I wasn’t able to trust that my intentions were pure. In fact, I decided that there really was no need to see him. I didn’t want to workout, because I had planned for yesterday to be my day off so my body could rest. Therefore, if I went, it was only because I wanted to see HIM, and that equals not good for ME.

I know a bit about what’s going on in his romantic life, so he’s not exactly available. Therefore, like I said, even though it was most likely just going to be a friendly workout, something inside me just didn’t want to go, and didn’t feel like it was the right thing to do.

I have been really clear about wanting to create healthy relationships and declaring to the Universe my expectations in a man.

I finally truly believe that I deserve only the best. I deserve a man who sees me, who appreciates everything about me, and who steps up to the plate and pursues me in a respectful, romantic way. If a man is showing up in my life in any other way than this, then I am must say no thank you (Unless of course we ARE just friends, which this old fling and I really are not, and never were JUST friends).

This is what I know, based on my life experiences:

When we decide to make a different choice than we have in the past, then at that moment we shift.  

If we are conscious about the choices we have made in the past and how they have affected our lives, and we want to create something that feels better than that, then we must be conscious of the choices we make today, and choose diefferently. We must choose only that which supports our optimal health and well-being and all that we feel we deserve.

I knew that working out with an old fling, was an old pattern. He didn’t come after me, he didn’t make a huge effort, in fact I am the one that made it easy for him to invite me. In the past, I have always made things easy for others, especially men. This is because I was too afraid they wouldn’t know I cared, or that I would lose them. Well, yesterday I reminded myself that whatever is mine cannot be lost. Whatever is meant for us, will come for us. So I made a different choice. I cancelled.

It felt hard to do, but a few hours later, and today, I have actually been energized by the choice I made.

Whenever we resist temptation, and instead, align with our highest good and the good of all, we get stronger and begin to feel empowered, guided, and carried.

I just wanted to remind you of the importance of your choices. Remember that your choices are the conversation you have with the Universe. Your choices WILL manifest. If you want to create something that feels better, something that is more in alignment with you, and a life that is lived authentically and with integrity, then make choices that support that. That’s what I did yesterday, and it sure does feel good.

For the record, I have no hard feelings against this old fling of mine. In fact I send him love and wish him well. I hope all his dreams come true and that he gets everything he has ever wanted. My choice not to see him yesterday had nothing to do with him. Nope, this wasn’t about him…it was about me.

The Divine Universe gave me an opportunity to align with temptation, or to align with my soul, and I got to choose.

I chose myself. I chose to align with my soul. This is a new pattern I am creating, and something I intend to stay committed to. It is an esteemable act and creates an esteemable life, and manifests the quality of life and love I deserve.

We all get opportunities on a daily basis, to align with temptation, or to align with our highest good. Neither choice is wrong, it’s just that one will feel better than the other. One may feel good short-term, and the other may be scary in the moment, but serve your life better long-term. You get to decide which is more important to you in the moment. That’s the beauty of it.

We GET to choose. We GET to create our lives, one choice, one thought, one action, one word, at a time.

I would love to hear what’s going on in those heads, hearts, and souls of yours. Leave me your questions and comments below if you are so inclined!

Here’s to your health, wellness, and vitality!

Love and Light to you my friends,

Erin xoxoxoxo


A Sacred Relationship Between Spirit And Body July 10, 2011

I was just watching this video I did on my YouTube Channel, and wanted to invite you to also take a look. I would love to have you explore this idea of being in relationship with your body. For me it has been a profound awakening and as a result I am able to be in partnership with my body. I help my body and my body helps me.

We have all heard the saying, “Your Body Is Your Temple.” Well, that’s what I am talking about here. For some of you, this may feel like a stretch, or difficult to wrap your head around, and if so that’s OK. All I am suggesting here, is to explore this concept and whether or not it has the power to transform the way you make choices in your life.

Please share your comments and questions with me here. I believe feedback and sharing are some of the greatest ways to learn and grow together.

Here’s To Your Health, Wellness, and Vitality!

xo Erin


Shifting Into Allowing Mode Back Home July 8, 2011

This is The Barber Bridge here in Vero Beach, FL. I run this bridge almost every morning when I'm here 🙂

Yes, I said SHIFTING into allowing mode! It’s funny, back in L.A. we tend to get moving so fast and go-go-go all the time, that when I come back to my hometown Vero Beach, FL, it’s like I literally have to start the down shift process from ACTION  into ALLOWING.

I arrived here on Sunday, July 3rd, and the down shifting began. Now it’s Friday, and I am finally feeling myself move slower both inside and outside. For me, it helps to actually visualize a light switch. The bottom says Action and the top says Allowing. I flip the switch upward in my mind, and then ALLOW my body and mind to begin to shift gears, down and down and down, until I am kicked back and relaxed:-)

How are you spending your summer thus far? Are you stuck in action mode, or are you ALLOWING all your hard work to work for you?

I have decided that I have worked so hard, right up to the last-minute before I left Los Angeles, that this trip, for me, was going to be about practicing trust, and allowing all the work I have put in thus far, to reveal its results to me. I am only doing that which feels good to me, and trusting that results are already in process.

Australia is getting closer and closer, and even though I am anxiously and eagerly awaiting my move to another country, I have also committed myself to staying present and in this moment right now. When we remain present, we get to enjoy all the gifts that are right in front of us. My grandmother is turning 90 next week, and getting this time with her is priceless. For her birthday, we are having a huge family reunion right here in Vero Beach!

Last night my father played the guitar and my step-mom and I sang to it. These are the gifts that are here for me, as a result of working hard and being of service to others. I am feeling really calm and grateful today. How bout you?

I would love to hear from you! Big hug!



Change Within To Change Without: Awareness Breeds Results June 28, 2011


Turn Your Dreams Into A Reality June 20, 2011

Hey guys. I am finally back to doing some filming and writing again! I have been so busy with training, coaching, packing, cleaning, and finding good homes for all my things, so it feels super good to be connecting with you right now 🙂

Man, what a transitional and TRANSFORMATIONAL process. I am so clear that my health and well-being are the reasons behind why I have the courage, energy, vision, and ability to follow my heart, intuition, and dreams, and I hope you know that works the same for you as well. When you live a FIT Life, nothing you really want is out of your reach.

Living with FIT Consciousness means that we remain aware of how our choices affect our bodies, our thoughts, our relationships, our work, our rest, our play, etc. Living a FIT Life means we are committed to becoming awake and fully present to the inner light and gifts we have within us.

As I take on the responsibility to step into my authentic power and to shine my light as bright as it goes, I hope you are doing the same!

Check out the most recent video I shot for my YouTube channel




Stop Worrying About The “How’s”

Yep...this is where I'm going!

Hey there! How are you? I hope you are well, or at least finding the willingness to rediscover your own optimal health and well-being. I remember when I wasn’t so healthy or so well, and until I became aware that I wasn’t happy as a result, and became willing to do whatever it took to change that, I remained stuck.

As most of you already know, I am about to move from Los Angeles,  CA to Sydney, Australia. I officially leave the U.S. on July 28th. I am getting very excited, and today I am feeling gratitude, as well as a real pull to share with you a few things I have learned as a result of my journeys.

First of all, whenever we want to make a change or to shift something in our lives, one of the first things that happens, is we start trying to figure out “HOW” things are going to work out the way we want them to. In my experience, this does nothing but get us focused on something we have no control over, and ultimately it makes us feel bad.

Since feeling bad is not in alignment with making positive change in our lives, than focusing on “how” things will shift for us, or on “how” the right outcomes will manifest, is not an option.

Instead, I find it much more useful to focus on the things we CAN do. As we commit to our intentions and goals, and then we show up for ourselves and for others each day, providing our own willingness to do whatever it takes to move closer to what we want, then Divine events begin to unfold for us.

Once the Universe sees our commitment and willingness, it is attracted to bringing us even more of what we want. Let the Universe figure out about the “how.” You just focus on the “what you can do” now’s and stay focused on, and allow yourself to be pulled by, what you want.

Another thing I have become hyper aware of, is the importance of acceptance and flexibility as our process unfolds. Things are going to change. They will hardly EVER look the way we think they should, and there will be many bumps in the road along the way that we didn’t expect. If we can embrace our process for exactly the way it is showing up in each moment, then it helps us move into acceptance of what is. When we can accept whatever is showing up, and can perceive it as all part of the master plan unfolding, then we gain flexibility and therefore we become free to allow the Universe to answer our prayers and intentions in the way it sees most fitting for us.

This requires the last and most important thing I have discovered and uncovered on my journeys, which is how much transitional periods require us to TRUST them, if we want them to transform us. 

For me, turning things over and choosing to TRUST, is a profound tool I use and put into practice on a daily basis, this idea of trusting in a power greater than myself to carry me through, when I don’t think I can go any further.

I think we all too often get discouraged and tend to even move into intense fear, when things don’t appear to be unfolding in a way that will result in the outcome we really want. However, in my experience, if we TRUST that our intentions ARE unfolding in a way that will produce equal or even BETTER results than what you think you want, than that is exactly what happens! It feels like magic…and well…it kinda is 🙂

So that is where I am currently at in my process, and these are the insights that have come to me to help me through this transitional period, and thus made this transition absolutely TRANSFORMATIONAL!

I would love to hear from you about what’s going on with you and the Divine events unfolding in your life as well. Here’s to your health, wellness, abundance, peace, prosperity, and vitality!

Lots of Radiant Love,



Finding Your Inner Smile June 8, 2011

That’s Me:) first time dressing up for Halloween!

As I prepare to move to Australia, I am sorting through many boxes, closets, and drawers. There is much to toss out, pack, sell, and give away, and there is also so much to acknowledge and keep with me forever.

Last weekend, my mom was going through old pictures, and she began to share with me, all sorts of pictures of me as a baby and young child. I looked at pictures of me as an infant, and all through the years until about 4 years old or so. This process has been very healing for me.

I encourage you to get your hands on some baby and young child photos of yourself. I believe this is very powerful, to take another look at ourselves from a different perspective.

It has been used by counselors, therapists, life coaches, etc, this idea of speaking to our inner child, and healing our inner child. I must agree that this IS very helpful, or at least it has been for me.

However, what I am also finding is my inner smile.

As I looked back at myself, so young, so innocent, so trusting, curious, and absolutely open to love and the Universe, it reminded me of who and what I really am. Before we get let down or disappointed for the first time, or before we learn fear and scarcity and form limiting beliefs, and before we begin to judge ourselves and hate on ourselves, there is something so beautiful about our existence. I was absolutely adorable, beautiful, glowing, and such a little scrumptious munchkin (sorry to brag:)

Seriously, I think I fell in love with myself, and not in an ego way, but in a real healing to the core kind of way. When I look in the mirror now I see that little girl. I see her big smile from ear to ear, her little freckles, the way she looks at her parents in awe, the way she is amused by a water hose, the way she finds pleasure in playing with a plant, or the way she sits in her little chair with a book almost bigger than her, to read before she knows how.

That is what I see now when I look in the mirror. I can feel her inside of me, and all she wants from me is to be acknowledged. She wants to play, and she wants to know that she is safe. She is my inner smile.

I think so many of us begin to abandon ourselves not long after the age of 5 years old. The world has its way with us, and we become conditioned to believe we are being punished because there is something wrong with us. We get judged, compared to others, and then we begin to take on these qualities and become our own worst critique. We walk around wishing others could see us, longing for them to love us and appreciate us, and dying inside from loneliness, feeling separate, different, and less than.

What I have become aware of, is that it is not other people who can make us feel better. No. When we feel less than, or afraid, or jealous, or frustrated because we don’t think we are good enough, this is actually the little child, asking us to come inside and play. What is happening, is our inner smile wants to be found, so our inner child wants to be seen by us. It is not others who need to “see” us, but rather we need to see ourselves for who and what we really are, not what we have been conditioned to believe about ourselves.

I recognize that all I have to do, is to promise that cute little 2-year-old girl, that I will never abandon her again. For her sake, I take responsibility for the way I feel and instead of judging myself harshly or comparing myself to others, which is a form of self abandonment, I go to my little girl instead and together we find my inner smile.

I ask her what she wants, what she needs, and I assure her that she is safe, loved, and enough. When I do this, I begin to feel her settle down, and all those feelings I was having seem to wash away.

Just like the boxes, drawers, and closets I am sorting through. I sort through my beliefs, memories, and the stories I have been telling myself my entire life. In an effort to move to my inner smile, I toss out and give away what is holding me where I currently am, and I pack and keep with me, that which is worth taking with me on my journey.

I am tossing out shame, guilt, comparing, and self-loathing. I am selling self-will and limited thinking to anyone who thinks its worth anything, and I am keeping self-love, trust, and acknowledgment of who and what I really am.

Yep, me again, and Dad’s pointing the way to my inner smile:)

As for my inner smile…now that I’ve found mine, I am now able to show up and be of service to others. When we heal and find the grace within, then we are finally ready to give from a place of overflow. There is always more than enough inner smile to go around for everyone!

Smiling from within…

Erin 🙂


A Simple Truth About Why I Do What I Do May 28, 2011

Today I had coffee with a new friend, that found me through my blog.  He is doing research for a book he is writing on the mind/body connection and how it can have a profound effect on diseases in the body and our ability or inability to heal from them.

He contacted me because he came across an article I wrote about Primary and Secondary Food, and he wants to use me in his book as a result.

I have actually written many articles on this topic, several right here on this blog of course, and then also for other sites and publications.

Here are a few resources to them below, so if you haven’t been following along, you understand what I mean by Primary and Secondary Food:

Feeding Your Whole Being: Reach Optimal Health And Well-Being With Primary and Secondary Food

What’s Feeding You?

How To end The Cycle Of  Dieting

This friend and I, talked a lot about how the mind can affect the body. This really brought me the inspiration for this article I am writing now.

I want to be very clear about something. I am a Health and Lifestyle Empowerment Coach, as well as a Personal Trainer. I do not do these things to focus on getting people, or myself to “look” better as the primary purpose for changing old habits and replacing them with new ones. My primary purpose for doing what I do and living the way I live is to facilitate HEALING. I mean healing on every level: mind, body, and spirit.

Looking better is a by-product of healing. There are plenty of trainers and nutritionists out there who are perfectly happy with just focusing on the aesthetic part of you, and there are plenty of you who only care about the aesthetic part anyway. I however, am not interested in the aesthetic part of the human body, as a primary focus for eating right and exercising. I am more concerned with helping my clients heal, on every level, so that they can enjoy a fruitful life and optimal health and well-being.

Yes, the mind, body, and spirit, are all interconnected and they each effect each other. True transformation occurs, when we take a look at the WHOLE being, meaning all three of these areas. We must take a look at the WHOLE life and the WHOLE being, and from there I am able to help my clients identify the areas that are in need of their attention.

I have done the fitness competitions and the figure contests, and I have pretty much won them all.

I have been voted Best Looking, Prom Princess, Front and Center Cheerleader, Homecoming Court, Student Council, Class Vice President, Modeled in Fitness, been on TV, trained celebrities, blah, blah, etc.

I am here to tell you, that none of those things ever healed me or made me feel ok long-term. They were very temporary experiences of outside validation, and yes they were great…in the moment. Then the moment passed…as it always does and will. What I had to become aware of , was the deep longing beneath it all, that I had, to feel like I was loved and accepted and a part of something important in the world.

No award will ever bring us inner acceptance, inner peace and joy, self-love, and self-respect. No school can ever vote us “Worthy” in our own minds. These prizes such as feeling worthy, loving ourselves truly, and having compassion for ourselves and others, are an inside job, and come from taking a look at the WHOLE being and the WHOLE life, and working both from the outside in AND the inside out to heal on every level.

What I wish for you, and my clients, is to find what I have found. I now have a level of inner peace I never had before. No matter what is happening in my circumstances, I am always happy about who and what I am. I may be 5 pounds up or feeling low in energy one week, but I never forget to love myself before I do anything else. Today I do not abandon myself, and as a result, I get to live a life I love, in a body I love too. ( But of course, I am always a work in progress:)

I am looking forward to working more closely with my new friend, and contributing what I can to his masterpiece. It is a gift to cross paths with others out there, making a difference in the lives of others, just by sharing their experience, strength, and hope. For this I am grateful, and because of what I have been given…I go out into the world each day to pay it forward.

I hope you are loving yourselves, being gentle with yourselves, and opting to turn within for guidance, answers, and healing.

Thanks for being here with me today. Sending you so much love and light.




Living The FIT Life May 22, 2011

Fitness is not something we seek, but it's a path we choose to live.

Happy Wednesday!

We have all heard the saying “living the good life” right? Well, I don’t know exactly what that means, but I do know what “Living the FIT life” means.

To live a life with optimal health and well-being, it requires a fit mind, body, and spirit right? Therefore, living the FIT life means we are living a life that feels fit in every single way, physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and financially. In my experience, a really great place to start is with our bodies and health. It is much easier to stay mentally, emotionally, spiritually and financially FIT, when we are feeling physically healthy and fit. In fact it’s pretty much impossible to get more physically fit, without also feeling more joyful, peaceful, abundant, connected, and inspired.

I am aware of how much extra energy and fitness is required of me lately. Whenever we are expanding, reaching outside our comfort zone, and stepping into new power, it requires us to have a greater and deeper amount of strength to endure the new level of intense change. If we are not strong enough for the change we seek, we will most likely not be able to go the distance.

My clients often share with me, how much stronger they feel in their bodies, and how much stronger that makes them feel when they are out in the world, in business meetings, at home with their lover or partner, and in decision making moments.

Living a FIT life means we get to have the strength we need to follow our dreams, walk through our fears, and to exercise our potential. We get to live authentically and do the things that are in alignment with who we really are. To do these things takes courage; strength; mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical fitness; and the willingness to do whatever it take to walk the path of the FIT One.

Choosing to move to Australia is turning out to be a very profitable choice, offering me many gifts. I have been faced with opportunities, possibilities, my fears, and the obstacle of having a million more things to accomplish before I leave, in a very short amount of time.

I am totally aware and in complete gratitude for my level of fitness. You see, if I didn’t live the FIT life, there is no way I could have accomplished half the things I have in my life, and I most certainly would not have the strength to move countries. Today, I get to live a life that I wouldn’t trade for anything. When I experience fear, I have the strength to move through it, and when I see and feel my dreams and possibilities, I have the courage to move toward them.

This is because I love my body. I feed it foods that nurture it rather than abuse it. I think thoughts that serve me rather than hurt me. I shift those negative conversations in my head to more positive ones. I remain willing to always see things differently, and to always feel better about my current situation. I exercise regularly, I listen to my body, and I never stray too far from the FIT path, no matter what.

When you are on the path of living a FIT life, you do not feel deprived, you feel alive. You do not feel lack, you feel abundant. You will never feel like failure is an option, because when you are fit, you know you can do anything, and you will have the strength to get through whatever you have to get through, in order to feel more joy, more peace, and more deep connection and fulfillment in your life.

So, if you aren’t already walking this path, I hope you’ll join me now 🙂




Letting Go Of Attachment: The Key To Optimal Health, Well-Being, and Freedom May 18, 2011

So obviously when one decides to move countries, there is a letting go process that begins to happen. There is also a point at which I have become super aware to all the attachments I have to things, people, places, ideas, patterns, habits, etc, that I wasn’t even aware of!

As someone who is on a path, seeking freedom, abundance, optimal health and well-being, connection, love, and oneness, I am waking up to certain things along the way as a result. As I begin to allow my mind to expand, and I play with new ideas and step outside my comfort zone more and more, I get to find out that I am not so dependent on those “attachments” as I once thought I was. Instead, I am finding that it is really freeing to be able to let go of our attachments and find true freedom within instead.

True freedom comes when we can love who we are, feel connected, have a sense of inner peace and joy, know that we are provided for, that we are safe and secure, abundant, sexy, and living on purpose, no matter where we are, who we are with, and no matter what is going on around us.

When we hang on too tightly to old ideas, things, and limited beliefs, these attachments can ultimately hold us back from living our best life as our best self.

Here’s a video I did for you on this exact topic. I hope you dig it! 🙂

Sending you light, love, and blessings!




Transformation: How To Keep Going When The Going Gets Tough

Hello my dear friends. I know I haven’t been posting as much as I usually do, and it breaks my heart. There is just SO much required of me right now, as my big move to Australia gets closer.

Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about you, and I think about you every day! I will be posting as much as this one woman show possibly can until I leave, and then once I get there…look out! I have all sorts of amazing pieces I want to put together to share with you from over there:)

This video below, is about my experience and perception on how to keep moving through our transformation, even on those days that just feel like we can’t keep going. You know those days?

It’s going to be super important that we all find the inner strength to keep going no matter what, because we have some pretty intense years ahead of us energy wise. It is all good though. The planet, and the collective consciousness is finding a more healthy, more authentic, and more humble, more sustainable place to be, and therefore most of us will find ourselves being confronted with our deepest secrets, wounds, dreams, visions, truths, and we will also have an awareness of the urgency around clearing old energy and patterns and limited thinking, so we can live at a higher consciousness. Ultimately, we are heading toward more freedom, happiness, joy, peace, connection, love, abundance, health and well-being, and Oneness:)

The Universe is really not tolerating anyone who wants to stay and play small anymore. Now is the time to step into our authentic power, and to claim our truth and dreams, because the Universe is in full support mode and it’s going to favor anyone who aligns themselves with their innermost truth. Now is not the time to procrastinate.

These are super exciting times!

Ok, remember, we all have those days, when we wonder if we can ally complete the mission…but WE CAN. Never forget that. This is for you…

I love you,

Erin 😉



Moving Through Fear, Moving Toward Life May 7, 2011

Hey there. WOW! I must say, getting ready to movie countries has certainly come baring many gifts. I am receiving this awareness about how to walk through fears, feel more of my deeply hidden feelings, and how to find true freedom within, by letting go of so many attachments. I am also so clear about the importance of living a FIT Life.

To be healthy, strong, and nourished, makes BIG decisions and change so much easier and more possible for us to follow through on. I am so grateful for my life, my fitness, and for the opportunities and possibilities that are awaiting us all. Being mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically fit, is a result of having a daily practice that confirms we choose this path.

Whether it’s a workout, a healthy meal filled with live nutrients, a meditation, a prayer, a blog post, a run, a night out on the town with friends, etc, we are choosing to live a life that is healthy and balanced and fulfilled in every way. Here’s to living a FIT Life, and walking through the fears that try to stop us. I hope you’ll enjoy this video I did on Moving Through Fear, So We Can Move Toward A Fuller Life 🙂 xoxo- Erin


Be Committed, Prepared, Successful, and Happy :) May 3, 2011

Hey there! How are you? Things over here have been super busy! I am so grateful though, for you, the gifts in my life, and that we GET to choose the kind of person we want to be and life we want to live. If we fully commit to what we want, things will begin to fall into place for us. Here’s a quick video I did on commitment, discipline, and preparation 🙂 Enjoy!

xoxo, Erin


What IF!!! Fear Is Not An Option April 22, 2011

“We Are Only As Free As The Fears We Release”
-Erin Lanahan
Over the last couple days, I have been confronted with a pretty big decision for my life. For those of you who do not know this already, my mother is Australian, which makes me half Australian, and thus I am a dual citizen, one of the United States of American and one of Australia.

My mother’s family remained in Australia after she married my American father and left to come raise her children here in the U.S. All I ever knew of my Australian heritage growing up, was that I had far off relatives, that I may or may not ever come to know.

I cannot begin to explain to you how this feels, to know you are a part of something that you do not feel a part of.

I am realizing, that I have been longing to know this part of myself more than I was ever conscious of until now.

Over the last 7 years, my cousin Donna, has come to visit us here in Los Angeles several times. It’s always a very healing experience for us all, and by healing I do not necessarily mean easy. Her second visit, which was in May of 2009, felt like a disaster to us at first. All of a sudden we found ourselves confronted, looking into the big fat mirrors we were for one another, that painfully revealed to us, where we each stood in our own lives. It was not a pretty sight.  We all were a mess, and we feared for ourselves and each other.  Each of us were being run by our own addictions and emotional baggage, that had yet been resolved within us.

Family plays a major role in the way we see ourselves. Intimate relationships in our lives act like big mirrors, and those relationships reflect back to us, our inner demons and fears, inner beauty, inner wounds and traumas, and our inner strengths and hopes.

These are the people that we have the potential to become our best selves with, if we are willing to do the work, and if we are willing to decide that fear is NOT an option.

I have always wondered about Australia. I have always wanted to feel a connection to it, but there was so much inside of me that I had to work through, before I could release the past enough to make room for a new perspective.

After my cousin’s trip in 2009, we ALL began to “do the work.” We all began to heal.

We confronted our demons, addictions, emotional baggage, fears, wounds, and embraced our hopes, dreams, strengths, passions, and commitment to staying connected and becoming our best selves.

Donna returned to Los Angeles in March of 2011, and she left yesterday, April 21, 2011. I am dedicating this article to her, because she has helped me reconnect to my roots. Our relationship has shown me even more about who I am and what I am capable of. She has inspired me to recommit to the choice that fear is NOT an option. Our trip together, as a family, this time was incredible in ways that words will never be able to justify.

Thank you Donna…I love you.

So I am left here in Los Angeles, confronted with that big decision I told you about as I began this article. Is it time for me to depart the U.S. for a while and come to know Australia? Is it time for me to wake up from fear, completely, so that I may know life in a different way? Is it time to let go of what I fear I’ll leave behind, and instead focus on what I will always carry with me no matter where I am? Is it finally my time, to become a citizen of the world?

Many fears come up when faced with a decision like this. What if I leave and everything here that I’ve worked so hard to build is lost forever? What if my soul mate is here and I miss out on the opportunity to be with him? What if I miss out on having a family of my own? What if I won’t be as successful there as I could be here? What if I am making a mistake?

As these questions make themselves known, I consciously recognize that they are not me. Fear is not my truth, and it is but a program that was downloaded long ago.

I am waking up from fear. It is NOT an option, and I am stepping into the reality that we are all children of the Universe.

The world is our home, our family,  and I am ready to take the next step in my life towards expanding upon that which I already know, to embrace the unknown. This awareness is transforming What If?  into WHAT IF!!!

WHAT IF!!! there is man in Australia, that I connect with beyond my wildest dreams. WHAT IF!!! I feel more at home there than I do here in the U.S.? WHAT IF!!! this opens my valve in a way that helps me receive the level of freedom I long for to be a citizen of the world? WHAT IF!!! I find a piece of myself in my history there, that I may have never come to know if I stayed here? WHAT IF!!!

Are you confronting any big decisions, or even small decisions, that are bringing up questions, doubts, and fear in you? We all experience this, but the important part is that we recognize it, bring consciousness and light to it, and then align with the truth. What is your truth?

WHAT IF!!! fear is not an option? 🙂

My truth, is that I will never miss out on anything if I align with my Soul instead of fear. My truth is that I am FREE to make decisions because they feel good, and I don’t need to worry about the rest…because fear is NOT an option. My truth reminds me, that I am always being taken care of, that all my dreams can come true no matter where I am, and that all I have to do is follow my heart and remain authentic in my life. That’s my truth.

Please share your truth, your questions, comments, and experiences with me here. I love hearing from you and connecting with you as we travel this road together.

Thank you.




Get HOT For Summer! $225 OFF. April 14, 2011

Get HOT For Summer! $225 OFF. Offer ends 30 April 2011

Hey guys…Hot Summer offer for all Tiny Buddha members, followers, and fans! If you aren’t one now, you can become one here.

NEW L.A. CLIENTS ONLY: Get $225 OFF your first month of Personal Training!

NEW U.S. CLIENTS: Get $100 off your first month of Health and Nutrition Coaching! Reach Optimal Health, Energy, and Overall Well-Being.

Get Happy, Healthy, and Hot now!

Be quick, limited offer ends April 30th. Contact me today!

Erin Lanahan

Thank You!

Yes…this is me, and this offer is for YOU:)



Healthy, Happy, HOT: In That Order April 7, 2011

Here’s just a little something I shot for you after having a killer workout at UCLA stadiums and track. Have you ever noticed that some people just glow, almost as if they are so beautiful on the inside, that it makes them look better on the outside? You know that person who is so healthy and so happy, full of so much joy and light, they just light up every room they enter? This is because true HOTness, is an inside job. Just because someone is HOT, doesn’t mean they are Healthy and Happy, and most likely they do not glow like someone who is healthy and happy. Healthy, happy energy is just infectious and contagious!

When we are healthy, we feel more happy, and when we are healthy and happy…we just look and feel HOT!

Your thoughts?

Take a look…

Here’s To Your 3 H’s…in that order:)

xo Erin


Part 4- Tools For The UNmotivated: Follow It Through

Alright you guys. Here is Part 4! This is the final tool out of the 4-part video I promised you I would deliver. Once again, I cannot say this enough, that these are truly some of the best tools one can possibly have when staying on a path that leads to Optimal health, happiness, and hotness. I’m just say’n. The rest is in your hands!


If you are local, and want to get that rock’n body you dream about, contact me at to find out all the training and coaching opportunities with me that are currently available for you. We can create a program especially for your needs, that is based on achieving more energy, vitality, strength, satisfaction and joy in your life, and overall hotness 😉

Also, if you are NOT local, I am also available for telephone coaching where we focus for 1 hour a week on shifting your bad habits, patterns, and empowering you to make the choices and changes necessary to give you more energy, health, happiness, and hotness!

Ok, here’s Part 4. Take a look…

Cheering For You,



Where There Is Temptation, There Is Opportunity To Conquer

We all come face to face with Temptation at least once a day. However, I’m gonna guess that most of us come face to face with it multiple times a day and sometimes multiple times in an hour, depending on what we are currently going through in our lives.

As a Health Coach, and Trainer, and someone who not only practices living a life with optimal health and well-being, but who teaches her clients to do the same…I KNOW temptation well! Temptation is actually not the monster you may have thought it was up to this point.

In fact, where there is temptation, there is opportunity. Opportunity to align with your highest good, opportunity to conquer what’s in the way of creating the life your heart desires, opportunity to say no to what you don’t want in order to create space for what you DO want, and opportunity to choose what kind of person you want to be and what kind of body and life you want to create! YES…Temptation brings Opportunity.

Every time we face temptation, and we make a conscious choice to align with the Soul, which is the decision that serves our highest good and therefore everyone else’s, WE GAIN MORE AUTHENTIC POWER. We will feel energized, full of light, super happy and joyful, blissful, creative, in love with everything, and absolutely fulfilled. On the flip side, when we do not align with soul, and choose something else…we will lose authentic power and begin to feel weaker, more tired, and less capable.

What do you do in the face of temptation? When you are tempted to choose fear and doubt, to call a certain someone you know isn’t good for you, to eat a poor quality meal, or engage in an activity that will ultimately leave you worse off than you are to begin with, you are actually RECEIVING the opportunity to declare something different for yourself and your life. You are at a crossroads, and you GET to choose. The choices we make are the way in which we converse with the Universe. What we choose to align with tells the Universe our level of willingness to do our part. Therefore, we either give it permission to help us, or we block it from helping us, and create more mess for ourselves in the future.

Having this knowledge helps me many times throughout each day. Instead of reaching out to “that guy” …I don’t. Instead of eating a pizza, I choose something more healthy. When I run into temptation, which is my opportunity to speak to the Universe through my choices, I now KNOW how important it is that I be very clear that I WANT a life full of beautiful relationships with people who love me, support me, respect me, and want to be involved with me. Through my choices, I tell the Universe that I want a lean, sexy, beautiful, healthy, vibrant body, smile, and energy. I tell the Universe that I AM willing to do whatever it takes to be the best version of myself, and to therefore contribute to a happier and healthier world just by shining my own light.

How clear are you being with the Universe? Are your choices in alignment with what you are wanting it to help you with? You have got to do your part. Are you willing???

I would love to hear from you!

